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  • - a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax. Its design allows it to be converted to many output formats, but the original tool by the same name only supports HTML. Markdown is often used to format readme files, for writing messages in online discussion forums, and to create rich text using a plain text editor. Since the initial description of Markdown contained ambiguities and unanswered questions, the implementations that appeared over the years have subtle differences and many come with syntax extensions.


In March 2016 RFC 7763 and RFC 7764 were published. RFC 7763 introduced MIME type text/markdown with the original variant. RFC 7764 discusses and registered the variants MultiMarkdown, GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM), Pandoc, CommonMark, and Markdown Extra among others.


  • - This project was initiated to provide a test suite for Markdown markup, and eventually create a specification from this test results. A part of of the community has started a new endeavor which seems to get traction as CommonMark.


R Markdown

Markdown Extra

  • Markdown Extra - an extension to PHP Markdown implementing some features currently not available with the plain Markdown syntax. Markdown Extra is available as a separate parser class in PHP Markdown Lib.

Markdown Extended


  • Fountain - a simple markup syntax for writing, editing and sharing screenplays in plain, human-readable text. Fountain allows you to work on your screenplay anywhere, on any computer or tablet, using any software that edits text files.


  • Lorem Markdownum - Inspired by the many excellent lorem ipsum generators, this simple webapp generates placeholder text. However, instead of generating plain text, this generator gives you structured text in the form of markdown. In order to do so, it uses Markov Chains and many heuristics.


  • Markdown Here - a Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Thunderbird extension that lets you write email in Markdown and render them before sending. It also supports syntax highlighting (just specify the language in a fenced code block).


  • Markdown.css - CSS to make HTML markup look like plain-text markdown.

  • PageDown - the JavaScript Markdown previewer used on Stack Overflow and the rest of the Stack Exchange network. It includes a Markdown-to-HTML converter and an in-page Markdown editor with live preview.

Table of Contents

cat ~/projects/Dockerfile.vim/ | ./gh-md-toc -
 * [Dockerfile.vim](#dockerfilevim)
 * [Screenshot](#screenshot)
 * [Installation](#installation)
       * [OR using Pathogen:](#or-using-pathogen)
       * [OR using Vundle:](#or-using-vundle)
 * [License](#license)







  • phpBB BBCode - a special implementation of HTML. Whether you can actually use BBCode in your posts on the forum is determined by the administrator. In addition you can disable BBCode on a per post basis via the posting form. BBCode itself is similar in style to HTML, tags are enclosed in square brackets [ and ] rather than < and > and it offers greater control over what and how something is displayed. Depending on the template you are using you may find adding BBCode to your posts is made much easier through a clickable interface above the message area on the posting form. Even with this you may find the following guide useful.

  • CriticMarkup - a way for authors and editors to track changes to documents in plain text. As with Markdown, small groups of distinctive characters allow you to highlight insertions, deletions, substitutions and comments, all without the overhead of heavy, proprietary office suites.






  • ghostwriter - a Windows and Linux text editor for Markdown, which is a plain text markup format created by John Gruber. For more information about Markdown, please visit John Gruber’s website at ghostwriter provides a relaxing, distraction-free writing environment, whether your masterpiece be that next blog post, your school paper, or your NaNoWriMo novel. For a tour of its features, please visit the ghostwriter project page.


  • Haroopad - markdown enabled document processor for creating web-friendly documents.You can author professional-looking documents of various formats: blog posts, slides, presentations, reports, email and more.Haroopad gives you the same editing experience regardless of the platform you are working on. It runs on all three major operating systems—Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.


  • monod - an Open Source React-based Markdown editor. You can use it any time (offline mode), share documents with anyone (encrypted), and render your content with a set of templates. This editor is brought to you by the good folks at TailorDev, as part of a Le lab experiment (#2).





  • Typora - a markdown editor, markdown reader, will give you a seamless experience as both a reader and a writer. It removes the preview window, mode switcher, syntax symbols of markdown source code, and all other unnecessary distractions. Replace them with a real live preview feature to help you concentrate the content itself. [10]





  • remark - an ecosystem of plugins for processing markdown built on unified. The project parses and compiles markdown, and lets programs process markdown without ever compiling to HTML (it can though). Powered by plugins to do all kinds of things: check markdown code style, transform safely to React, add a table of contents, or compile to man pages.

Mark Text





CV / résumé


  • - a simple Markdown resumé template, LaTeX header, and pre-processing script that can be used with Pandoc to generate professional-looking PDF and HTML output.


requires wkhtmltopdf


See Documents

install imagemagick
sudo npm install -g phantomjs-prebuilt github-markdown-to-png
github-markdown-to-png -i
github-markdown-to-png -i -o png-dir

  • - a command-line server application written in Python that uses the GitHub markdown API to render a local readme file. The styles come directly from GitHub, so you'll know exactly how it will appear. Changes you make to the Readme will be instantly reflected in the browser without requiring a page refresh.

  • allmark - a file-system-centric markdown web server. You can point it at any directory that contains markdown files and it will immediately start a web-server that serves the rendered HTML content of the markdown file to you. And it will not only render the markdown files in your directory as HTML, but it will also add everything that it needed for a complete website: Navigation, Full-text Search, Theming, Sitemap, RSS, Tags, … on-the-fly with websocket-based live-reload. Animation: Cloning allmark from github, building it and taking it out for a test run on the allmark repository itself, and thanks to the power of go all of this is super fast and done with a single standalone application.

