
From Things and Stuff Wiki
Revision as of 22:21, 29 January 2018 by Milk (talk | contribs)
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Welcome! My name is Milk and I use this personal wiki to keep track of resources and knowledge.

A wiki is most often a work in progress. The menu, page lengths, outline and content orders are organic, inconsistent and very much up for debate.

tl;dr: Wikis in Plain English - a 3:52 video by Common Craft explaining what a wiki is for.

Things I do with the wiki:

  • links (and commentary) saved
  • messy stubs sectioned
  • link titles and descriptions added
  • sections refactored
  • link summations made
  • sections further moved and merged
  • menu reordering

Proper responsive layout for mobile devices coming later..

If you might like to contribute, you can login via an OpenID account, it saves the wiki from spam. You can get an OpenID account with StackExchange, Dreamwidth or LiveJournal. Using your own web domain name as your OpenID login: see for WordPress or a web server with PHP. If you're stuck, e-mail me and I'll set you up an account; admin <atsymbol] milkmiruku {dut) com.

Origins: I started using wiki web software to take notes in 2003 using an account hosted by wikiservice.at (thank you Helmut Leitner!). It's still available to view here. Later I ran the Things and Stuff in Edinburgh Facebook events group (and Twitter) came first. The aim was to help disseminate information on free, low-cost and notable groups, institutions, spaces (and other things and stuff) in and around or relating to Edinburgh. Many things didn't change over time, so I added local info to the wiki on Edinburgh. Facebook gutted their groups a long time ago, so I realigned it to be for the wiki instead.

Link copy bookmarklet:

javascript:%28function%28s%29%7Btry%7Bs=document.selection.createRange%28%29.text%7Dcatch%28_%29%7Bs=document.getSelection%28%29%7Dprompt%28%27MediaWiki Copy%27,%27%2A %5B%27+location+%27 %27+document.title+%27%5d - %27+s+%27%5Cn%27%29%7D%29%28%29

Github link copy bookmarklet:

javascript:%28function%28s%29%7Btry%7Bs=document.selection.createRange%28%29.text%7Dcatch%28_%29%7Bs=document.getSelection%28%29%7Dprompt%28%27MediaWiki Copy%27,%27%5Cn%2A %27+location+%27 - %27+s+%27%5Cn%27%29%7D%29%28%29