A box, yer computer, physical (or abstract) box. [1]
These are the steps that I follow (and create) when I set-up Arch Linux. They are incomplete.
See also Stack, *nix#Configuration 2, Server, Distros, Distros#Live Distro
Arch Linux stock install
Todo: convert parts into this style -
- See also Distros#Custom ISO for creating your own Arch derivative.
Setup in ArchISO
Setup ArchISO environment.
# set keyboard for UK qwerty, gives access to pipe character, etc. loadkeys /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty/ # check for potentially failed services (i.e. network dhcp) systemctl --failed ==== Network ==== <pre> # If there isn't a network already: # for wifi-menu / wpa_cli to work vim /etc/wpa_supplicant/base.conf # new file ctrl_interface=/run/wpa_supplicant update_config=1 # get wifi interface name ip a wifi-menu (or) # start wpa_supplicant wpa_supplicant -B -i interfacename -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/base.conf # establish wifi data link wpa_cli scan scan_results add_network set_network 0 ssid "MYSSID" set_network 0 psk "passphrase" enable_network 0 # or for open wifi set_network 0 key_mgmt NONE enable_network 0 save_config q ### for wifi and ethernet??? # establish ip linkcli dhcpcd [interface]
# update pacman software list pacman -Sy # install terminfo for urxvt pacman -S rxvt-unicode-terminfo
Setup target storage
Either basic or LVM (or btrfs (to come))
# # there can be only 4 'primary' partitions in the MBR. if not using LVM, make the fourth 'extended' so it can contain further 'logical' partitions # filesystem partition size ideas: # /boot - 512M # contains boot kernel images (linux, linux-lts, linux-ck, etc.) - Type: linux (83) # [swap] # swap size to match RAM size - Type: linux swap (82) # / # one large partition for the rest - Type: linux (83) OR linux LVM (8e) # all-in-one partitioning, boot flag and swap partition setup echo -e "n\n\n\n\n+512M\n n\n\n\n\n+1G\n n\n\n\n\n\n a\n1\n t\n2\n82\nw\n"| fdisk /dev/vda # check drive partitions lsblk # formatting # boot as ext2 (no journal for less fuckups?) mkfs.ext2 /dev/sda1 e2label /dev/sda1 /boot mkfs.ext4 /dev/[partition] # create swap partition mkswap /dev/[swappartition] swapon /dev/[swappartition] # mount partitions - root first mount /dev/mapper/<lv-root> /mnt mkdir /mnt/boot mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot # give device label, for file managers - e2label /dev/XXX <label>
LVM (optional)
# managing storage devices with LVM allows for easier partition resizing, etc. later # see # scan for available devices lvmdiskscan # create physical volume pvcreate /dev/DEVICE # confirm the above with either: pvdisplay pvscan pvs # create and add to internal drive volume group vgcreate <volume_group> /dev/DEVICE # or vgcreate <volume_group> /dev/sda2 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc # or vgextend <volume_group> <physical_volume> # confirm the above with: vgdisplay # logical volume / partition ideas: # root (/) logical volume, will contain /usr (includes installed programs) # minimum 100G - Bootable - Type: linux (83) # [swap] # match size of RAM if you use suspend-to-disk - Type # var (/var) logical volume - contains misc. including spools, logs, packages downloaded for installation. separate to avoid running out of space # minimum 100G - Type: linux (83) # home (/home) logical volume - contains user home folders # remainder - Type: linux (83) # create partition group. -C = contiguous. lvcreate -C y -L 100G <volume_group> -n <lv_name> etc. # confirm the above lvs # confirm drive partitions lsblk # format drive partitions # boot as ext2 mkfs.ext2 /dev/sda1 e2label /dev/sda1 /boot mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/[partition] # repeat for each partition, excluding swap partition # create swap partition mkswap /dev/[swappartition] swapon /dev/[swappartition] # mount partitions - root first mount /dev/mapper/<lv-root> /mnt mkdir /mnt/boot mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot mkdir /mnt/var mount /dev/mapper/<lv-var> /mnt/var mkdir /mnt/home mount /dev/mapper/<lv-home> /mnt/home # if mirroring with raid1; lvconvert --type raid1 -m 1 /dev/milk-hdd-internal/logicalvolume /dev/sdd1 # give device label, for file managers - e2label /dev/XXX <label>
Bootstrap target system
# use geographically close arch package mirror vim /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist # move local mirror at top of the list. this config is also copied across in the next step. # bootstrap including the installation of pacman and a few extras pacstrap /mnt base base-devel archlinux-keyring pacman-contrib syslinux zsh polkit netctl openssh p7zip reflector iotop mlocate ripgrep fzf vim git tmux htop atop dmidecode fasd ncdu dfc tree pkgfile wget bind-tools dhcping exfat-utils sshfs dateutils trash-cli mediainfo-cli pip python2-pip linux-headers linux-lts linux-lts-headers wpa_supplicant dialog # generate file system configuration info genfstab -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab # chroot into new system arch-chroot /mnt #optional storage extra pacman -S lvm2 #optional network extras pacman -S dnsmasq dnscrypt-proxy
AUR and Git
# bootstrap AUR access with AUR helper pacaur # # yay > trizen > pacaur w/ pacget > yaourt > * mkdir -p ~/pkgs && cd ~/pkgs && git clone && cd yay-git && makepkg -si yay -S --answeredit n --answerdiff n pkgcacheclean longoverdue downgrade inxi fd-rs localepurge neobundle-git dtrx #gpg --recv-key [keyfromerror]
Accounts, names, time and language
# set root user password passwd # add your own user account and set a password useradd -m [USERNAME] passwd [USERNAME] # let wheel group use sudo for root permission visudo # uncomment %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL ## USERNAME HOST_NAME= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/halt,/usr/bin/poweroff,/usr/bin/reboot,/usr/bin/pacman -Syu # add user to wheel group for sudo/etc, access gpasswd -a [USERNAME] wheel # set a computer name echo computer_name > /etc/hostname # set the timezone ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/London /etc/localtime # uncomment en_GB.UTF-8 or appropriate locale vim /etc/locale.gen /#en_GB xZZ # generate locale locale-gen # set locale conf echo LANG=en_GB.UTF-8 > /etc/locale.conf # set persistant console keymap and font preferences in /etc/vconsole.conf vim /etc/vconsole.conf i KEYMAP=uk [esc]ZZ
Kernel images
# edit mkinitcpio.conf vim /etc/mkinitcpio.conf # add lvm2 to hooks HOOKS=" ... block lvm2 filesystems ... " # uncomment "xz" compression # build boot arch and lts boot images mkinitcpio -p linux-odroid-n2 linux-lts
x86 bootloader
# install bootloader: syslinux (installed above) syslinux-install_update -i -a -m # the above does this: # fdisk for boot flag # dd bs=440 count=1 if=/usr/lib/syslinux/bios/mbr.bin of=/dev/sda #CAUTION - edit /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg to use correct device/mapper addresses
# OR # install bootloader: GRUB # syslinux is easier to manage than GRUB #pacman -S grub #grub-install --recheck --target=i386-pc /dev/sdx # allow for saving the last booted kernel, edit /etc/default/grub, set #GRUB_DEFAULT=saved # and add #GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT=true # generate/regenerate config file #grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
# set better network interface device names in relation to their MAC (media access control) address. #vim /etc/udev/rules.d/10-network.rules # if only one active interface: echo SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", ATTR{address}=="$(cat /sys/class/net/$(ls /sys/class/net/ | grep -v lo | grep -v wlan)/address)", NAME="eth0" > /etc/udev/rules.d/ # if there is wifi (to fix): #echo SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", ATTR{address}=="$(cat /sys/class/net/**wifiinterfacename**/address)", NAME="wlan0" >> /etc/udev/rules.d/ # enable DHCP # multiple network management methods are available # # dhcpcd for all interfaces systemctl enable dhcpcd systemctl start dhcpcd # netctl (arch dev grown systemd interface) cp /etc/netctl/examples/ethernet-dhcp /etc/netctl cp /etc/netctl/examples/wireless-wpa /etc/netctl vim /etc/netctl/wireless-wpa # change essid and key # test netctl ethernet profile netctl start ethernet-dhcp ip a ping netctl stop ethernet-dhcp # test netctl wireless-wpa profile netctl start ethernet-dhcp ip a ping netctl stop wireless-wpa # make ethernet profile persistant netctl enable ethernet-dhcp systemctl enable dnsmasq # either use straight DNS # set dns resolver (router) # see for a pair of public DNS server address to set #vim /etc/resolv.conf # or use encrypted DNS # install dnscrypt # setup dnsmasq config to listen to port 40 instead of 53 vim /etc/dnsmasq.conf no-resolv server= listen-address= proxy-dnssec # make a network socket for dnscrypt to use port 40 systemctl edit dnscrypt-proxy.socket [Socket] ListenStream= ListenDatagram= ListenStream= ListenDatagram= # create a unit file for dnscrypt with your chosen resolver cp /usr/lib/systemd/system/dnscrypt-proxy.service /etc/systemd/system vim /etc/systemd/system/dnscrypt-proxy.service # following [ resolver] works # make sure dnsmasq doesn't fall over due from dnscrypt not responding while it starts up cp /usr/lib/systemd/system/dnsmasq.service /etc/systemd/system/ vim /etc/systemd/system/ # edit to load After=dnscrypt-proxy.service systemctl daemon-reload # um.. could be above? edit file after auto copy rather than before? systemctl enable dnscrypt-proxy.service vim /etc/resolv.conf nameserver # setup ssh access systemctl enable sshd systemctl start sshd # reboot # ctrl-alt-del is quickest # pacman -S fail2ban
SSH and dotfiles
# Make .ssh directory mkdir ~/.ssh # Generate an [[SSH]] key using EdDSA (SHA-512/256 and Curve25519) ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -b 4096 -C "" -f $HOME/.ssh/id_[keynamehere] # Ensure ssh-agent is enabled for this shell instance eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" # Add your SSH key to the ssh-agent ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_[whatever] # install; vcsh myrepos yay -S --answeredit n --answerdiff n vcsh-git myrepos-git git clone ~/.zgen mkdir -p ~/.zsh/cache/`hostname --short` # bootstrap vcsh vcsh clone # edit config.d symlinks to available.d cd .config/mr/available.d #etc. # mr bootstrap mr up
Video drivers
# find out graphics chipset lspci | grep -e VGA -e 3D # find gfx chipset drivers to install pacman -Ss xf86-video | grep ##something## # install gfx drivers pacman -S xf86-video-ati # or whatever package # hardware video acceleration, framebuffer support pacman -S libva-mesa-driver xf86-video-fbdev
### fonts # yay -S --answeredit n --noedit terminus-font terminus-font-ttf ttf-ms-fonts ### GUI apps # yay -S --answeredit n --noedit mediainfo-gui rxvt-unicode-fontspacing-noinc-vteclear-secondarywheel urxvtcd emoji-keyboard-git # do you want X11 or wayland? ==== X11 ==== # if you want a graphical login, install a display manager # #yay -S --answeredit n lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter #systemctl enable lightdm.service localectl set-x11-keymap gb # install basic X11 related yay -S --answeredit n --noedit xorg-server xorg-xinit xorg-xsetroot xorg-xrdb xorg-xset xorg-xev \ py3status checkupdates-aur xorg-xinput arandr xorg-xprop # set X11 keyboard layout sudoedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-keyboard.conf Section "InputClass" Identifier "keyboard" MatchIsKeyboard "yes" Option "XkbLayout" "gb" Option "XkbVariant" "nodeadkeys" EndSection # install X11 window manager # bspwm-git sxhkd-git - using i3 now. yay -S --answeredit n i3-gaps # install other X11 related yay -S --answeredit n autocutsel xscreensaver compton dunst hsetroot feh dmenu pnmixer-git redshift unclutter \ radiotray lxappearance workrave xorg-xdpyinfo xdotool glxinfo systemd-numlockontty gohufont # enable numlock for ttys and X systemctl enable numLockOnTty # doesn't work? # set the default browser gio mime x-scheme-handler/http google-chrome.desktop gio mime x-scheme-handler/https google-chrome.desktop
yay -S sway swaylock swayidle
# install software yay -S --answeredit n --answerdiff n links-g-directfb smartmontools gsmartcontrol youtube-dl-git dnscrypt-proxy-gui meld xcwd-git google-chrome caffeine-ng dolphin dolphin-plugins qt5ct fortune-mod ttf-symbola # update pkgfile search cache sudo pkgfile --update systemctl enable pkgfile-update.timer # set Git config # if not using vcsh managed git config #git config --global USERNAME #git config --global MAILADDRESS
to check
yay -S --answeredit n syncthing syncthing-gtk syncthing-inotify systemctl --user enable syncthing.service syncthing-gtk # to get api key mkdir /etc/systemd/user/syncthing-inotify.service.d/ sudoedit /etc/systemd/user/syncthing-inotify.service.d/start.conf [Unit] ExecStart= ExecStart=/usr/bin/syncthing-inotify -logflags=0 -api="0M6ubcgtcy7KBLucu0jeXrgqB8U7YKp9" RuntimeDirectory=syncthing-inotify edit api systemctl --user enable syncthing-inotify.service #sudo ln -s /home/milk/.zshrc /root/.zshrc #sudo ln -s /home/milk/.zsh /root/.zsh #sudo ln -s /home/milk/.vimrc /root/.vimrc #sudo ln -s /home/milk/.vim /root/.vim
to actually sort
See also Backup
yay -S --answeredit n pakbak-git sudo mkdir -p /var/backup/pakbak sudoedit /etc/pakbak.conf # edit backup folder to /var/backup/pakbak systemctl enable pakbak * tar -cjf pacman_database.tar.bz2 /var/lib/pacman/local ### Borg # list intentionally installed packages #pacman -Qqe # Backup paths; # # /home/* # /etc # /var # /boot # /opt? # etc..? # Exclude #/var/tmp
Virtual machine
yay -S --answeredit n linux-headers virtualbox virtualbox-host-dkms sudoedit /etc/mkinitcpio.conf vboxdrv # add to end of modules (not hooks!) sudo mkinitcpio -p linux sudo modprobe vboxdrv virtualbox
# install some apps yay -S --answeredit n jack2 pulseaudio-jack cadence-git carla-git lv2-plugins sequencer64 audacity audacity-extras
Extra notes
# Set up ACPI yay -S --answeredit n apci acpid vattery wicd wicd-gtk tlp hdparm mons systemctl enable acpid.service # sudoedit /etc/udev/rules.d/99-lowbat.rules # Suspend the system when battery level drops to 5% or lower SUBSYSTEM=="power_supply", ATTR{status}=="Discharging", ATTR{capacity}=="[0-5]", RUN+="/usr/bin/systemctl hibernate" # add vattery and wicd-gkt --tray to .xinitrc # Set up touchpad yay -S --answeredit n xf86-input-libinput # intel video chipset? sv /etc/X11/xorg.conf Section "Device" Identifier "Card0" Driver "intel" Option "Backlight" "intel_backlight" EndSection sv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/30-touchpad.conf Section "InputClass" Identifier "MyTouchpad" MatchIsTouchpad "on" Driver "libinput" Option "Tapping" "on" EndSection
yay -S kdeconnect indicator-kdeconnect exec --no-startup-id /usr/bin/indicator-kdeconnect # in .xinitrc
pacman -S sudo git tmux su USERNAME pacman -S --needed base base base-devel sudo vim git tmux archlinux-keyring pacman-contrib zsh polkit netctl openssh p7zip iotop mlocate ripgrep fzf htop atop dmidecode fasd ncdu dfc tree pkgfile wget bind-tools dhcping exfat-utils sshfs dateutils trash-cli python2-pip lvm2 wpa_supplicant dialog #not on arm syslinux reflector mediainfo-cli pip mkdir -p ~/pkgs && cd ~/pkgs && git clone || true && cd yay-git && makepkg -si yay -S --answeredit n --answerdiff n pkgcacheclean longoverdue downgrade inxi fd-rs localepurge neobundle-git dtrx pkgfile --update # put this in .bashrc eval "$(fasd --init auto)" passwd # change root password useradd -m USERNAME passwd USERNAME # change your password visudo # uncomment first wheel directive gpasswd -a USERNAME wheel echo NEWHOSTNAME > /etc/hostname rm /etc/localtime ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/London /etc/localtime
## usb drive partition - 8Gb /boot ## lvm raid 1 # root filesystem / /usr /usr/src /etc /opt /dev /media # external media mount point /proc # process info virtual filesystem /sys # system and kernel info virtual filesystem /run # running system shit virtual filesystem /home /milk /lmedia # large block size /var /var/cache /var/tmp /var/log # ramdisk /tmp # swap [SWAP]
noto-fonts-cjk droid sans mono 10 gohufont
Config management
??? b0rken?
yay -S --answeredit n vcsh myrepos ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/github_rsa eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" ssh-add ~/.ssh/github_rsa < ~/.ssh/ # add new key on ssh mkdir ~/.zsh/cache/$HOST touch ~/.zsh/cache/$HOST/last-working-dir # rm ~/.gtkrc-2.0 vcsh clone git:// mr mr up
Once all is working:
vcsh enter whateverrepo # only need to do this to change git remotes n such, not for general config editing exit
vcsh foreach add -u # add all tracked but uncomitted files in all repos vcsh commit # commit all vcsh push # push all repos
Old Ubuntu setup
hostname sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install tmux git git clone ~/.tmux ln -s ~/.tmux/.tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf tmux sudo apt-get install curl zsh ncdu htop tree mercurial build-essential gcc libc6-dev ncurses-dev sudo git clone ~/.zsh && cd ~/.zsh && sudo git submodule init && sudo git submodule update # edit zshrc location config useradd -m -s /usr/bin/zsh milk passwd milk adduser milk sudo sudo apt-get remove vim vim-runtime gvim # (disable distro vim. not possible with apt on ubuntu [2]) mkdir ~/src && mkdir ~/src/vim hg clone ~/src/vim && cd ~/src/vim && ./configure --enable-pythoninterp=yes && make && sudo make install cd git clone ~/.vim ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc mkdir ~/.vim/bundle git clone git:// ~/.vim/bundle/neobundle.vim echo ':NeoBundleInstall' > ~/viminit.txt echo ':q' >> ~/viminit.vim vim -s ~/viminit.vim rm ~/viminit.vim
git clone vimproc ...... wget -O src/atop.tar.gz && cd ~/src && tar zxvf atop.tar.gz && cd ~/src/atop && ./configure && make && make install cd vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config # disable root, change port, etc.
ssh-keygen -t rsa # (for user and root?)
To sort: multiuser config. permissions? Or /usr/share/config/ ...
apt-get install php mariadb apt-get install ruby rubygems apt-get install python pip