Net/web media

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Social net.

See also Chat, Platforms


See also Digital literacy

  • - a form of interaction in email and other modes of online communication consisting of cut and pasted passages of text followed by commentary focussed specifically on the excerpted passage. The term was introduced by cognitive scientist Stevan Harnad, who sees it as a significant development in communication because it restores "the real-time interactivity of the oral tradition" to written text. For Harnad, the most important features of quote/commentary are: its ability to iterate and embed to any depth, which provides a new dimension to hyperlinking, its publicly visible and accessible nature; interaction in electronic discussions such as those found in electronic mailing lists, online forums, and usenet puts the author in potential dialogue with anyone who reads the text.
  • - derived from the idea that texts can be written in the "sky" (via multiple email and a web archive) for all to see ("skyreading") and all to add their own comments to ("skywriting"). After the property of being online and read/writable by all, the most important property of Scholarly Skywriting is "quote/commentary"
  • - is scholarly skywriting done in a teaching/learning context. The idea is to deepen students' interaction with texts by not only having them read them and do essays on them, but also to do interactive quote/commentary on them. "Skyreadings" are posted on the course website and the students' assignment is to quote/comment them, and then also to quote/comment one another's comments. The instructor participates as well.

  • - the practice of using networked computers to maintain a real-time online conversation alongside the primary group activity or live spoken remarks. The term was coined in the field of linguistics to describe listeners' behaviours during verbal communication. The term "backchannel" generally refers to online conversation about the conference topic or speaker. Occasionally backchannel provides audience members a chance to fact-check the presentation.
  • - involves the use of a computing device (commonly a mobile device, such as a tablet or smartphone) to provide an enhanced viewing experience for content on another device, such as a television. In particular, the term commonly refers to the use of such devices to provide interactive features during broadcast content, such as a television program, especially social media postings on social networking platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter. The use of a second screen supports social television and generates an online conversation around the specific content.

  • - Cybertext is based on the idea that getting to the message is just as important as the message itself. In order to obtain the message work on the part of the user is required. This may also be referred to as nontrivial work on the part of the user. In Aarseth’s work, cybertext denotes the general set of text machines which, operated by readers, yield different texts for reading.

(Mark Deuze, 2011)

    • "The settings of the films in cyberpunk, literalizes the chaotic nature of thenarrative world. The scenery establishes a discordant whole through the juxtaposition of contradicting fragments that are bound together with anaesthetic of decay which is a result of the over-saturation of spaces throughtechnological infrastructures. As opposed to the postmodern sceneries of cyberpunk, the settings in postcyberpunk have a modern style whichvisualizes a clean sense of geometry that implicates the welfare and sanity. Within this purified spaces, technology becomes invisible."


  • Newspapers and Thinking the Unthinkable, Clay Shirky - “When a 14 year old kid can blow up your business in his spare time, not because he hates you but because he loves you, then you got a problem.”

  • - a mixed discipline between design and information-development which is concerned with how media intermission such as printed, crafted, electronic media or presentations communicate with people. A communication design approach is not only concerned with developing the message aside from the aesthetics in media, but also with creating new media channels to ensure the message reaches the target audience. Some designers use graphic design and communication design interchangeably due to overlapping skills. Communication design can also refer to a systems-based approach, in which the totality of media and messages within a culture or organization are designed as a single integrated process rather than a series of discrete efforts. This is done through communication channels that aim to inform and attract the attention of the people you are focusing your skills on.


See Network, etc.


axial hypertexts are the most simple in structure. They are situated along an axis in a linear style. These hypertexts have a straight path from beginning to end and are fairly easy for the reader to follow. An example of an axial hypertext is The Virtual Disappearance of Miriam.

arborescent hypertexts are more complex than the axial form. They have a branching structure which resembles a tree. These hypertexts have one beginning but many possible endings. The ending that the reader finishes on depends on their decisions whilst reading the text. This is much like the Goosebumps novels that allow readers to choose their own ending.

networked hypertexts are more complex still than the two previous forms of hypertext. They consist of an interconnected system of nodes with no dominant axis of orientation. Unlike the aborescent form, nextworked hypertexts do not have any designated beginning or any designated endings. An example of a networked hypertext is Shelley Jackson's Patchwork Girl.


See also HTTP, HTML/CSS, WebDev

  • Open Web Platform is the collection of open (royalty-free) technologies which enables the Web. Using the Open Web Platform, everyone has the right to implement a software component of the Web without requiring any approvals or waiving license fees.
  • What is the Open Web?

a scheme displaying objects’ relative position; but unlike real maps (e.g. the map of the Earth) or virtual maps (e.g. the map of Mordor), the objects shown on it are not aligned on a surface. Mathematically speaking, The Internet map is a bi-dimensional presentation of links between websites on the Internet. Every site is a circle on the map, and its size is determined by website traffic, the larger the amount of traffic, the bigger the circle. Users’ switching between websites forms links, and the stronger the link, the closer the websites tend to arrange themselves to each other.

Digital divide




  • ACOTA (Automatic Collaborative Tagging). It is a Java-based library for suggesting tags in a collaborative and automatic way. It is based on the use of folksonomies to manage the tags and provide advanced services of automatic learning, reasoning, etc.

Data ownership


See Open web#Identity




See also Encrypted, Security







"All the top comments are just what people wrote about this on their google+ account. It's just like reading the "about" section over and over again."


See also E-mail#Anti-spam


to sort

Plectrums, cut up store cards and plastic packaging work well as replacement spudgers.








Stackoverflow etc.



Google Moderator

Structured debate



See WordPress, Platforms




  • Syte is a really simple but powerful packaged personal site that has social integrations like Twitter, GitHub, Dribbble, Instagram, Foursquare, Tumblr, Wordpress,, SoundCloud, Bitbucket, StackOverflow, Flickr and Steam. svtle clone




See also Twitter

Social bookmarking

See also Organisation#Knowledge

And related information management. From just links, to snippets and citations with a multiformat tumblog/microblog format etc. Flows into newer social news.


See Comms#Metadata




  • Shaarli is a minimalist delicious clone you can install on your own website. It is designed to be personal (single-user), fast and handy. [35]
  • Zotero is a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share your research sources.

Social news

See also social web



later became mixed with the 'short-form' of social bookmarking


See also Open social#Feeds / Activity

  • Managing News is a Drupal based robust news and data aggregation engine with pluggable visualization and workflow tools.
  • Telescope is an open-source social news app (think Hacker News or Reddit) built with Meteor, a real-time Javascript framework.
  • POSSE is an acronym/abbreviation for Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere. It's a Syndication Model where the flow involves posting your content on your own domain first, then syndicating out copies to 3rd party services with perma(short)links back to the original version.

POSSE lets your friends keep using whatever silo aggregator (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) they've been using to read your stuff.

  • Gregarius is a Web-based RSS/RDF/ATOM news aggregator featuring OPML import/export, XHTML/CSS output and an AJAX-based item tagging system



Hacker News



wget -O - | less



Collaborative documentation

See Wiki, Document


  • Infinote protocol provides real-time collaborative editing of documents with the main focus being on collaborative plain text editing. In the meanwhile there are quite a few solutions out there, but all of them implement a different protocol and thus cannot be used with other tools. Our goal is to provide a flexible yet powerful open framework and clients for various environments that can interoperate with each other.


  • Gobby is a free collaborative editor supporting multiple documents in one session and a multi-user chat. It runs on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and other Unix-like platforms.






See *nix#TTY_.2F_console

Communication stacks

See also Platforms, Stack and Distros



Social services

See also Twitter, Facebook, Chat, Platforms

  • Topsy - Search and Analyze the Social Web.
  • hootsuite - social media dashboard to manage and measure your social networks
  • buffer - Be awesome on social media. Easily add great articles, pictures and videos to your Buffer and we automagically share them for you through the day!




