Net/web media

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Hypermedia, network effects, etc.

See also Chat, Forums, Web platforms, Open social, Organisation, Digital literacy

  • YouTube: McLuhan's Tetrad - how it can be used to examine media as they progress through history

  • WP: Online_and_offline - The terms "online" and "offline" have specific meanings in regard to computer technology and telecommunications in which "online" indicates a state of connectivity, while "offline" indicates a disconnected state. Common vernacular extended from their computing and telecommunication meanings and refers specifically to an Internet connection. Lastly, in the area of human interaction and conversation, discussions taking place during a business meeting are "online", while issues that do not concern all participants of the meeting should be "taken offline"—continued outside of the meeting.

  • WP: Community_network - a computer-based system that is intended to help support (usually geographical) communities by supporting, augmenting, and extending already existing social networks, by using networking technologies by, and for, a community.Free-nets and civic networks indicate roughly the same range of online projects and services, usually focused on bulletin board systems and online information, but sometimes also providing a means of network access directly to the Internet or other networks; whereas community technology centers (CTCs) and telecentres generally indicate a physical facility to compensate for lack of access to information and communication technologies (ICTs).
  • WP: Free-net - was originally a computer system or network that provided public access to digital resources and community information, including personal communications, through modem dialup via the public switched telephone network. The concept originated in the health sciences to provide online help for medical patients. With the development of the Internet free-net systems became the first to offer limited Internet access to the general public to support the non-profit community work. The Cleveland Free-Net (, founded in 1986, was the pioneering community network of this kind in the world. Any person with a personal computer, or through access from public terminal in libraries, could register for accounts on a free-net, and was assigned an email address. Other services often included Usenet newsgroups, chat rooms, IRC, telnet, and archives of community information, delivered either with text-based Gopher software or later the World-Wide Web.

  • WP: Quote/commentary - a form of interaction in email and other modes of online communication consisting of cut and pasted passages of text followed by commentary focussed specifically on the excerpted passage. The term was introduced by cognitive scientist Stevan Harnad, who sees it as a significant development in communication because it restores "the real-time interactivity of the oral tradition" to written text. For Harnad, the most important features of quote/commentary are: its ability to iterate and embed to any depth, which provides a new dimension to hyperlinking, its publicly visible and accessible nature; interaction in electronic discussions such as those found in electronic mailing lists, online forums, and usenet puts the author in potential dialogue with anyone who reads the text.
  • WP: Scholarly_skywriting - derived from the idea that texts can be written in the "sky" (via multiple email and a web archive) for all to see ("skyreading") and all to add their own comments to ("skywriting"). After the property of being online and read/writable by all, the most important property of Scholarly Skywriting is "quote/commentary"
  • WP: Student_skywriting - is scholarly skywriting done in a teaching/learning context. The idea is to deepen students' interaction with texts by not only having them read them and do essays on them, but also to do interactive quote/commentary on them. "Skyreadings" are posted on the course website and the students' assignment is to quote/comment them, and then also to quote/comment one another's comments. The instructor participates as well.

  • WP: Backchannel - the practice of using networked computers to maintain a real-time online conversation alongside the primary group activity or live spoken remarks. The term was coined in the field of linguistics to describe listeners' behaviours during verbal communication. The term "backchannel" generally refers to online conversation about the conference topic or speaker. Occasionally backchannel provides audience members a chance to fact-check the presentation.
  • WP: Second_screen - involves the use of a computing device (commonly a mobile device, such as a tablet or smartphone) to provide an enhanced viewing experience for content on another device, such as a television. In particular, the term commonly refers to the use of such devices to provide interactive features during broadcast content, such as a television program, especially social media postings on social networking platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter. The use of a second screen supports social television and generates an online conversation around the specific content.

  • WP: Cybertext - Cybertext is based on the idea that getting to the message is just as important as the message itself. In order to obtain the message work on the part of the user is required. This may also be referred to as nontrivial work on the part of the user. In Aarseth’s work, cybertext denotes the general set of text machines which, operated by readers, yield different texts for reading.

(Mark Deuze, 2011)

    • "The settings of the films in cyberpunk, literalizes the chaotic nature of thenarrative world. The scenery establishes a discordant whole through the juxtaposition of contradicting fragments that are bound together with anaesthetic of decay which is a result of the over-saturation of spaces throughtechnological infrastructures. As opposed to the postmodern sceneries of cyberpunk, the settings in postcyberpunk have a modern style whichvisualizes a clean sense of geometry that implicates the welfare and sanity. Within this purified spaces, technology becomes invisible."


  • Newspapers and Thinking the Unthinkable, Clay Shirky - “When a 14 year old kid can blow up your business in his spare time, not because he hates you but because he loves you, then you got a problem.”

  • WP: Communication_design - a mixed discipline between design and information-development which is concerned with how media intermission such as printed, crafted, electronic media or presentations communicate with people. A communication design approach is not only concerned with developing the message aside from the aesthetics in media, but also with creating new media channels to ensure the message reaches the target audience. Some designers use graphic design and communication design interchangeably due to overlapping skills. Communication design can also refer to a systems-based approach, in which the totality of media and messages within a culture or organization are designed as a single integrated process rather than a series of discrete efforts. This is done through communication channels that aim to inform and attract the attention of the people you are focusing your skills on.

  • Institute of Network Cultures - analyzes and shapes the terrain of network cultures through events, publications, and online dialogue. Our projects evolve around urgent publishing, alternative revenue models, critical design and making, digital counter culture and much more.

  • WP: Hyperconnectivity - a term invented by Canadian social scientists Anabel Quan-Haase and Barry Wellman, arising from their studies of person-to-person and person-to-machine communication in networked organizations and networked societies. The term refers to the use of multiple means of communication, such as email, instant messaging, telephone, face-to-face contact and Web 2.0 information services. Hyperconnectivity is also a trend in computer networking in which all things that can or should communicate through the network will communicate through the network. This encompasses person-to-person, person-to-machine and machine-to-machine communication. The trend is fueling large increases in bandwidth demand and changes in communications because of the complexity, diversity and integration of new applications and devices using the network.

  • WP: Web_literacy - comprises the skills and competencies needed for reading, writing and participating on the web. It has been described as "both content and activity" – i.e., web users should not just learn about the web but also about how to make their own website.

  • Going doorless
  • Doorless App Ring - This webring supports doorless projects that function without signing into an account. The ring welcomes hand-crafted tools, apps, or websites where 'someone can show up and start using it immediately'.




  • WP: Memex - a hypothetical electromechanical device for interacting with microform documents and described in Vannevar Bush's 1945 article "As We May Think". Bush envisioned the memex as a device in which individuals would compress and store all of their books, records, and communications, "mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility". The individual was supposed to use the memex as an automatic personal filing system, making the memex "an enlarged intimate supplement to his memory". The name memex is a portmanteau of memory and expansion. The concept of the memex influenced the development of early hypertext systems, eventually leading to the creation of the World Wide Web, and personal knowledge base software. The hypothetical implementation depicted by Bush for the purpose of concrete illustration was based upon a document bookmark list of static microfilm pages and lacked a true hypertext system, where parts of pages would have internal structure beyond the common textual format.

  • WP: As_We_May_Think - a 1945 essay by Vannevar Bush which has been described as visionary and influential, anticipating many aspects of information society. It was first published in The Atlantic in July 1945 and republished in an abridged version in September 1945—before and after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Bush expresses his concern for the direction of scientific efforts toward destruction, rather than understanding, and explicates a desire for a sort of collective memory machine with his concept of the memex that would make knowledge more accessible, believing that it would help fix these problems. Through this machine, Bush hoped to transform an information explosion into a knowledge explosion. [2]

  • Memex #001 by Trevor Flowers - It seemed wrong that nobody built the Memex as envisioned in the article so we gathered all available documentation, spoke with experts, and then carefully fabricated Memex #001 to match Dr. Bush's specifications.


  • WP: Ted_Nelson - coined the terms hypertext, hypermedia, transclusion, teledildonics

axial hypertexts are the most simple in structure. They are situated along an axis in a linear style. These hypertexts have a straight path from beginning to end and are fairly easy for the reader to follow. An example of an axial hypertext is The Virtual Disappearance of Miriam.

arborescent hypertexts are more complex than the axial form. They have a branching structure which resembles a tree. These hypertexts have one beginning but many possible endings. The ending that the reader finishes on depends on their decisions whilst reading the text. This is much like the Goosebumps novels that allow readers to choose their own ending.

networked hypertexts are more complex still than the two previous forms of hypertext. They consist of an interconnected system of nodes with no dominant axis of orientation. Unlike the aborescent form, nextworked hypertexts do not have any designated beginning or any designated endings. An example of a networked hypertext is Shelley Jackson's Patchwork Girl.


  • WP: AmigaGuide - a hypertext document file format designed for the Amiga, files are stored in ASCII so it is possible to read and edit a file without the need for special software. Since Workbench 2.1 an Amiga Guide system for O.S. inline help files and reading manuals with hypertext formatting elements was launched in AmigaOS and based on a viewer called simply "AmigaGuide" and it has been included as standard feature on the Amiga system. Users with earlier versions of Workbench could view the files by downloading the program and library AmigaGuide 34 distributed with public domain collections of floppy disks (for example on Fred Fish collection) or it could be downloaded directly from Aminet software repository. Starting from AmigaOS 3.0 the AmigaGuide tool was replaced with more the complete and flexible MultiView.





to sort

  • Bombadillo: Home - Seamless browsing between multiple protocols, including Gopher, Gemini, Finger, and your local file system

Open Hypermedia Protocol (OHP)

  • OHP - a protocol which allows a client side application program to communicate with server side programs about the basic hypertext objects, namely anchors, links, nodes, scripts and presentations. Currently, open hypermedia systems tend to support only their private protocol, and as a result each system developer must also develop client side applications to talk in this protocol, which is a significant task. An application program which talks in OHP will be able to talk to any linkserver, on the internet for example, about hypertext objects. Currently this would be achieved by providing some shim program which would translate between OHP and the linkserver's native protocol. This means that once an application had been developed for some client architecture, it would be able to work with all linkservices. Similarly, programs with macro languages could be adapted to talk OHP. However, the OHP protocol, if adopted, should lead to a new generation of linkservers, which would themselves be OHP compliant. We envisage that the community could use OHP as the basis for producing tools for a new generation of distributed linkservers and client applications on the internet, in much the same way as http defined the World Wide Web.

  • ohp35 - There have been a number of "open" hypertext systems discussed in the literature, but as yet these systems do not inter-operate. Meanwhile, the World Wide Web has been universally adopted, and part of this success must be attributed to the open protocols, which have allowed system developers to produce their own servers and clients which inter-operate with others. This paper presents a general data model for hypertext and proposes a standard protocol for client side applications to communicate with link servers for the purpose of storing, retrieving and navigating hypertext objects. Adoption of this protocol would enable developers and researchers to re-use standard viewers and link servers within their systems.


  • Gemini - a new, collaboratively designed internet protocol, which explores the space inbetween gopher and the web, striving to address (perceived) limitations of one while avoiding the (undeniable) pitfalls of the other. This server hosts the official specification and other documentation for Gemini, as well as offering free personal Geminispace (managed via sftp) for those wanting to play with the protocol. The vast majority of this content is served via Gemini itself, so you'll need a suitable client to access it.


  • kristall - a browser without support for css/js/wasm or graphical websites. It can display user-styled documents in several formats, including gemini, html, markdown, … provided by a server via gemini, gopher, http, finger


See Network, etc.


See also HTTP, etc.

  • Doc - Mavo + Shapir


See also HTML/CSS, WebDev

  • WP: Web_page - or webpage, is a document on the World Wide Web "with its own address". Web pages are delivered by a web server to the user and displayed in a web browser to act as a "retrieval unit" for the information stored within it. A website consists of many web pages linked together under a common domain name. The name "web page" is a metaphor of paper pages bound together into a book.

A web page is a structured document. The core element of a web page is a text file written in the HyperText Markup Language (HTML) which specifies the content of the web page (including links called hyperlinks) to other web resources, primarily other web pages, and to different sections of the same web page). Multimedia content on the web, such as images, videos, and other web pages, can be directly embedded in a web page to form a compound document.

An HTML document can include separate files called Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) documents (which are also text files) which specify the presentation of content on a web page. This is in principle an alternative to including that information directly in the HTML code. The document can also include JavaScript or WebAssembly programs, which are executed by the web browser to add dynamic behavior to the web page: for example, a form which accepts input from the user. Web pages with dynamic behavior can function as application software, referred to as web applications.

  • WP: World_Wide_Web - commonly known as the Web, is an information system that enables content sharing over the Internet through user-friendly ways meant to appeal to users beyond IT specialists and hobbyists. It allows documents and other web resources to be accessed over the Internet according to specific rules of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

Documents and downloadable media are made available to the network through web servers and can be accessed by programs such as web browsers. Servers and resources on the World Wide Web are identified and located through character strings called uniform resource locators (URLs). The original and still very common document type is a web page formatted in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). This markup language supports plain text, images, embedded video and audio contents, and scripts (short programs, that implement complex user interaction. The HTML language also supports hyperlinks (embedded URLs) which provide immediate access to other web resources. Web navigation, or web surfing, is the common practice of following such hyperlinks across multiple websites. Web applications are web pages that function as application software. The information in the Web is transferred across the Internet using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

Multiple web resources with a common theme and usually a common domain name make up a website. A single web server may provide multiple websites, while some websites, especially the most popular ones, may be provided by multiple servers. Website content is provided by a myriad of companies, organizations, government agencies, and individual users; and comprises an enormous amount of educational, entertainment, commercial, and government information. The World Wide Web has become the world's dominant information systems platform. It is the primary tool billions of people worldwide use to interact with the Internet. The Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN in 1989 and opened to the public in 1991. It was conceived as a "universal linked information system".

  • W3C History - In 1989, Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web (see the original proposal). He coined the term "World Wide Web," wrote the first World Wide Web server, "httpd," and the first client program (a browser and editor), "WorldWideWeb," in October 1990. He wrote the first version of the "HyperText Markup Language" (HTML), the document formatting language with the capability for hypertext links that became the primary publishing format for the Web. His initial specifications for URIs, HTTP, and HTML were refined and discussed in larger circles as Web technology spread.

Some of the individuals involved in the creation of the Web and of W3C recount key events at the Tenth Anniversary Celebration of W3C W3C10 panel recounts early Web history. A Consortium for the World Wide Web In 1994, the decision to form the World Wide Web Consortium came at the urging of many companies investing increasing resources into the web. Sir Tim Berners-Lee started leading the essential work of the Web Consortium team to foster a consistent architecture accommodating the rapid pace of progress in web standards for building websites, browsers, devices to experience all that the web has to offer. In founding the World Wide Web Consortium, Sir Tim Berners-Lee created a community of peers. Web technologies were already moving so quickly that it was critical to assemble a single organization to coordinate web standards. Tim accepted the offer from MIT, who had experience with consortia, to host W3C. He required from the start that W3C have a global footprint.

The Hosted model (1994-2022): In October 1994, Sir Tim Berners-Lee founded the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Laboratory for Computer Science [MIT/LCS] in collaboration with CERN, where the Web originated (see information on the original CERN Server), with support from DARPA and the European Commission. In April 1995, Inria (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique) became the first European W3C host, followed by Keio University of Japan (Shonan Fujisawa Campus) in Asia in 1996. In 2003, ERCIM (European Research Consortium in Informatics and Mathematics) took over the role of European W3C Host from INRIA. In 2013, W3C announced Beihang University as the fourth Host. The four partnered administratively in a Hosted model to manage W3C Members and provide employment of the global W3C staff working under the direction of W3C’s management.

Public-interest non-profit organization The World Wide Web Consortium began the year 2023 by forming a new public-interest non-profit organization. The new entity preserves our member-driven approach, existing worldwide outreach and cooperation while allowing for additional partners around the world beyond Europe and Asia. The new organization also preserves the core process and mission of the Consortium to shepherd the web, by developing open web standards as a single global organization with contributions from W3C Members, staff, and the international community.

  • Open Web Platform is the collection of open (royalty-free) technologies which enables the Web. Using the Open Web Platform, everyone has the right to implement a software component of the Web without requiring any approvals or waiving license fees.
  • What is the Open Web?

  • The Internet map - a scheme displaying objects’ relative position; but unlike real maps (e.g. the map of the Earth) or virtual maps (e.g. the map of Mordor), the objects shown on it are not aligned on a surface. Mathematically speaking, The Internet map is a bi-dimensional presentation of links between websites on the Internet. Every site is a circle on the map, and its size is determined by website traffic, the larger the amount of traffic, the bigger the circle. Users’ switching between websites forms links, and the stronger the link, the closer the websites tend to arrange themselves to each other.

Digital divide

Not just age, but economics.


  • - a taxonomy of the contributions made by Wikimedia communities, measure the contributions in that taxonomy, and elicit trends in volunteer contributions to the projects. By creating a comprehensive classification of the different types of roles volunteers may take, and by using our data to find active contributors that fill these roles, the project is intended to bring to light the historical and continuing development of Wikimedia wikis. The project will also hopefully bring attention to previously unrecognized contributors in key areas.



See also Data#Metadata, Open data, Semantic web

Data ownership


See Open web#Identity

  • -2308.02202- SoK: The Ghost Trilemma - Trolls, bots, and sybils distort online discourse and compromise the security of networked platforms. User identity is central to the vectors of attack and manipulation employed in these contexts. However it has long seemed that, try as it might, the security community has been unable to stem the rising tide of such problems. We posit the Ghost Trilemma, that there are three key properties of identity -- sentience, location, and uniqueness -- that cannot be simultaneously verified in a fully-decentralized setting. Many fully-decentralized systems -- whether for communication or social coordination -- grapple with this trilemma in some way, perhaps unknowingly. In this Systematization of Knowledge (SoK) paper, we examine the design space, use cases, problems with prior approaches, and possible paths forward. We sketch a proof of this trilemma and outline options for practical, incrementally deployable schemes to achieve an acceptable tradeoff of trust in centralized trust anchors, decentralized operation, and an ability to withstand a range of attacks, while protecting user privacy. [18]


  • - a complete trust system that can be incorporated as a ready-made software component for e.g. distributed ledger technologies, or in a traditional client-server model, and which provides real value for impacted users by way of automating decision-making and actions as a result of assigned trust scores.
    • - a Node.js server that uses a MySQL backend. Using this server, you can follow people or news sources with RSS feeds, boost their content to all or specific targets, add your own posts or import articles from external sources, and post your assessments of the accuracy of articles.

  • trustnet-client - a news reading and sharing platform where you can follow different news publishing media or your friends to see what they post, write posts of your own, or share posts with those you think would be interested in knowing about them. What's cool about Trustnet is that it empowers you to curate or filter your newsfeed with the help of those you trust. Of course not everyone you follow is trustworthy (like that one person you follow just so that you see firshand what they say or that other person you became "friends" with, just because you had to). So on Trustnet, you can explicitly specify who you trust and then choose to see only those posts that they have confirmed to be true or maybe the posts that they have refuted and their reasons for doing so. If you feel adventurous, you can even choose to see those posts that your trusted sources have disagreement on.



See also Encrypted, Security






  • Feeds Considered Harmful | Suket Karnawat - "You may be asking: don’t feeds broaden our exposure to new ideas? Yes, they do. But there’s no free lunch. Time spent consuming is time not spent doing. Taking meaningful action requires a delicate balance of explore and exploit. Feeds uproot this balance, disproportionately encouraging discovery instead of focused execution. This is best explained with a navigation analogy - explore is direction, exploit is movement. Explore is necessary in small doses, to make sure we’re moving in the right direction. Too much explore though, and we’ve over calibrated to our orientation - we’re no closer to our goal, but left with the illusion of progress (*cough* productivity porn *cough*)."


"All the top comments are just what people wrote about this on their google+ account. It's just like reading the "about" section over and over again."


  • - This is where I keep my custom regexes that I wrote for automod on reddit. They detect possible variations of slurs such as n****r, f****t, kike, etc. For questions, suggestions, or bug reports, contact /u/Blank-Cheque on reddit.

Fake news


See also E-mail#Anti-spam



To fix with Scraping

wget -e robots=off \
   --user-agent="Mozilla" \
   -pEHkKr 1 \
   --warc-file=/path/to/your/warc/file/without/warc/extension \





Archive Team

  • Archive Team - a loose collective of rogue archivists, programmers, writers and loudmouths dedicated to saving our digital heritage. Since 2009 this variant force of nature has caught wind of shutdowns, shutoffs, mergers, and plain old deletions - and done our best to save the history before it's lost forever. Along the way, we've gotten attention, resistance, press and discussion, but most importantly, we've gotten the message out: IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY. This website is intended to be an offloading point and information depot for a number of archiving projects, all related to saving websites or data that is in danger of being lost. Besides serving as a hub for team-based pulling down and mirroring of data, this site will provide advice on managing your own data and rescuing it from the brink of destruction.

  • Archive Team Warrior - a virtual archiving appliance. You can run it to help with the ArchiveTeam archiving efforts. It will download sites and upload them to our archive — and it’s really easy to do! The warrior is a virtual machine, so there is no risk to your computer. The warrior will only use your bandwidth and some of your disk space. It will get tasks from and report progress to the Tracker.


  • - an easy preconfigured web crawler designed for backing up websites. Give grab-site a URL and it will recursively crawl the site and write WARC files. Internally, grab-site uses a fork of wpull for crawling. grab-site gives you; a dashboard with all of your crawls, showing which URLs are being grabbed, how many URLs are left in the queue, and more. the ability to add ignore patterns when the crawl is already running. This allows you to skip the crawling of junk URLs that would otherwise prevent your crawl from ever finishing. an extensively tested default ignore set (global, as well as additional (optional) ignore sets for forums, reddit, etc. duplicate page detection: links are not followed on pages whose content duplicates an already-seen page. The URL queue is kept on disk instead of in memory. If you're really lucky, grab-site will manage to crawl a site with ~10M pages.

WARC format

  • WARCreate - a Google Chrome extension that allows a user to create a Web ARChive (WARC) file from any browseable webpage. The resulting files can then be used with other tools like the Internet Archive's open source Wayback Machine. The tool is an evolving product with the end result pushing toward being a personal web archiving solution for those that wish to securely archive their metadata in a standardize way.

to sort

Plectrums, cut up store cards and plastic packaging work well as replacement spudgers.



  • WP: Webring - or web ring, is a collection of websites linked together in a circular structure, and usually organized around a specific theme, often educational or social. They were popular in the 1990s and early 2000s, particularly among amateur websites. To be a part of the webring, each site has a common navigation bar; it contains links to the previous and next sites. By selecting next (or previous) repeatedly, the user will eventually reach the site they started at; this is the origin of the term webring. However, the select-through route around the ring is usually supplemented by a central site with links to all member sites; this prevents the ring from breaking completely if a member site goes offline. A webring is managed from one website which is able to omit the websites that have dropped out or are no longer reachable. The advantage of a webring is that if the user is interested in the topic on one website, they can quickly connect to another website on the same topic. Webrings usually have a moderator who decides which pages to include in the webring. After approval, webmasters add their pages to the ring by 'linking in' to the ring; this requires adding the necessary HTML or JavaScript to their site. Webrings are mainly viewed as a relic of the early web of the 1990s. When the primary site that managed web rings, was acquired by Yahoo, "ring masters" lost access to their webrings and the web ring hubs were replaced by a Yahoo page. By the time Yahoo stopped controlling in 2001, search engines had become good enough that web rings were no longer as useful. The site was still active in the mid-2010s.


  • tumbelogs - short form posts developed into microblogging/twitter, multiformat form into tumblr


See WordPress, Platforms




  • Syte is a really simple but powerful packaged personal site that has social integrations like Twitter, GitHub, Dribbble, Instagram, Foursquare, Tumblr, Wordpress,, SoundCloud, Bitbucket, StackOverflow, Flickr and Steam. svtle clone



  • cohost - a new social media platform built from the ground up by a small team of developers and designers who like sharing things on the internet.



See also Twitter


  • i am drowning in mutes please help - Internet Talk - An unholy concoction of celebrities, meme pages, and brands, making painfully unfunny tweets form the majority of this list, with religious groups, "gurus", and meta (no, not Meta, people just talking about the platform itself) tweets forming the rest. This too, is true of the algorithmic feed. While Instagram Reels has an uncanny ability to focus in on what you enjoy (to the point where staring at a tractor meme for too long has caused my feed to orbit farming Reels), Threads shares none of this ability. A blast of whatever content the platform has, with little thought. [47]

Social news

From group blogs to democratic aggregation.

  • - a BBS-style command line client that supports Discourse, Lemmy, Lobsters and Hacker News as backends, and seamlessly integrates all of them into a streamlined TUI. And yes, you heard that right, I really did call it Neon Modem Overdrive.Neon Modem is built in Go, using Charm's Bubble Tea TUI framework, but implements an own window manager (or compositor if you want) that allows it to use a third dimension, on top of the two dimensional rendering that Bubble Tea offers today. With that it is possible to display dialogs on top of one another, in order to offer a smoother UI experience.



later became mixed with the 'short-form' of social bookmarking





Hacker News



wget -O - | less



Hosted aggregation

See also Open social#Feeds / Activity

  • Managing News - a Drupal based robust news and data aggregation engine with pluggable visualization and workflow tools.

  • Telescope is an open-source social news app (think Hacker News or Reddit) built with Meteor, a real-time Javascript framework.

  • POSSE is an acronym/abbreviation for Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere. It's a Syndication Model where the flow involves posting your content on your own domain first, then syndicating out copies to 3rd party services with perma(short)links back to the original version.

POSSE lets your friends keep using whatever silo aggregator (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) they've been using to read your stuff.

  • Gregarius is a Web-based RSS/RDF/ATOM news aggregator featuring OPML import/export, XHTML/CSS output and an AJAX-based item tagging system

  • Postmill - a link aggregator that you can install on your own server. Tired of letting companies mine your data and make profit from your posts? This is a ready-to-use solution to bootstrap your community, including all the features that you've come to expect.

Social bookmarking

See also Organising#Bookmarks_.2F_social_bookmarking


  • - open-source notification infrastructure for developers The ultimate service for managing multi-channel notifications with a single API.


Second Life


Social services

See also Twitter, Facebook, Chat, Platforms

  • Topsy - Search and Analyze the Social Web.

  • hootsuite - social media dashboard to manage and measure your social networks

  • buffer - Be awesome on social media. Easily add great articles, pictures and videos to your Buffer and we automagically share them for you through the day!



