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Drum machine sampler/sequencer / groovebox


  • makeh2kit - A BASH script to auto-generate h2drumkit files. Requires bash v4 and gawk. Running makeh2kit with no arguments will scan the current directory for FLAC files and create a h2drumkit file named after the current directory. Instruments are named after the audio files minus their extension. Audio files can be treated as individual instruments or as instrument layers grouped either by sub-directory or by file name with numeric prefixes/suffixes indicating the layers.


  • orDrumbox is a free drum machine software, designed to be as creative as possible with unusual features : auto-composition, polyrythmes, unusual arpeggiator, automatic sounds/track matching , custom softsynths, lowfi rendering, etc. This tools can compose bass line and complete songs using included drum kits with the audio sequencer functions.


  • Jackbeat - an audio sequencer, a Linux tool for musicians and sound artists : drummachine-like step sequencer interface for fast and easy editing, realtime operation : while playing, the sequence can be edited and resized, the bpm rate modified, and new samples loaded, virtually unlimited number of tracks and beats, easy to use and yet powerful : just JACK it into jack-rack and you can apply LADSPA effect plugins on a per track basis, perform mastering with jackeq



  • Slag - aims at developing a multiplatform pattern-based audio sequencer. As for now, it can be used as a simple drum box on GNU/Linux, NetBSD and Mac OS X. It features : real-time editing, live audio output with libao or JACK, optional individual ports for tracks when using JACK, a virtually unlimited number of tracks and patterns, volume settings for tracks and pads, the ability to link song parts together, real-time audio file output, english and french localisations. Last commit 2008.


  • Breakage - a four channel drum machine, usually set to play kick, snare, open and closed hi-hat samples on each channel. To train the neural network in Breakage, you’d write a collection of patterns, tell the net which ones to use as inputs and outputs, then set it to train. By default the kick and snare are inputs, open and closed hats are outputs. After training you can switch the net into performance mode. When performing, it will create new hi hat parts as you change the kick and snare hits.



  • Groovit is essentially a drum matrix which can handle any samples, combined with, at least and depending on the CPU strength, two analog synths voices. Any voice can go through several effects, (for instance a dynamic filter, and an echo/reverb). It is intended to be as "real-time" as possible, depending on CPU strength mostly. It computes sounds internally with 32bit range, and outputs at 16. It also has several resonant filters that quickly bring you handsome noise.


  • Gneutronica - a simple MIDI drum machine and rudimentary sequencer program. If you are familiar with Hydrogen, you'll find yourself pretty much at home with Gneutronica. Gneutronica lets you create patterns of melody or drum beats one measure long, allows you to divide up each measure into however many beats you like (several times simultaneously, if you want) and then arrange those patterns into a sequence for playback. Essentially it's a tool with which to create drum tracks and instrument tracks and play them back via MIDI devices.

Fultron 2002


  • TK-707 - An "7x7" type midi drum sequencer for Linux, based on functionality of Roland's TR-707. Current Version is 0.8, March, 2005


  • RhythmLab - "because I couldn't find any software which would easily let me construct and visualize polyrhythms (rhythms in which a measure is divided into different subdivisions in different voices: for example, 5 against 7)."


  • Beatfish is a music machine. It has 8 drum channels, two feedback delays and a VCF303 filter. You can drag notes around on the drum machine and there is a scrub bar for scrubbing on the loop as it is being played.


  • DrumPatterns - a free, open source, web oriented drum patterns generator. DrumPattern is a tool to learn drum patterns. With DrumPattern, you can learn the "rudiments". And you can learn much more. This tool is exhaustive, you select the members you want to study, some rules to avoid silly patterns (according to you), and the pattern length. DrumPatterns generates Midi files.


  • edrummer - a sampler aimed to be triggered by e-drums. Additionaly it can be used to program drum parts as a plugin in various notation/sequencing/recording platforms (e.g. rosegarden, qtractor, ardour etc.).

edrummer live



  • LDRUM - an open-source drummachine that offers ten channels, realtime control, a simple pattern sequencer and a graphical user-interface. It currently runs under Linux only, it is developed in C++ and uses JACK, ALSA, Qt and LADSPA (it's a JAQL app;)


  • gmorgan - a rhythm station, a modern organ with full editable accompaniment for play in real time emulating the capabilities of commercial rhythm stations “Korg”,”Roland”, “Solton” ... also has a small pattern based sequencer like “Band in a Box”. Uses the capabilities of ALSA sequencer to produce MIDI accompaniment. website out of date.


  • stygmorgan - a musical instrument, is an Interactive Musical Workstation software emulator, fully configurable, but in fact does not produce any kind of sound, using the ALSA 1 sequencer sends MIDI messages to external sound fonts.


  • AUBE - a system for sound generation and processing. You can process audio on the fly by setting up arbitrary configurations of sound generators, sequencers and effects modules, through which sound is played, filtered, and recorded.



Text file drum machine

See also Drumming#Software


  • Beats - a command-line drum machine written in pure Ruby. Feed it a song notated in YAML, and it will produce a precision-milled *.wav file of impeccable timing and feel.


  • droguedrums - a text file based drum sequencer for the command line. It reads a definition of drum sets, parts and sequences from a text file and plays it back as midi. No sounds are provided.


  • Drumpiler - the Compiled Drum Machine. Copyright (C) 2003 by Stefano Maini (a.k.a.Sty)


  • jdkdrum - Command Line Drum Synth Program For Linux. For Linux with Alsa or OSS sound drivers. This program supplies a simple back end drum machine syntheses engine using raw 16 bit mono drum samples and reads stdin for an ascii drum pattern description.





Ba-Dum-Tss Machine

  • Ba-Dum-Tss - a step sequencer which allows one to sequence drum beat and bass notes. This is a concept prototype which is aiming to enable people with minimal musical background create music. I'd love your feedback. Sadly, only Mac builds exist as of now, Linux and Windows builds out soon. Feel free to download the source code and create your own makefiles for other operating systems.



  • Percumat 2 - a versatile Rhythm machine for backing drums percussion - "definitively not an 808 or 909 type thingie". Windows VST.


  • Cubix - a drumsynth/sampleplayer with an onboard arpeggiated bassline synth. Each drum section has its own dual X-Fade sequencer section for beat mixing, as well as an Auto-Mix function. Designed with live operation in mind, Cubix can be used for making complex beats on the fly that can be randomized, mixed, matched and manipulated in a number of ways. Windows VST.


  • Minimal - a mini groovebox-style drum machine with an onboard bass synth. A quick and easy way to make some beats on the fly. Windows VST.
