Music styles

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  • Musicmap - The Genealogy and History of Popular Music Genres - [2]



  • Mutabor - a program that supports the live music with micro tones. It allows to play any pitches, even those which are not availlable on ordinary keyboards. An important application is the „just intonation“.Mutabor uses its own musical language to describe pitches, (re)tunings and reactions to events (chords, keys, MIDI signals). Furthermore, MIDI ports, MIDI files, and GMN files can be used in the same manner, mixed and output.Mutabor is a low-cost device, but its services in the area of intonation are still significantly beyond that which provides today's live equipment to musicians. It provides easy access to static and mutating tunings, can quickly switch between them, and allows the performer to experiment freely with them. So it is interesting for many users: for Musicians, who want to explore and compare the ancient tunings, in ear training, for music theory, as a tonal experimentation field for composers, and much more.

  • - a universal just intonation converter; its purpose is to convert data about just intonation intervals between different methods of representation.





  • - This repository contains the Jazz Harmony Treebank, a corpus of hierarchical harmonic analyses of jazz chord sequences selected from the iRealPro corpus published on zenodo by Shanahan et al.

to sort

  • - a project to make or take hymns with permissive copyright status, typeset them with LilyPond in a variety of formats, and serve them online in a friendly and usable github pages site.


to mix; idm, technoid, less so general glitch, brokenbeat, some minimal, future garage, footwork, complextro, breakcore, etc.

why technoid tag isn't mainly idm/industrial;

Electronic and experimental








  • WP: Hardcore_punk - commonly abbreviated to hardcore, is a punk rock music genre and subculture that originated in the late 1970s. It is generally faster, harder, and more aggressive than other forms of punk rock. Its roots can be traced to earlier punk scenes in San Francisco and Southern California which arose as a reaction against the still predominant hippie cultural climate of the time. It was also inspired by Washington, D.C., and New York punk rock and early proto-punk. Hardcore punk generally disavows commercialism, the established music industry and "anything similar to the characteristics of mainstream rock" and often addresses social and political topics with "confrontational, politically charged lyrics".

Hardcore sprouted underground scenes across the United States in the early 1980s, particularly in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., Boston, and New York, as well as in Canada and the United Kingdom. Hardcore has spawned the straight edge movement and its associated sub-movements, hardline and youth crew. Hardcore was heavily involved in the rise of the independent record labels in the 1980s and with the DIY ethics in underground music scenes. It has also influenced various music genres that have experienced widespread commercial success, including grunge and thrash metal.

UK 82 (also known as UK hardcore or second wave punk) took the existing punk sound and added faster drumbeats and an aggressive distorted guitar sound. The term UK 82 is taken from the title of a song by the Exploited. Cross-pollination existed between this era of British street punk and American hardcore punk.


Italo disco





Rave, etc.

great book: all crews [rise up]

rare groove, synth -> breakbeat hardcore - > jungle > dnb etc.




later developments;

jungletek -

Drum and bass

Broken beat

Compost 100, Fabriclive 12



Hard dance

  • hard techno/trance, hardstyle. nu-nrg,



WP: Post-industrial_music

4th wave, poser noise


technoid - idm

industrial techno

industrial hardcore

"Learnt last night, when looking for streams re the darksynth flavoured end of synthwave, which I've not explored itself, about EBSM. That whole dark elektro - the evolution of elektro aka electro-industrial (aka "the second kind of ebm" for non-continent/UK folk, with the affected vocals, more goa than punk, etc., more Frontline Assembly/Funker Vogt/ than Front 242/Nitzer Ebb) through the harsh ebm of aggrotech (more Velvet Acid Christ, Suicide Commando, :wumpscut:, Hocico, Amduscia) and terror ebm/hellektro/torturetech (Tactical Sekt, Psyclon Nine, Agonoize, Amduscia), techno body music (Combichrist) - and the new retro synth scenes fusing, moving further away from the trance/progressive futurepop (Assemblage 23, VNV Nation, Covenant, Rotersand,"



  • 9128 - ambient streaming


Goa trance

goa parties. here's an actual video from one with laurent djing with goa gil wandering around; (video at bottom)

or mixes like;




as you go way back, things get much more eclectic and separated

83 was just new wave, synthpop, italo disco

and 76 is "Pop-rock, Psychedelic rock, Blues-rock, Disco, Electronic"!




See also Audio#Sound chip/card / Tracker

  • Elements of chip music - "This is my chip music seminar from Revision 2011. When working with a soundchip such as the SID or the 2A03, the artist faces a number of technical constraints that limit, guide and inspire the creative process. The seminar will highlight and briefly explain some of these constraints, with particular emphasis on how they influenced artists during the golden age of chip music to give rise to some of the clichés that now define the genre. We will also see (and hear) how variations of the same constraints have emerged in other genres and ages, and how composers such as Bach have tackled them in similar or different ways." [8]

  • muki - online MIDI and video game music (VGM) player. And what formats are supported? All of the following: .mid, .mus, .xmi, .mod, .xm, .it, .s3m, .psm, .amf, .ay, .gbs, .gym, .hes, .kss, .nsf, .sap, .snd, .spc, .vgm and .vgz. Those, and .dro, .imf, .raw, .laa, .cmf and the rest of the Adlib-based formats supported by AdPlug. You can drop one or a whole list of files and Muki will play them in order. [9]
  • KeyGenMusic – Google Play - Like the music of keygen? Like 8bit music? With this application you can listen to music, download it for offline listening and set it as a ringtone for your phone!

  • imfplay - DOS / AdLib .IMF and .DRO music file player. requires AdLib compatible soundcard. works in DOSBox

  • AdPlug - a free, cross-platform, hardware independent AdLib sound player library, mainly written in C++ and released under the LGPL. AdPlug plays sound data, originally created for the AdLib (OPL2) and Sound Blaster (Dual OPL2/OPL3) audio boards, directly from its original format on top of an emulator or by using the real hardware. No OPL chip is required for playback.



UK funky

  • UK funky isn’t back — it never left | - Yet funky’s mainstream lifespan was even shorter than grime and garage before it. As early as 2009 it was declared ‘over’, its peak so fleeting that some of its most vital figureheads now deny it ever really existed. (Funky’s originators initially christened the sound funky house, which stuck until someone pointed out that the name was already taken, by a ’90s house scene largely based on disco and funk samples.) Though it may feel like yesterday, funky nostalgia burns strongly enough that some have decreed a revival upon us.


