Politics world
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idfk about the name
- Erskine May - UK Parliament - often referred to as ‘the Bible of parliamentary procedure’ is both an iconic and practical publication. It’s the most authoritative and influential work on parliamentary procedure and constitutional conventions affecting Parliament. Rather than a set of rules, Erskine May is a description of how procedure in the House of Commons and House of Lords has evolved and the conventions that apply.
- Hansard - The official report of all parliamentary debates
- http://www.w4mp.org/ - The site for everyone working for an MP
- http://www.modernliberty.net/
- http://www.democracyclub.org.uk/
- http://www.practicalparticipation.co.uk/
- rightsnet.org.uk - welfare rights
- UK Government Web Archive - We capture, preserve and make accessible UK central government information published on the web. The Web Archive includes videos, tweets, images and websites dating from 1996 to the present day.
- New York Times Wire
- El Reg Biting the hand that feeds IT
- The Big Project News
- Chipwrapper Search UK newspapers
See also Scotland
- Red Scotland!: The Rise and Fall of the Radical Left, c. 1872 to 1932 by William Kenefick
- WP: Scottish_Parliament
- WP: Scottish_Parliament_constituencies_and_regions
- WP: Member_of_the_Scottish_Parliament
- They Work for You - Overview of the Scottish Parliament
- Scottish Law Commission :: Promoting Law Reform - The Commission is Scotland’s law reform body. It was established under the Law Commissions Act 1965 to make recommendations to Government to simplify, modernise and improve Scots law. Over the last 50 years the Commission has been at the forefront of major changes to Scots law. A key part of the process of law reform is consultation. We aim to ensure that we engage in thorough and open consultation and we welcome views in response to our consultations.
- Scottish Information Commissioner enforces Scotland's freedom of information laws and tells people about their rights to ask Scottish public authorities for information.
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/scotland/scotland_politics/
- BBC Democracy Live Scotland
- BBC Brian Taylor Political editor, Scotland
- Scottish Information Commissioner - Facebook
- The Electoral Commission: Scotland
- The Future of the UK and Scotland is a programme funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. It brings the best of UK social science to the debate about Scotland’s constitutional future and its implications for the rest of the UK.
- Policy Scotland, Research and Knowledge Exchange,
- IPPR - the Institute for Public Policy Research, is the UK's leading progressive thinktank
- Public Contracts Scotland - This portal gives free access to contract opportunities in Scotland
- Reform Scotland is a public policy institute or 'think tank' which was established as a separate Scottish charity, completely independent of any political party or any other organisation and funded by donations from individuals, charitable trusts and corporate organisations. Its objective is to set out policies in Scotland that deliver increased economic prosperity and more effective public services based on the traditional Scottish principles of limited government, diversity and personal responsibility.
- Republic Scotland is part of the wider Republic campaign. We want to see the monarchy abolished and the Queen replaced with an elected, democratic head of state. In place of the Queen we want someone chosen by the people, not running the government but representing the nation independently of our politicians.
- The Scottish Showmens Guild - the Home Page for The Scottish Section of The Showmens Guild of Great Britain & Ireland. This non profit Trade Association is the governing body for all Funfairs and Fairground Rides operated by Members in Scotland. The Scottish Section represents nearly 400 Members, each being a small business in their own right, totaling over 2000 Showpeople in Scotland. Nationally the Showmen's Guild has many more Members within it's other nine Sections.
- Piper School, home and community climate change action
- Frack Off Scotland - The Campaign Against Fracking in Scotland
Sex, sexuality and gender
- Equality Network Working for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equality and human rights in Scotland. - Facebook, Twitter
- Stonewall Scotland For lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality - Facebook
- The Order of Perpetual Indulgence (Scotland) For the expiation of stigmatic guilt and promulgation of universal joy.
- Scottish Politics & News
- Scotland.com: Scottish Politics
- Scotsgait: Scottish Politics
- Out Scotland: Scottish Politics and Independence
- Scotster: Scottish Politics
Scottish Green Party
Scottish National Party
Scottish Labour
Scottish Liberal Democrats
Co-operative Party
Pirate Party UK
Scottish Tory
See also Edinburgh
- Edinburgh Council How the council works
- CllrTweeps Edinburgh Council members on Twitter
- Edinburgh Association of Community Councils
- Edinburgh Neighbourhood Partnerships
- Edinburgh Tenants Federation
- http://www.theedinburghreporter.co.uk/2013/09/edinburgh-council-spearheading-the-cooperative-council-approach/
- http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/info/20133/community_planning/809/cooperative_capital_for_professionals
- http://newint.org/features/web-exclusive/2014/09/04/edinburgh-co-op-students/
- Canongate Community Forum: Save Our Old Town The Canongate Community Forum is campaigning against plans to demolish listed buildings and people`s homes on the Canongate, the lower part of The Royal Mile in Edinburgh`s World Heritage Site. - Facebook
- Transition Edinburgh
- PEDAL -> Portobello Transition Town Tackling Climate Change One Town at a Time.
- Transition Edinburgh South
- Transition Edinburgh University
- Edinburgh Transition Towns Heart & Soul Group
- Sustainable Consumption Opportunities Today Edinburgh and Lothians
- Edinburgh AnarchaFeminist Kolektiv - Blog
- Edinburgh Feminist Network - Facebook (discussions are women only)
- Reclaim The Night - Facebook
- Queer Mutiny Edinburgh An alternative to Edinburgh's commercial gay scene - Facebook, MySpace
Europe / EU
- European Parliament, Twitter
- Scotland Europa Promoting Scotland's interests in Europe.
- East of Scotland European Consortium A local government joint committee.
- Scottish MEPs
- EurActiv EU news & policy debates
- WP: Pasokification - the decline of centre-left social-democratic political parties in European countries and several other Western countries during the 2010s, often accompanied by the rise of nationalist, left-wing and right-wing populist alternatives. In Europe, the share of vote for such parties was at its lowest for 70 years in 2015
- Interoperable Europe | Joinup - the initiative of the European Commission for a reinforced public sector interoperability policy. The Interoperable Europe Act proposes a strategic interoperability cooperation mechanism across the European Union.
- United Nations News
- Why We Protest - Anonymous Activism Forum
- http://facebook.com/group.php?gid=8321268365- Project Chanology