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See also Vim#Git



Consider how a common Git workflow falls apart.

Create a branch off Master, do work, and merge it back into Master when you’re done

Most of the time this behaves as you expect because Master changed since you branched. Then one day you merge a feature branch into Master, but Master hasn’t diverged. Instead of creating a merge commit, Git points Master to the latest commit on the feature branch, or “fast forwards.” (Diagram)

Unfortunately, your feature branch contained checkpoint commits, frequent commits that back up your work but captures the code in an unstable state. Now these commits are indistinguishable from Master’s stable commits. You could easily roll back into a disaster.


git config --global --edit
  open config file in editor
git config --global "Your Name Here"
git config --global ""
git config color.ui true
  turns on colour for everything
git config format.pretty oneline
git config --global push.default matching
  (will be default soon)

git config --global help.autocorrect 10
git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600'

The credential helper only works when you clone an HTTPS repo URL. If you use the SSH repo URL instead, SSH keys are used for authentication.


Bare repo

To convert repo to bare repo; [9]

mv repo/.git repo.git
git --git-dir=repo.git config core.bare true
rm -rf repo


See Vim#Git

Repo config

  • git config receive.denyCurrentBranch warn - allow pushing to a non-base repo
git repo-config core.sharedRepository true - allow access by multiple users

Adding files

git add .
  # add file to Index (staging)
git add *
  # add all (except those in .gitignore) files to Index
git add -p
  # add hunks seperatly [10]

# y = stage, n = don't stage, q = quit,
git ls-files --modified | xargs git add
  # list modified (not untracked) and add [11]


Committing moves files from Index into HEAD.

git commit -m Commit message goes here.
git commit -a
  git adds at the same time
git commit --amend
  without file change, alter last commit msg


git remote add origin <server>

git remote show origin

git remote set-url origin


git fetch [origin] [master]
  get files from origin master remote
git pull [origin] [master]
  fetch from and merge with another repository or a local branch
git push otherrepo <branch>
  stick branch on otherrepo remote


git reset --hard HEAD
  reset any uncommitted changes in Index
git reset --hard origin/master
  reset from remote master


Branching and merging

git branch
  list branches with current starred
git branch -a
  list branches (including remote)

git branch <branch>
  create branch
git branch -d <branch>
  delete branch
git checkout <branch>
  switch to working on <branch>
git checkout -b <branch>
  same as "git branch <branch> | git checkout <branch>"

git checkout -- <file>
  checkout file from HEAD

git checkout -
   check out previous branch
git checkout HEAD@{1}
  checkout next commit on current branch
git checkout HEAD~
  checkout previous commit on current branch

git merge <branch>
  merge branch, keep branch in commit log
git rebase <branch> - fast-forward merge current to <branch> (?)
git diff master <branch> - show difference between master and another branch
git branch --set-upstream master origin/master
  Branch master set up to track remote branch master from origin.



git log
  list commits with message and sha
git log .
  log for current directory

git log --since="today"
git log --since="6am"

git log -p
  show diffs
git log -p -2
   show second two last diffs
lol = log --graph --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit
git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit


See also Vim#Git

git diff
  diff changes
git diff --cached
  diff changes in staging
git diff shaOfCheckIn
  show diff between sha and current
git show shaOfCheckIn
  show diff of sha from previous
git diff shaOfCheckIn^ shaOfCheckIn
git diff shaOfCheckIn{^,}
git diff <revision_1>:<file_1> <revision_2>:<file_2>
  diff between two files



git mergetool

git mergetool -t opendiff

Meld GUI is worth checking.


  list window numbers
  jump to previous changeset

  jump to next changeset
:diffget [window]
   get change from active window to working
   redraw diff highlighting


git tag
  list repo tags
git tag 1.0 <sha>
  tag <sha> (branch+commit hash) with 1.0

tags point to a sha. use git checkout [tag] to change to the commit.


git submodule add git@mygithost:project [--branch x.y] [directory/path]
  # add submodule and checkout specific branch
git submodule init
git submodule update


git submodule update --init
  # bootstrap submodules listed in .gitmodules after cloning somewhere
git submodule foreach git pull origin master
  # update all submodules

git submodule deinit directory/path
  # disable a submodule
git rm --cached path/to/submodule
  # remove a submodule


git diff > change.patch
# create a patch

git diff > [description]-[issue-number]-[comment-number].patch
# create a Drupal patch

git apply -v <patch>
# apply patch. also;

curl | git am


  • man gitignore - Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore

Example to exclude everything except a specific directory foo/bar (note the /* - without the slash, the wildcard would also exclude everything within foo/bar):

$ cat .gitignore
# exclude everything except directory foo/bar

Archive to tar

git archive [13]
  default output is tar
git archive master | tar -x -C /somewhere/else
  pipe to extraction
git archive --format=tar --remote=git@server:repo.git master | tar -xf -

also, Legit.


git bundle - Move objects and refs by archive


CLI tools

Zsh prompt symbols

✔:	repository clean
●n:	there are n staged files
✖n:	there are n unmerged files
✚n:	there are n changed but unstaged files
…:	there are some untracked files

↑n:	ahead of remote by n commits
↓n:	behind remote by n commits
↓m↑n:	branches diverged, other by m commits, yours by n commits
::	hash, not a branch





  • git-up - fetch and rebase all locally-tracked remote branches
  • SCM Breeze is a set of shell scripts (for bash and zsh) that enhance your interaction with git. It integrates with your shell to give you numbered file shortcuts, a repository index with tab completion, and many other useful features. [14]
  • git-export - Export the contents of the current git index to the given destination, ready to rock.
  • git pissed tracks any number of words across your entire git history. The defaults are wildly offensive and inspired by Vidar Holen's Linux Kernel Swear Counts.

Large files




Repository management


Git used for private repo, with Gitweb for easy overview.



  • create git user
  • ~/.ssh/authorized_keys is empty or non-existent
  • put pub key in $HOME/
git clone git://
mkdir -p $HOME/bin
gitolite/install -to $HOME/bin
gitolite setup -pk

gitolite-admin is only accessible with the public key named after the git account used for the gitolite


recommends 1Gb ram!









  • github-cli - command-line interface to GitHub's Issues API (v2)
  • hub is a command-line wrapper for git that makes you better at GitHub.
  • willitmerge - A command line tool to check if pull requests are mergeable.



  • GitTorrent - a peer-to-peer network of Git repositories being shared over BitTorrent. You can read more about the project at this blog post. The design of GitTorrent has five components: A "git transport helper" that knows how to download and unpack git objects, and can be used by Git itself to perform a fetch/clone/push. A distributed hash table that advertises which git commits a node is willing to serve. A BitTorrent protocol extension that negotiates sending a packfile with needed objects to a peer. A key/value store on the distributed hash table, used as a "user profile" describing a user's repositories and their latest git hashes. A method for registering friendly usernames on Bitcoin's blockchain, so that a written username can be used to find a user instead of an ugly hex string.
  • - static site management
  • ("open-source talks") is a forum for open-source projects and the best place for discussing project stuff with other users. It is tightly integrated with GitHub.


N.b. https clone url includes username@, which will require password. remove this for straight-through access.

curl -k -X POST --user user:pass "" -d "name=project_name"


to sort
