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a big mess. to reorder and fx with others


to redo

See also Living, Mind#Communication, Learning, Politics, Being#Listening

  • - an entity comprising multiple people, such as an institution or an association, that has a collective goal and is linked to an external environment. The word is derived from the Greek word organon, which means "organ"
  • - occurs when two or more people or organizations work together to realize or achieve a goal. Collaboration is very similar to cooperation. Most collaboration requires leadership, although the form of leadership can be social within a decentralized and egalitarian group. Teams that work collaboratively can obtain greater resources, recognition and reward when facing competition for finite resources.

Structured methods of collaboration encourage introspection of behavior and communication. These various methods specifically aim to increase the success of teams as they engage in collaborative problem solving. Collaboration is also present in opposing goals exhibiting the notion of adversarial collaboration, though this is not a common case for using the word.

  • Turbulance: Network organisation for the 21st century - Harry Halpin and Kay Summer - "future movements must consciously try to avoid two distinct fates: either the dissolution into a decentralised network of loose clusters of relatively isolated groups, movements and individuals – the fate of the summit-hopping phase of the movement of movements – or a decline towards a centralised network of cadres, which severely damaged the movement in the Sixties. Our lines of flight from these dead-ends consist in wilfully pushing ourselves to learn from successful networks and evolve towards a mature distributed network with abundant hubs and a powerful long tail: a movement with both mass participation and dynamic hubs of people and events, capable of evolving and responding rapidly to a fast-changing world."

  • - the principle expressed in the preamble to the International Labour Organization's founding documents. It expresses the view that people should not be treated like inanimate commodities, capital, another mere factor of production, or resources. Instead, people who work for a living should be treated as human beings, and accorded dignity and respect.

  • Peeragogy is a collection of techniques for collaborative learning and collaborative work. By learning how to “work smart” together, we hope to leave the world in a better state than it was when we arrived. Indeed, humans have always learned from each other. But for a long time — until the advent of the Web and widespread access to digital media — schools have had an effective monopoly on the business of learning. Now, with access to open educational resources and free or inexpensive communication platforms, groups of people can learn together outside as well as inside formal institutions. All of this prompted us to reconsider the meaning of “peer learning.”


See Living#Cooperative, Politics#Cooperative

  • contains practical and conceptual materials to help us think about how to respond to power relations within organisations and in wider social and political spaces. This resource is a collective effort, please contact us if you have something to contribute and share with others interested in power analysis.
    • Expressions of Power - Power is often defined only in negative terms, and as a form of domination, Power Over but it can also be a positive force, Power With, Power To, Power Within, for individual and collective capacity to act for change. Lisa VeneKlasen and Valeries Miller describee these four ‘expressions of power’ in A New Weave of Power (2002, page 55).


See also Living#Patterns, Computing#Patterns

  • Patterns of Software - Tales from the Software Community, Richard P. Gabriel with foreward by Christopher Alexander
  • Worse Is Better - Richard P. Gabriel. The concept known as "worse is better" holds that in software making (and perhaps in other arenas as well) it is better to start with a minimal creation and grow it as needed. Christopher Alexander might call this "piecemeal growth." This is the story of the evolution of that concept.



  • PDF: Buddy System Guidelines - "The selection decision is just the beginning of rewarding working relationships. Providing employees with the tools to successfully acclimate to an institutional culture ensures immediate benefits for both managers/supervisors as well as employees. Buddy systems engage employees at a pace that is productive and effective for individual and team success. This tool is designed to give guidelines for using the Buddy system to meet the specific orientation needs of you and your team.What is a Buddy? A Buddy is someone who partners with an employee during their employment transition. The Buddy’s role is to offer guidance and share experiences that support their new role and responsibilities at FIU."

  • - pronounced "meece", is a grouping principle for separating a set of items into subsets that are mutually exclusive (ME) and collectively exhaustive (CE). It was developed in the late 1960s by Barbara Minto at McKinsey & Company and is underlying her Minto Pyramid Principle, but is based on ideas going back as far as Aristotle.


  • National Occupational Standards (NOS) are statements of the standards of performance individuals must achieve when carrying out functions in the workplace, together with specifications of the underpinning knowledge and understanding.

"The Governance Hub’s experience and research suggest that many trustees and management committee members would like greater reassurance and access to practical information about legal structures and their implications. We have frequently been asked to suggest resources that will help in this area. This is why we asked Co-operatives UK to revise and update their Governance and Participation toolkit, and make it more easily available by producing a shorter single document version of the legal and governance proles contained in the toolkit. This text is the result. It presents the most widely used legal forms and governance models that organisations can use, together with other relevant information. It has been updated to include the newer forms now available: community interest companies (CIC) and charitable incorporated organisations (CIO)."


  • DIY Committee Guide - Whether you are a member of a management committee/board or working to support management committees, you will find this site full of useful resources.
  • - a device in which a legislative body or other deliberative assembly is considered one large committee. All members of the legislative body are members of such a committee. This is usually done for the purposes of discussion and debate of the details of bills and other main motions.



See anarchism, horizontalism, etc. Politics

  • - straw polls as not voting, just focusing attention. hard issues are still heard, maybe bracketed.


Conflict resolution

Risk management

Safe spaces


See Being#Discourse, Being#Nonviolent communication #Structured debate



  • - the management of the flow of goods between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet some requirements, of customers or corporations. The resources managed in logistics can include physical items, such as food, materials, animals, equipment and liquids, as well as abstract items, such as time, information, particles, and energy. The logistics of physical items usually involves the integration of information flow, material handling, production, packaging, inventory, transportation, warehousing, and often security. The complexity of logistics can be modeled, analyzed, visualized, and optimized by dedicated simulation software. The minimization of the use of resources is a common motivation in logistics for import and export. "the detailed organization and implementation of a complex operation.", a branch of engineering that creates "people systems" rather than "machine systems."


  • - both a leadership philosophy and set of leadership practices. Traditional leadership generally involves the accumulation and exercise of power by one at the “top of the pyramid.” By comparison, the servant-leader shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible.

  • - a modern (2011) leadership model. Designed as a practical tool for developing a person’s leadership presence, knowhow and skill, it aims to summarize what leaders have to do, not only to bring leadership to their group or organization, but also to develop themselves technically and psychologically as leaders.

The first two levels – public and private leadership – are “outer” or “behavioral” levels. Scouller distinguished between the behaviors involved in influencing two or more people simultaneously (what he called “public leadership”) from the behavior needed to select and influence individuals one to one (which he called private leadership). He listed 34 distinct “public leadership” behaviors and a further 14 “private leadership” behaviors. The third level – personal leadership – is an “inner” level and concerns a person’s leadership presence, knowhow, skills, beliefs, emotions and unconscious habits. "At its heart is the leader’s self-awareness, his progress toward self-mastery and technical competence, and his sense of connection with those around him. It's the inner core, the source, of a leader’s outer leadership effectiveness.” (Scouller, 2011).


  • Intrafocus: What is RIDDOR - A short Introduction - a summary of The United Kingdom Statute Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations or RIDDOR. It is not a definitive guide and should not be used as such. For full information see article references at the bottom of this page.

Task and project management

See also Development, Documents, Language#Software and services, Web systems, SaaS

Todo lists

"the BEST to-do list is the one you use"


  • Todo.txt is a plain text file. To take advantage of structured task metadata like priority, projects, context, creation and completion date, there are a few simple but flexible file format rules. Philosophically, the Todo.txt file format has two goals: The file contents should be human-readable without requiring any tools other than a plain text viewer or editor; A user can manipulate the file contents in a plain text editor in sensible, expected ways. For example, a text editor that can sort lines alphabetically should be able to sort your task list in a meaningful way.


  • DevTodo - a small command line application for maintaining lists of tasks. It stores tasks hierarchically, with each task given one of five priority levels. Data is stored as JSON.

Emacs Org mode

See Emacs



  • Pinup - Sticky notes, corkboards, collaboration
  • Deed - lets you keep track of things you plan to do - your deeds.

Getting Things Done

"You will have to make the following lists:

  • In
  • Next actions (probably several – more on that later)
  • Waiting for
  • Projects
  • Some day/maybe

"These lists will be reviewed regularly and form the backbone of the GTD system. Their workings are described below. In addition to the lists you will need a calendar which lets you write down date and time sensitive tasks and events."


  • Getting (Unremarkable) Things Done: The Problem With David Allen’s Universalism - "Allen preaches task universalism: when you get down to concrete actions, all work is created equal. Deep work cannot be reduced to clear next actions. It is, instead, a philosophy that must be cultivated. If you read Robert Greene’s Mastery, for example, you’ll encounter story after story of remarkable people who didn’t carefully organize tasks, but instead marshaled their energy toward the obsessive (and often messy) pursuit of something new."



  • Kanbanik is a free and open source kanban board which can be used for personal kanban as well as for managing of small teams. Kanbanik is a Scala web application with a rich GWT frontend optimized for Google Chrome. For simple install & try there is a runtime for Windows and for Linux available which contains jetty, mongoDB and scripts to run the application with no additional configuration required.
  • TaskBoard - Kanban-inspired app for keeping track of things that need to get done. The goal of TaskBoard is to provide a simple and clean interface to a functional and minimal application for keeping track of tasks. It's not trying to be the next Trello or LeanKit.

  • - Tasks, boards & notes for the command-line habitat. By utilizing a simple and minimal usage syntax, that requires a flat learning curve, taskbook enables you to effectively manage your tasks and notes across multiple boards from within your terminal. All data are written atomically to the storage in order to prevent corruptions, and are never shared with any third party entities. Deleted items are automatically archived and can be inspected or restored at any moment. [24]



Example boards:

  • Chrome Web Store: Slim Lists for Trello - Shows you more lists in Trello by reducing the width of lists in Trello by up to 50%
google-chrome-stable --app=
  # launch trello in chrome in kiosk mode. assign this to a keyboard shortcut.

Pivotal Tracker
  • pv - a command-line tool that views and edits the Pivotal Tracker stories that have been assigned to you in the My Work pane. It's scoped to just your work, and pv was definitely designed from the perspective of developers working on a project, not project managers who are managing those developers. My opinion is that Pivotal Tracker's UI was designed primarily for people like that, so this shell tool is simply a different way of seeing that, geared more towards developers who don't need to see the scope of the whole project every time they want to check up on their stories.

Index card

  • - (or system card in Australian English) consists of card stock (heavy paper) cut to a standard size, used for recording and storing small amounts of discrete data. A collection of such cards either serves as, or aids the creation of, an index for expedited lookup of information (such as a library catalog or a back-of-the-book index). This system was invented by Carl Linnaeus, around 1760.

The most common size for index cards in North America and UK is 3 by 5 inches (76.2 by 127.0 mm), hence the common name 3-by-5 card. Other sizes widely available include 4 by 6 inches (101.6 by 152.4 mm), 5 by 8 inches (127.0 by 203.2 mm) and ISO-size A7 (74 by 105 mm or 2.9 by 4.1 in). Cards are available in blank, ruled and grid styles in a variety of colors. Special divider cards with protruding tabs and a variety of cases and trays to hold the cards are also sold by stationers and office product companies. They are part of standard stationery...ed by indexing software in the 1980s and 1990s. An often suggested organization method for bibliographical use is to use the smaller 3-inch by 5-inch cards to record the title and citation information of works cited, while using larger cards for recording quotes or other data. Index cards are used for many events and are helpful for planning.

Until the digitization of library catalogs, which began in the 1980s, the primary tool used to locate books was the card catalog, in which every book was described on three cards, filed alphabetically under its title, author, and subject (if non-fiction). Similar catalogs were used by law firms and other entities to organize large quantities of stored documents. However, the adoption of standard cataloging protocols throughout nations with international agreements, along with the rise of the Internet and the conversion of cataloging systems to digital storage and retrieval, has made obsolescent the widespread use of index cards for cataloging.

  • - or edge-punched cards are an obsolete technology used to store a small amount of binary or logical data on paper index cards, encoded via the presence or absence of notches in the edges of the cards.[1] The notches allowed efficient sorting and selecting of specific cards matching multiple desired criteria, from a larger number of cards in a paper-based database of information. In the mid-20th century they were also known by commercial names such as Cope-Chat cards, E-Z Sort cards, and McBee Keysort cards.

to sort

  • Holly - Task tracking for nerds. Holly is TODO lists with an interface for the tech-savvy. If you aren't into code and text editors this will make you cry.
  • DropTask - Visual Task Management for Individuals and Teams
  • TaskFreak - Original is a simple but efficient web based task manager written in PHP. Getting Things Done based.

RTM, etc.


  • Wekan - The open-source Trello-like kanban.
  • Kanboard - a project management software that use the Kanban methodology


To sort

uncons, bar/foo camps, cons, etc.

  • Socialism and the Blockchain - Steve Huckle and Martin White. "Bitcoin (BTC) is often cited as Libertarian. However, the technology underpinning Bitcoin, blockchain, has properties that make it ideally suited to Socialist paradigms. Current literature supports the Libertarian viewpoint by focusing on the ability of Bitcoin to bypass central authority and provide anonymity; rarely is there an examination of blockchain technology’s capacity for decentralised transparency and auditability in support of a Socialist model. This paper conducts a review of the blockchain, Libertarianism, and Socialist philosophies. It then explores Socialist models of public ownership and looks at the unique cooperative properties of blockchain that make the technology ideal for supporting Socialist societies. In summary, this paper argues that blockchain technologies are not just a Libertarian tool, they also enhance Socialist forms of governance."

  • Colony - a new kind of blockchain based organization. It could be a community project, a company, or a non-profit — your imagination is the only limit.Every colony has its own token. You earn tokens by doing work. The more tokens you hold, the more of the colony you own.Tokens let you stake your ownership on your good judgement when proposing tasks, or claiming someone should be paid.

Project management

  • - discipline of planning, organizing, securing, managing, leading, and controlling resources to achieve specific goals. A project is a temporary endeavor with a defined beginning and end (usually time-constrained, and often constrained by funding or deliverables), undertaken to meet unique goals and objectives, typically to bring about beneficial change or added value. The temporary nature of projects stands in contrast with ongoing business operations.


  • - a system used by an agency or owner for organizing and financing design, construction, operations, and maintenance services for a structure or facility by entering into legal agreements with one or more entities or parties.

  • - total number of key developers who would need to be incapacitated (for example, by getting hit by a bus/truck) to send the project into such disarray that it would not be able to proceed [37]



Action method

  • Action steps
  • References
  • Backburner items

Six Sigma

  • - a set of techniques and tools for process improvement. It was developed by Motorola in 1986. Jack Welch made it central to his business strategy at General Electric in 1995. Today, it is used in many industrial sectors.

Six Sigma seeks to improve the quality of process outputs by identifying and removing the causes of defects (errors) and minimizing variability in manufacturing and business processes. It uses a set of quality management methods, including statistical methods, and creates a special infrastructure of people within the organization ("Champions", "Black Belts", "Green Belts", "Yellow Belts", etc.) who are experts in these methods. Each Six Sigma project carried out within an organization follows a defined sequence of steps and has quantified value targets, for example: reduce process cycle time, reduce pollution, reduce costs, increase customer satisfaction, and increase profits.

The term Six Sigma originated from terminology associated with manufacturing, specifically terms associated with statistical modeling of manufacturing processes. The maturity of a manufacturing process can be described by a sigma rating indicating its yield or the percentage of defect-free products it creates. A six sigma process is one in which 99.99966% of the products manufactured are statistically expected to be free of defects (3.4 defective parts/million), although, as discussed below, this defect level corresponds to only a 4.5 sigma level. Motorola set a goal of "six sigma" for all of its manufacturing operations, and this goal became a by-word for the management and engineering practices used to achieve it.






Talking circle

  • - also called a speaker's staff, talking piece, etc., is passed around from member to member allowing only the person holding the stick to speak. This enables all those present at a council meeting to be heard, especially those who may be shy; consensus can force the stick to move along to assure that the "long winded" don't dominate the discussion; and the person holding the stick may allow others to interject.

Circle method

  • guardian = facilitator in a way, watches time and mood


  • GlassFrog - the official software to supportand advance your Holacracy practice.



  • Sociocracy 3.0 - Effective Collaboration At Any Scale. Driver for Creating Sociocracy 3.0: "In 2014 we came together to co-create a body of Creative Commons licensed learning resources, synthesizing ideas from Sociocracy, Agile and Lean. We discovered that organizations of all sizes need a flexible menu of practices and structures – appropriate for their specific context – that enable the evolution of a sociocratic and agile mindset to achieve greater effectiveness, alignment, fulfillment and wellbeing."

Initiative circle

"We have a board in Trello with the simple Backlog, In Progress, and Complete workflow. When someone comes up with anything tactical or strategic they can add it as an initiative to the backlog. The only perquisite is that the initiative must have a focused and achievable objective. The initiative can be moved into “In Progress” when 3 or more individuals volunteer to be full-time members of that initiative. The members have full authority, responsibility and accountability to fulfil the objective of that initiative. They assign an aspirational completion date for the initiative before moving it into “In Progress”. The date may change as the initiative progresses. The initiative will be blocked if the members drop below 3. We ask people to try and avoid taking on initiatives that they cannot dedicate time towards, so that blocked initiatives are kept to a minimum.

"A regular update regarding the progress of the initiative is provided to the rest of the company. Any decisions made by an Initiative Circle is communicated to the rest of the company via our usual communication channels. If anyone has strong objections, they will voice those directly with the members of the Initiative Circle. The circle is not expected to satisfy everyone in the company with regards to their decisions. However, all members within the circle must agree to the decisions made by that circle. No decision within the company is written in stone and may be modified by subsequent decisions. So in case people strongly disagree with the outcomes of an initiative, they are welcome to create a new initiative to replace existing policies and practices.

"We have integrated Initiative Circles Trello board with the Slack channel so that all updates are posted there automatically. Everyone is subscribed to this channel and can keep abreast of the progress of current Initiative Circles and proposal for new initiatives. If the objective of an initiative or it's completion date is changed then the rest of the company is notified via this channel."


  • - is "a problem-solving, analysis and forecasting tool derived from the study of patterns of invention in the global patent literature". It was developed by the Soviet inventor and science fiction author Genrich Altshuller and his colleagues, beginning in 1946. In English the name is typically rendered as "the theory of inventive problem solving", and occasionally goes by the English acronym TIPS.


  • - an iterative and incremental development framework, inspired by Scrum and Kanban (かんばん(看板)?) that features principles of Modular Design, BDD and TDD. The name was coined in 2012 after Extreme Programming (XP) software development by Joe Justice, founder of Wikispeed, and Marcin Jakubowski, founder of Open Source Ecology. This framework, popularized by Joe Justice and J.J. Sutherland, has a rich history with origins that predate the early implementations of Agile software development and exemplify the Japanese Kaizen (改善?) culture.

  • - direction management (Japanese: 方針管理 Hepburn: hōshin kanri?)) is a method devised to capture and cement strategic goals as well as flashes of insight about the future and develop the means to bring these into reality. policy deployment, hoshin planning, or simply hoshin (as in "FY12 Hoshin"), it is a strategic planning/strategic management methodology based on a concept popularized in Japan in the late 1950s by Professor Yoji Akao. "Each person is the expert in his or her own job, and Japanese TQC [Total Quality Control] is designed to use the collective thinking power of all employees to make their organization the best in its field."

Time management

  • Taskfreak! Time Tracking - Taskfreak version is all about (and only about) planning tasks and keep track of time spent on them.

Task routine

Time tracking

  • Timetrap is a simple command line time tracker written in ruby. It provides an easy to use command line interface for tracking what you spend your time on.


See Health

Break management

can't start minimized?




  • Baïkal offers ubiquitous and synchronized access to your calendars and address books over CalDAV and CardDAV. Baïkal implements the current IETF recommendation drafts of these industry standards for centralized calendar and address book collections.

  • vdirsyncer - a command-line tool for synchronizing calendars and addressbooks between a variety of servers and the local filesystem. The most popular usecase is to synchronize a server with a local folder and use a set of other programs to change the local events and contacts. Vdirsyncer can then synchronize those changes back to the server.However, vdirsyncer is not limited to synchronizing between clients and servers. It can also be used to synchronize calendars and/or addressbooks between two servers directly.It aims to be for calendars and contacts what OfflineIMAP is for emails.

  • calcurse - a calendar and scheduling application for the command line. It helps keep track of events, appointments and everyday tasks. A configurable notification system reminds user of upcoming deadlines, the curses based interface can be customized to suit user needs and a very powerful set of command line options can be used to filter and format appointments, making it suitable for use in scripts.

  • - Open Source Show Management System, a tool to help musicians, artists and bookers with the organization of shows and everything around. BookerDB is based on a csv database, classified by dates. It is possible to add/delete entries and do a lot more of manipulations. It has a monitor to show all kind of filters around the database, like coming dates, played dates, statistics, contacts, etc... It can also export database entries into PDF (as info sheet with all important information) to take them as reminder on tour.

  • Remind - a sophisticated calendar and alarm program. It includes the following features: A sophisticated scripting language and intelligent handling of exceptions and holidays. Plain-text, PostScript and HTML output. Timed reminders and pop-up alarms. A friendly graphical front-end for people who don't want to learn the scripting language. Facilities for both the Gregorian and Hebrew calendars. Support for 12 different languages.



  • noprocrast - A gem to stop you procastinating. Noprocast automatically adds and removes items from your /etc/hosts, rendering addictive websites useless. Ruby.
  • workmode - command line tool for blocking sites to be more productive

  • Doodle - The simple way to decide on dates, places & more. Compare availability to find the best time for everyone to meet.

  • Dudle - an online scheduling application, like

Event management

  • - an international network of user-generated conferences primarily focused around technology and the web. They are open, participatory workshop-events, the content of which is provided by participants. The first BarCamps focused on early-stage web applications, and were related to open source technologies, social software, and open data formats.


  • frab - free and open conference management system - is a web-based conference planning and management system. It helps to collect submissions, to manage talks and speakers and to create a schedule.

Open Space


Room booking

Workshop / skillshare



HN comment;

  • Don't be afraid to do a big purge. Your stuff is just that, stuff.
  • Do the big purge all at once. "Ongoing" tidiness should simply be putting your stuff away, not constantly revisiting different parts of your home looking for stuff you can throw away.
  • Look up "konmari folding" on YouTube for a new idea about how to fold and store your clothes. For those who are already fairly tidy, this is the only real "new" idea in the book that may interest you.
  • Be affluent enough to have these problems in the first place. None of the advice is for people who are simply slobs, it's for people who have accumulated too much stuff and who feel it dragging down their life.


Constraint planning