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adb devices
  # list connected devices

adb push filename /sdcard/
  # transfer file to phone sdcard

adb flash


  • - a simple command line utility to extract the file from a HTC RUU update executable. Please note that it'll output the file to your current directory.


fastboot oem rebootRUU
fastboot flash zip
fastboot reboot

Bootloader unlocking


Use a tool, or use a ROM that provides root access.

The advantage of rooting:

  • no app or youtube adverts
  • automatic f-droid updates
  • removing(/adding) system apps
  • optimisations and better packages from ROMs (though sometimes no ROM covers all the stock features!)
  • no google play services



Flash TWRP bootloader, use that to install a custom/stock ROM.

S-ON protected phones also need to flash the complementart boot.bin, which is inside the main ROM archive file.




  • External USB Cameras | Android Open Source Project - The Android platform supports the use of plug-and-play USB cameras (that is, webcams) using the standard Android Camera2 API and the camera HIDL interface. Webcams generally support USB video class (UVC) drivers and on Linux, the standard Video4Linux (V4L) driver is used to control UVC cameras.

  • - a camera application for Android that replaces the entire camera pipeline. It consumes RAW images and uses computational photography to combine multiple images to reduce noise. Additionally, it uses a single underexposed image to recover highlights and increase dynamic range.


Custom ROMs

See also Distros#Mobile phone

  • BasketBuild - We provide free hosting for all of your favorite Android developers! Developers work really hard to bring you the best ROMs, Kernels, Apps and all things Android so make sure to say thanks!



  • LineageOS - a free and open-source operating system for smartphones and tablet computers, based on the Android mobile platform.
    • WP: LineageOS - the successor to the highly popular custom ROM CyanogenMod, from which it was forked in December 2016 when Cyanogen Inc. announced it was discontinuing development and shut down the infrastructure behind the project. Since Cyanogen Inc. retained the rights to the Cyanogen name, the project rebranded its fork as LineageOS.
  • Smartphones supported by Lineage OS - In this chart we include the phones from the Product Chart database that are supported by Lineage OS at the time we researched the phones' specifications.

Remix OS

  • Remix OS - began as a vision for a world in which the boundaries between mobile and PC would forever be eliminated. Join the millions of users who have already switched to Remix OS and become a part of the future of Android PC. [1]

Resurrection Remix OS


  • Replicant - a fully free Android distribution running on several devices, a free software mobile operating system putting the emphasis on freedom and privacy/security


Android Ice Cold Project (AICP)


Paranoid Android

  • Paranoid Android - a custom ROM aiming to extend the system, working on enhancing the already existing beauty of Android and following the same design philosophies that were set forward by Google for Android Open Source Project.


  • OmniROM - innovation, new features, transparency, community, and freedom.] - Android custom ROM variant, feature-packed but always with stability as #1 priority in mind. Based on the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) and enriched by our developers with lots of custom enhancements, OmniROM has set out to give you a great Android experience on your mobile.


  • CopperheadOS - A security and privacy focused mobile operating system compatible with Android apps



  • CarbonROM - an aftermarket firmware based on the Android Open Source Project created with the purpose of adding versatility and customization to stock Android. Stability is our highest priority; our vision is to be the best alternative to a stock operating system for your device.

Nameless Rom

  • Nameless Rom - provide quality development for android devices, phones and tablets alike.

Dirty Unicorns


  • JanOS - an operating system designed to run on the chipset of mobile phones. It runs without a screen, and allows you to access all phone functionality, from calling to the camera, through JavaScript APIs.




  • Bliss - An open source OS, based on Android, that works on




  • F-Droid is an installable catalogue of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) applications for the Android platform. The client makes it easy to browse, install, and keep track of updates on your device.


  • The Open GApps Project - Google Apps (a.k.a. GApps) are the proprietary Google-branded applications that come pre-installed with most Android devices, such as Google Play Services, Play Store, Gmail, Maps, etc. Due to licensing restrictions, these apps do not come pre-installed with ROMs others than those from vendors that are part of the Open Handset Alliance and must be installed as a sideload package by the user themselves. You can download one of the Open GApps pre-built packages from or you can compile a package yourself using the instructions from The Open GApps Project Github page.
  • microG Project - A free-as-in-freedom re-implementation of Google’s proprietary Android user space apps and libraries.


  • Linux CLI Launcher – Apps on Google Play - Are you sick of all those colorful and chaotic launchers? Did Icons, App Drawer and Dock bother you enough? Do you miss those times when you could do whatever you wanted with a simple command? Then, T-UI Launcher and its Linux-like CLI (Command Line Interface) is exactly what you need.


File managers


  • - Android Firewall+ (AFWall+) is an advanced iptables editor (GUI) for Android. It provides fine-grained control over which Android apps are allowed to access the network.

  • - provides simple and advanced ways to block access to the internet - no root required. Applications and addresses can individually be allowed or denied access to your Wi-Fi and/or mobile connection.
  • Blokada - efficiently blocks ads, tracking and malware. It saves your data plan, makes your device faster and protects your privacy. It's free, open source and secure.

  • PanicKit - a collection of tools for creating “panic buttons” that can trigger a system-wide response when the user is in an anxious or dangerous situation. It enables trigger apps and responder apps to safely and easily connect to each other. The user engages with the trigger app when in a panic situation. The responder apps receive that trigger signal, and individually execute the steps that they were configured to do. The connections between trigger and responder can be strictly enforced based on Application ID and APK signing certificate. There are two general categories of response: default, non-destructive opt-in, destructive


See the Hackers Keyboard.

  • TermuxArch - bash setup shell script will attempt to set Arch Linux up in your Termux environment. See install for options how to run on device. Use bash to install Arch Linux in a Termux PRoot container on your Android smartphone and tablet, and Chromebook too. When successfully completed, you will be experiencing the pleasure of the Linux command prompt in Arch Linux in Termux PRoot on Android, Chromebook and Fire OS on smartphone, tablet and wearable.


Remote keyboards

USB host





  • K-9 Mail - An advanced email client for Android






  • MAXS (Modular Android XMPP Suite), a set of open-source GPLv3 licensed Android applications, allows you to control your Android device and receive notifications over XMPP. For example, you can compose and send a SMS message on your desktop/laptop by sending a command message from every standard compliant XMPP client to MAXS running on your smartphone.



  • - "Audio forwarding is supported for devices with Android 11 or higher, and it is enabled by default: For Android 12 or newer, it works out-of-the-box. For Android 11, you'll need to ensure that the device screen is unlocked when starting scrcpy. A fake popup will briefly appear to make the system think that the shell app is in the foreground. Without this, audio capture will fail. For Android 10 or earlier, audio cannot be captured and is automatically disabled."


  • ntfy - brings notification to your shell. It can automatically provide desktop notifications when long running commands finish or it can send push notifications to your phone when a specific command finishes.







  • PushBullet makes it easy to push files, links, reminders and more between your Android devices, to your friends, and even to your computer quickly, easily and securely.




  • [Linux on Dex Void Linux and others... run … | Samsung Galaxy Note 9]



  • KDEConnect - a project to communicate across all your devices. For example, with KDE Connect you can receive your phone notifications on your desktop computer, control music playing on your desktop from your phone, or use your phone as a remote control for your desktop. To achieve this, KDE Connect: implements a secure communication protocol over the network, and allows any developer to create plugins on top of it, Has a component that you install on your desktop, Has a KDE Connect client app you run on your phone. [6]

  • - allows you to use Kde's "KdeConnect" features on any environment that supports System Tray Icons. While KdeConnectTray is able to configure KdeConnect by itself, some plugins will still need Kde's SystemSettings.



  • Android-x86 - a project to port Android open source project to x86 platform, formerly known as "patch hosting for android x86 support". The original plan is to host different patches for android x86 support from open source community. A few months after we created the project, we found out that we could do much more than just hosting patches. So we decide to create our code base to provide support on different x86 platforms, and set up a git server to host it.This is an open source project licensed under Apache Public License 2.0. Some components are licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL) 2.0 or later. If you think we did something great, consider making a donation.


Windows Subsystem for Android™️




  • H3Droid - an Android built for Allwinner H3 and H2+ based devices! It may not be purrrfect, but it's better! Also, did we mention, free?


  • - a C++ library which makes it easy to build high-performance audio apps on Android. It was created primarily to allow developers to target a simplified API that works across multiple API levels back to API level 16 (Jelly Bean).
