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Performing Musiciaon Magazine:


  • [3] Headphones have extreme stereo separation--the right ear doesn't get to hear much of what's going on on the left. This leads to the impression the music's coming from inside your head, and sounds especially weird when instruments are panned hard to one side or the other. Crossfeed filters aim to fix this by letting the channels mix a little, but in a controlled way. The goal is to mimic what happens naturally when listening to music on speakers.


  • - or DRC, is a process in the field of acoustics where digital filters designed to ameliorate unfavorable effects of a room's acoustics are applied to the input of a sound reproduction system. Modern room correction systems produce substantial improvements in the time domain and frequency domain response of the sound reproduction system.

The configuration of a digital room correction system begins with measuring the impulse response of the room at the listening location for each of the loudspeakers. Then, computer software is used to compute a FIR filter, which reverses the effects of the room and linear distortion in the loudspeakers. Finally, the calculated filter is loaded into a computer or other room correction device which applies the filter in real time. Because most room correction filters are acausal, there is some delay. Most DRC systems allow the operator to control the added delay through configurable parameters.

  • - or impulse response function (IRF), of a dynamic system is its output when presented with a brief input signal, called an impulse. More generally, an impulse response refers to the reaction of any dynamic system in response to some external change. In both cases, the impulse response describes the reaction of the system as a function of time (or possibly as a function of some other independent variable that parameterizes the dynamic behavior of the system).
  • DRC is a program used to generate correction filters for acoustic compensation of HiFi and audio systems in general, including listening room compensation. DRC generates just the FIR correction filters, which can be used with a real time or offline convolver to provide real time or offline correction. DRC doesn't provide convolution features, and provides only some simplified, although really accurate, measuring tools.
  • REW is free room acoustics analysis software for measuring and analysing room and loudspeaker responses. The audio analysis features of REW help you optimise the acoustics of your listening room, studio or home theater and find the best locations for your speakers, subwoofers and listening position. It includes tools for generating audio test signals; measuring SPL and impedance; measuring frequency and impulse responses; measuring distortion; generating phase, group delay and spectral decay plots, waterfalls, spectrograms and energy-time curves; generating real time analyser (RTA) plots; calculating reverberation times; calculating Thiele-Small parameters; determining the frequencies and decay times of modal resonances; displaying equaliser responses and automatically adjusting the settings of parametric equalisers to counter the effects of room modes and adjust responses to match a target curve.




see sound on sound, etc.




Sound system








  • - MMC, a subset of the MIDI specification, provides specific commands for controlling recording equipment such as multi-track recorders. MMC messages can be sent along a standard MIDI cable for remote control of such functions as Play, Fast Forward, Rewind, Stop, Pause, and Record. These are "System Exclusive" (SysEx) messages, specifically Real Time Universal SysEx messages.

  • Linux pSeudo MIDI Input - These simple user-space drivers support using certain homemade, repurposed, or commercial devices as MIDI controllers on Linux, even though the devices themselves are not capable of generating MIDI messages; this does not include things like MIDI-over-serial or PIC based projects, which are true MIDI devices.

  • MidiOSC is a small program to bridge the worlds of MIDI and OSC by providing bidirectional conversion of MIDI to OSC. Released under the GPLv2 license.


  • - OSC is a content format developed at CNMAT by Adrian Freed and Matt Wright comparable to XML, WDDX, or JSON. It was originally intended for sharing music performance data (gestures, parameters and note sequences) between musical instruments (especially electronic musical instruments such as synthesizers), computers, and other multimedia devices. OSC is often used as an alternative to the 1983 MIDI standard, where higher resolution and a richer musical parameter space is desired. OSC messages are commonly transported across the internet and within home and studio subnets using (UDP/IP, Ethernet). OSC messages between gestural controllers are usually transmitted over serial endpoints of USB by being wrapped in the SLIP protocol.


  • FFADO project aims to provide a generic, open-source solution for the support of FireWire based audio devices for the Linux platform. It is the successor of the FreeBoB project.








  • MP3 (MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 Audio Layer III) is a patented encoding format for digital audio which uses a form of lossy data compression. It is a common audio format for consumer audio streaming or storage, as well as a de facto standard of digital audio compression for the transfer and playback of music on most digital audio players.



  • Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) is a standardized, lossy compression and encoding scheme for digital audio. Designed to be the successor of the MP3 format, AAC generally achieves better sound quality than MP3 at similar bit rates.


Container format.



  • FLAC stands for Free Lossless Audio Codec, an audio format similar to MP3, but lossless, meaning that audio is compressed in FLAC without any loss in quality. This is similar to how Zip works, except with FLAC you will get much better compression because it is designed specifically for audio, and you can play back compressed FLAC files in your favorite player (or your car or home stereo, see supported devices) just like you would an MP3 file. FLAC stands out as the fastest and most widely supported lossless audio codec, and the only one that at once is non-proprietary, is unencumbered by patents, has an open-source reference implementation, has a well documented format and API, and has several other independent implementations.


  • Opus is a totally open, royalty-free, highly versatile audio codec. Opus is unmatched for interactive speech and music transmission over the Internet, but is also intended for storage and streaming applications. It is standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as RFC 6716 which incorporated technology from Skype's SILK codec and Xiph.Org's CELT codec.






  • - a computer file format used primarily to represent music, and was the first module file format. MOD files use the “.MOD” file extension, except on the Amiga where the original trackers instead use a “mod.” prefix scheme, e.g. “mod.echoing”. A MOD file contains a set of instruments in the form of samples, a number of patterns indicating how and when the samples are to be played, and a list of what patterns to play in what order.
  • - standing for "extended module", is an audio file type introduced by Triton's FastTracker 2. XM introduced multisampling-capable instruments with volume and panning envelopes, and basic pattern compression. It also expanded the available effect commands and channels, added 16-bit sample support, and offered an alternative frequency table for portamentos. XM is a common format for many chiptunes.
  • UADE plays old Amiga tunes through UAE emulation and cloned m68k-assembler Eagleplayer API.


"there are many good reasons to consider Linux [for pro audio]: low- or no-cost software; a high-performance sound system; great audio routing; powerful sound synthesis; high-quality score notation; it's extremely customisable; more of your CPU power may be used for audio processing; it avoids many patent/license restriction pitfalls; it avoids costly tie-ins to specific product ranges; software may be (legally) modified to suit your individual needs; modular software allows you to configure your software studio the way that you want; and it's driven by passion before profit. [10]

Audio systems

In a Unix-like operating system, a sound server mixes different data streams and sends out a single unified audio to an output device. The mixing is usually done by software, or by hardware if there is a supported sound card.

The "sound stack" can be visualized as follows, with programs in the upper layers calling elements in the lower layers:

  • Applications (e.g. mp3 player, web video)
  • Sound server (e.g. aRts, ESD, JACK, PulseAudio)
  • Sound subsystem (described as kernel modules or drivers; e.g. OSS, ALSA)
  • Operating system kernel (e.g. Linux, Unix)

"If we were drawing the [internet] OSI model used to describe the networking framework that connects your machine to every other machine on the network, we'd find clear strata, each with its own domain of processes and functionality. There's very little overlap in layers, and you certainly don't find end-user processes in layer seven messing with the electrical impulses of the raw bitstreams in layer one.

"Yet this is exactly what can happen with the Linux audio framework. There isn't even a clearly defined bottom level, with several audio technologies messing around with the kernel and your hardware independently. Linux's audio architecture is more like the layers of the Earth's crust than the network model, with lower levels occasionally erupting on to the surface, causing confusion and distress, and upper layers moving to displace the underlying technology that was originally hidden."

"ALSA itself has a kernel level stack and a higher API for programmers to use, mixing drivers and hardware properties with the ability to play back surround sound or an MP3 codec. Most distributions stick PulseAudio and GStreamer on top[,] ... The deeper the layer, the closer to the hardware it is." [11]

  • is a not-for-profit consortium of libre software projects and artists, companies, institutions, organizations, and hardware vendors using Linux kernel-based systems and allied libre software for audio-related work, with an emphasis on professional tools for the music, production, recording, and broadcast industries.


modinfo soundcore
lspci -v | grep -i audio
< /proc/asound/cards
aplay -L
lsmod | grep snd



  • KXStudio is a collection of applications and plugins for professional audio production. KXStudio provides Debian and Ubuntu compatible repositories and its own Linux Distribution currently based on Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS.

Applications: We offer our own custom set of applications and utilities for Linux and Windows. This includes a fully-featured audio plugin host, a JACK patchbay and more.

Plugins: We provide a wide range of open-source audio plugins and Linux ports. We also provide custom patched plugins to work better and/or support more features.

Repositories: Debian and Ubuntu compatible repositories are available. Use them to get extra applications and updates, or to upgrade to the KXStudio distribution.


  • AV Linux is a free custom shop modded and rodded 32bit+PAE computer Operating System designed to turn a regular old (or fairly new) PC or Intel Mac into an Audio/Graphics/Video workstation appliance. An appliance..? Yes, imagine your Workstation computer being as reliable as that old Frigidaire in the garage! AV Linux features a complete customized Debian Linux XFCE4 4.10 Desktop Environment with the added bonus of a handpicked selection of pre-tested and pre-configured Audio, Graphics and Video content creation software demonstrating the excellence of Open-Source and also includes many unique Commercial Demos. GA veritable treasure chest of Linux and Cross-Platform favourites are pre-installed, Ardour, Audacity, Blender, Cinelerra, Handbrake, Hydrogen, Kdenlive, LinuxDSP (demos), LMMS, Mixbus (demo), Openshot, Renoise (demo) and VLC Media Player are just the tip of the iceberg. AV Linux is distributed as a free LiveDVD ISO image that can be downloaded, burned and run from a DVD-R(W) copied and run from a USB Key or installed to a computer's hard drive.

Ubuntu Studio

Arch Linux

  • ArchAudio - the Arch Linux Pro Audio community! From offering a third-party package repository to debating recording techniques to discussing FFT, we aim to be a central point for everything related to working with audio on Arch Linux.

Sound systems



The API is designed to use the traditional Unix framework of open(), read(), write(), and ioctl(), via special devices. For instance, the default device for sound input and output is /dev/dsp. Examples using the shell:

cat /dev/random > /dev/dsp
  # plays white noise through the speaker

cat /dev/dsp > a.a
  # reads data from the microphone and copies it to file a.a


"ALSA is responsible for translating your audio hardware's capabilities into a software API that the rest of your system uses to manipulate sound. It was designed to tackle many of the shortcomings of OSS (and most other sound drivers at the time), the most notable of which was that only one application could access the hardware at a time. This is why a software component in ALSA needs to manages audio requests and understand your hardware's capabilities.

"ALSA was designed to replace OSS. However, OSS isn't really dead, thanks to a compatibility layer in ALSA designed to enable older, OSS-only applications to run. It's easiest to think of ALSA as the device driver layer of the Linux sound system. Your audio hardware needs a corresponding kernel module, prefixed with snd_, and this needs to be loaded and running for anything to happen. This is why you need an ALSA kernel driver for any sound to be heard on your system, and why your laptop was mute for so long before someone thought of creating a driver for it. Fortunately, most distros will configure your devices and modules automatically. [12]

  • - Neither the user-side .asoundrc nor the asound.conf configuration files are required for ALSA to work properly. Most applications will work without them. These files are used to allow extra functionality, such as routing and sample-rate conversion, through the alsa-lib layer.

The keyword default is defined in the ALSA lib API and will always access hw:0,0 — the default device on the default soundcard. Specifying the !default name supersedes the one defined in the ALSA lib API.

pcm.NAME { 
	type hw               # Kernel PCM 
	card INT/STR          # Card name or number
  	[device] INT          # Device number (default 0)     
	[subdevice] INT       # Subdevice number, -1 first available (default -1)
	mmap_emulation BOOL   # enable mmap emulation for ro/wo devices


  • PulseAudio is a sound system for POSIX OSes, meaning that it is a proxy for your sound applications. It allows you to do advanced operations on your sound data as it passes between your application and your hardware. Things like transferring the audio to a different machine, changing the sample format or channel count and mixing several sounds into one are easily achieved using a sound server.
  • pactl - Control a running PulseAudio sound server
  • pacmd - Reconfigure a PulseAudio sound server during runtime
pacmd list-cards

pacmd dump


  • JACK is system for handling real-time, low latency audio (and MIDI). It runs on GNU/Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, OS X and Windows (and can be ported to other POSIX-conformant platforms). It can connect a number of different applications to an audio device, as well as allowing them to share audio between themselves. Its clients can run in their own processes (ie. as normal applications), or can they can run within the JACK server (ie. as a "plugin"). JACK also has support for distributing audio processing across a network, both fast & reliable LANs as well as slower, less reliable WANs.
  • JACK Audio Connection Kit - Have you ever wanted to take the audio output of one piece of software and send it to another? How about taking the output of that same program and send it to two others, then record the result in the first program? Or maybe you're a programmer who writes real-time audio and music applications and who is looking for a cross-platform API that enables not only device sharing but also inter-application audio routing, and is incredibly easy to learn and use? If so, JACK may be what you've been looking for.


pasuspender -- jackd

jackd -R -P89 -s -dalsa -dhw:0 -r48000 -p256 -n3

jack2 dbus;

jack_control start
  starts the jack server
jack_control stop
  stops the jack server
jack_control ds alsa
  selects alsa as the driver (backend)
jack_control eps realtime True
  set engine parameters, such as realtime
jack_control dps period 256
  set the driver parameter period to 256

design and abilities of Paul Davis's wonderful Jackd from the point of view of a technical user. It is not an introduction or a usage howto.

  • Setting up Jack Audio for GStreamer, Flash, and VLC - First of all I need to say that I won't be mentioning Pulseaudio so if that is what you're here for then you are at the wrong place because I don't use Pulseaudio at all, Pulseaudio can be run ontop of Jack but doing so will increase CPU load (a very tiny amount on modern systems).


  • realtimeconfigquickscan - Linux configuration checker for systems to be used for real-time audio. Inspects a linux installation, and makes suggestions for improving realtime/audio performance.
  • a2jmidid is daemon for exposing legacy ALSA sequencer applications in JACK MIDI system.

  • Robust Session Management - QJackCTL and Patchage for setup, diagnostics, and testing, aj-snapshot for management of Jack and ALSA MIDI connections, The DBus version of Jack2
  • LASH is a session management system for GNU/Linux audio applications. It allows you to save and restore audio sessions consisting of multiple interconneced applications, restoring program state (ie loaded patches) and the connections between them.
  • ladish - LADI Session Handler, a rewrite of LASH. a session management system for JACK applications on GNU/Linux. Its aim is to allow you to have many different audio programs running at once, to save their setup, close them down and then easily reload the setup at some other time. ladish doesn't deal with any kind of audio or MIDI data itself; it just runs programs, deals with saving/loading (arbitrary) data and connects JACK ports together. It can also be used to move entire sessions between computers, or post sessions on the Internet for download. ladish has GUI frontend, gladish, based on lpatchage (LADI Patchage).

and the ladish_control command line app for headless operation. LADI Tools is set of apps that interface with ladish, JACK server and a2jmidid

  • Non Session Manager is a graphical interface to the NSM Daemon (nsmd). By default, running the command non-session-manager will start both the GUI and an instance of the daemon. NSM manages clients together in a session. That's it. NSM doesn't know or care what Window Manager or audio subsystem those clients use--nor should it. Specific clients must be written to persist these environmental factors, and added to sessions when required. For saving and restoring the JACK connection graph, a simple headless client named jackpatch has been developed and included in the NSM distribution. Simply add jackpatch do your basic template session and all the sessions you base on it will have their JACK connection graphs automatically saved and restored.
  • chino - a 'special-purpose session manager', requiring customisation to cover one or more similar setups. Once customised, using it is dead simple. Perhaps it is best to not overstress the term "session management", instead describing chino as a framework and toolset to build and manage a meta-application consisting of the user's favorite modular Jack audio and Midi tools, each started and interconnected in predefined ways.
  • Aj-snapshot is a small program that can be used to make snapshots of the connections made between JACK and/or ALSA clients. Because JACK can provide both audio and MIDI support to programs, aj-snapshot can store both types of connections for JACK. ALSA, on the other hand, only provides routing facilities for MIDI clients. You can also run aj-snapshot in daemon mode if you want to have your connections continually restored.
  • QJackConnect - a QT based patchbay for the JACK Audio Connection Kit .
  • Cadence is a set of tools useful for audio production. Cadence itself is also an application (the main one), which this page will document. There are other applications that are part of the Cadence suite, they are usually named as the "Cadence tools". They are: Catarina, Catia, Claudia
    • Cadence controls and monitors various Linux sound systems as well as audio-related system settings
cadence --minimized

  • cabestan is a small GTK+ program that interfaces with the jack audio connection kit to play, rewind, or fast forward the stream via the jack transport interface.

  • QJackMMC is a Qt based program that can connect to a device or program that emits MIDI Machine Control (MMC) and allow it to drive JACK transport, which in turn can control other programs. JackCtlMMC is a slightly simpler command-line version of QJackMMC.
  • Patchage is a modular patch bay for audio and MIDI systems based on Jack and Alsa.
  • Patchmatrix is a simplistic JACK patchbay in matrix configuration. It shows only the clients and ports that are of interest to you, allows you to see all connections at a single glance and features single-click (dis)connections.

  • JACK Rack is an effects "rack" for the JACK low latency audio API. The rack can be filled with LADSPA effects plugins and can be controlled using the ALSA sequencer. It's phat; it turns your computer into an effects box.

  • JACK Timemachine - I used to always keep a minidisc recorder in my studio running in a mode where when you pressed record it wrote the last 10 seconds of audio to the disk and then caught up to realtime and kept recording. The recorder died and haven't been able to replace it, so this is a simple jack app to do the same job. It has the advantage that it never clips and can be wired to any part of the jack graph.

  • Claudia-Launcher is a multimedia application launcher with LADISH support. It searches for installed packages (not binaries), and displays the respective content as a launcher. The content is got through an hardcoded database, created and/or modified to suit the target distribution.


See also Video

  • Xjadeo is a software video player that displays a video-clip in sync with an external time source (MTC, LTC, JACK-transport). Xjadeo is useful in soundtrack composition, video monitoring or any task that requires to synchronizing movie frames with external events.
  • JAMin is the JACK Audio Connection Kit (JACK) Audio Mastering interface. JAMin is an open source application designed to perform professional audio mastering of stereo input streams. It uses LADSPA for digital signal processing (DSP)
  • RedFX - FX Processor (for guitar mainly) Effects: Noise Filter, Compressor, Wah, Distortion, Tremolo, Phaser, Flanger-Vibrato, Pitch Shifter, Delay, Reverb, EQ.
  • Netjack is a Realtime Audio Transport over a generic IP Network. It is fully integrated into JACK. Syncs all Clients to one Soundcard so no resampling or glitches in the whole network. Packet loss is now also handled gracefully. By using the celt codec, its even possible, that single packet losses get masked by the Packet Loss Concealment Code.



  • CRAS: ChromeOS Audio Server - allows for sound to be routed dynamically to newly attached audio-capable monitors (DisplayPort and HDMI), USB webcam, USB speakers, bluetooth headsets, etc., and in a way that requires as little CPU as possible and that adds little or no latency.


  • ASIO4ALL - Universal ASIO Driver For WDM Audio


ALSA tools

  • amixer - a command-line program for controlling the mixer in the ALSA soundcard driver. amixer supports multiple soundcards
amixer -c 0 | pcregrep "control"
  # shows all audio channels

aplay -D hw:0,0 test.wav
  # play file on specific device

 arecord -D hw:0 -f cd test.wav


  • ALSA Patch Bay is a graphical patch bay for the ALSA sequencer API and the JACK audio API. It can use FLTK or GTKmm for the interface and take advantage LASH session management.
  • gmorgan is a rhythm station, a modern organ with full editable accompaniment for play in real time emulating the capabilities of commercial rhythm stations “Korg”,”Roland”, “Solton” ... also has a small pattern based sequencer like “Band in a Box”. Uses the capabilities of ALSA sequencer to produce MIDI accompaniment.

JACK tools

  • jack_mixer - a GTK+ JACK audio mixer app with a look similar to its hardware counterpart. It has lot of useful features, apart from being able to mix multiple JACK audio streams.
  • JackMaster - "Master Console" for the jack-audio-connection-kit
  • JackMiniMix is a simple mixer for the Jack Audio Connection Kit with an OSC based control interface. It supports a user configurable number of stereo inputs, which can then be queried and controlled by sending it OSC messages. It is released under the GPL license.
  • JackMix - Matrix-Mixer for the Jack-Audio-connection-Kit

  • ClockLoop- a very simple JACK application for playing back audio loops.
  • JACK bitmeter is a diagnosis tool for JACK audio software on Linux (and perhaps other systems which have JACK and GTK+ 2.x). As its name might suggest, the bitmeter operates at the bare metal of JACK's I/O layer, looking at the 32 binary digits in each individual sample.
  • JACK Meterbridge - software meterbridge for the UNIX based JACK audio system, supports a number of different types of meter, rendered using the SDL library and user-editable pixmaps.
  • gjacktransport - a standalone application that provides access to the jack audio connection kit‘s, JACK transport mechanism via a dynamic graphical slider. in other words: this software allows to seek Audio/Video media files when they are played along jack transport. Intended for audio-engineers or A/V editors that work with arodour, ecasound, hydrogen and/or xjadeo. Additionally it provides 'gjackclock'. A "Big Clock" display for jack-transport.
  • Arcangel is a jack effect for arctan distortion. Sounds nice and grungy without clipping at high levels, and sounds nice at lower levels.
  • Creox is a real-time sound processor. You can plug your electric guitar or any other musical instrument directly to the PC's sound card and start experimenting with various sound effects. Creox has a nice user-friendly GUI, a preset support, a low-latency DSP engine and each effect parameter can be altered "on the fly".
  • CP-GFX is simply a Cross Platform Guitar Effect Processor. The aim of the project is to create an extensible and easy to use program which is easy to port to different platforms an operating systems. Currently in development are Linux x86 and Win32 builds.
  • guitarix is a virtual guitar amplifier for Linux running on Jack Audio Connection Kit. It is free as in speech and free as in beer. The available sourcecode allows to build it on other UNIX-like systems, too, namely for BSD and for MacOSX.

  • JackCpp - c++ classes which wrap the Jack audio io api and lock-free ring buffer. Works with Linux and OSX (thanks to Will Wolcott for OSX testing and example/test file comments).

  • MadJACK is a MPEG Audio Deck for the Jack Audio Connection Kit with an OSC based control interface. It was written as a backend for DJ music playback.

MP3 tools

for f in *.wav ; do lame "$f" ; done
  • SoundConverter is the leading audio file converter for the GNOME Desktop. It reads anything GStreamer can read (Ogg Vorbis, AAC, MP3, FLAC, WAV, AVI, MPEG, MOV, M4A, AC3, DTS, ALAC, MPC, Shorten, APE, SID, MOD, XM, S3M, etc...), and writes to Opus, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, WAV, AAC, and MP3 files, or use any GNOME Audio Profile.
  • olaboola - cyber-shamanic noise-maker. oolaboola is a digital DJ tool. It allows you to mix .wav files in real-time modifying their rate of play, levels etc. Various facets of its behavior can be controlled via an rc file, environment variables, and command-line options. Settings provided by more than one of those override each other in that same order.


  • SoX - Sound eXchange, the Swiss Army knife of sound processing programs. SoX is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, MacOS X, etc.) command line utility that can convert various formats of computer audio files in to other formats. It can also apply various effects to these sound files, and, as an added bonus, SoX can play and record audio files on most platforms.
play --show-progress -c 2 --null synth brownnoise reverb bass 6 treble -3 echos 0.8 0.9 1000 0.3 1800 0.25 [14]

play -n -c1 synth whitenoise band -n 100 20 band -n 50 20 gain +25  fade h 1 864000 1

play -c2 -n synth pinknoise band -n 280 80 band -n 60 25 gain +20 treble +40 500 bass -3 20 flanger 4 2 95 50 .3 sine 50 lin [15]


  • Jack Meter is a basic console based DPM (Digital Peak Meter) for JACK. I wrote it for quickly checking remote signal levels, without having to run X11 to use a pretty graphical meter such as meterbridge.

JACK Meterbridge


  • Baudline is a time-frequency browser designed for scientific visualization of the spectral domain. Signal analysis is performed by Fourier, correlation, and raster transforms that create colorful spectrograms with vibrant detail. Conduct test and measurement experiments with the built in function generator, or play back audio files with a multitude of effects and filters. The baudline signal analyzer combines fast digital signal processing, versatile high speed displays, and continuous capture tools for hunting down and studying elusive signal characteristics.



  • SoundRuler is a tool for measuring and graphing sound and for teaching acoustics. Its visual interactive approach to analysis brings you the best of two worlds: the control of manual analysis and the objectivity and speed of automated analysis.


  • Toscanalyzer is a powerful audio analysis tool for mixing and mastering. Toscanalyzer helps you to mix and master better. It is not only an analysis tool but a complete guide to understand why your song sounds as it sounds. Toscanalyzer lets you compare audible and visually your project to any reference songs in a very convenient way. Toscanalyzer offers a clear project view including many options to analyze. The analysis gives you a detailed report about possible problems and in addition a clear guidance how to fix it.


  • TAPESTREA (Techniques And Paradigms for Expressive Synthesis, Transformation, and Rendering of Environmental Audio, or taps, is a unified framework for interactively analyzing, transforming and synthesizing complex sounds. Given one or more recordings, it provides well-defined means to: identify points of interest in the sound and extract them into reusable templates; transform sound components independently of the background and/or other events; continually resynthesize the background texture in a perceptually convincing manner; controllably place event templates over backgrounds, using a novel graphical user interface and/or scripts written in the ChucK audio programming language


  • SoundConverter is the leading audio file converter for the GNOME Desktop. It reads anything GStreamer can read (Ogg Vorbis, AAC, MP3, FLAC, WAV, AVI, MPEG, MOV, M4A, AC3, DTS, ALAC, MPC, Shorten, APE, SID, MOD, XM, S3M, etc...), and writes to Opus, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, WAV, AAC, and MP3 files, or use any GNOME Audio Profile.


  • FreqTweak is a tool for FFT-based realtime audio spectral manipulation and display. It provides several algorithms for processing audio data in the frequency domain and a highly interactive GUI to manipulate the associated filters for each. It also provides high-resolution spectral displays in the form of scrolling-raster spectrograms and energy vs frequency plots displaying both pre- and post-processed spectra.


  • Ecasound is a software package designed for multitrack audio processing. It can be used for simple tasks like audio playback, recording and format conversions, as well as for multitrack effect processing, mixing, recording and signal recycling. Ecasound supports a wide range of audio inputs, outputs and effect algorithms. Effects and audio objects can be combined in various ways, and their parameters can be controlled by operator objects like oscillators and MIDI-CCs. A versatile console mode user-interface is included in the package.


  • aubio is a tool designed for the extraction of annotations from audio signals. Its features include segmenting a sound file before each of its attacks, performing pitch detection, tapping the beat and producing midi streams from live audio. Because these tasks are difficult, we thought it was important to gather them in a dedicated library. To increase the fun, we have made these algorithms work in a causal way, so as to be used in real time applications with as low delay as possible. Functions can be used offline in sound editors and software samplers, or online in audio effects and virtual instruments.

Secret Rabbit Code

  • Secret Rabbit Code (aka libsamplerate) is a Sample Rate Converter for audio. One example of where such a thing would be useful is converting audio from the CD sample rate of 44.1kHz to the 48kHz sample rate used by DAT players. SRC is capable of arbitrary and time varying conversions ; from downsampling by a factor of 256 to upsampling by the same factor. Arbitrary in this case means that the ratio of input and output sample rates can be an irrational number. The conversion ratio can also vary with time for speeding up and slowing down effects.

SRC provides a small set of converters to allow quality to be traded off against computation cost. The current best converter provides a signal-to-noise ratio of 145dB with -3dB passband extending from DC to 96% of the theoretical best bandwidth for a given pair of input and output sample rates. Since the library has few dependencies beyond that provided by the standard C library, it should compile and work on just about any operating system. It is known to work on Linux, MacOSX, Win32 and Solaris. With some relatively minor hacking it should also be relatively easy to port it to embedded systems and digital signal processors.




  • Open Metronome - User definable BPM; Measure can be set to any length, with emphasis on any beat(s); Each beat can be one or more of over forty voices, with the supplied Samples covering the complete General MIDI percussion set, or custom samples; Visual indicator as well as audible output;
  • GTick is a metronome application written for GNU/Linux and other UN*X-like operting systems supporting different meters (Even, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 and more) and speeds ranging from 10 to 1000 bpm. It utilizes GTK+ and OSS (ALSA compatible).
  • ctronome - a very simple yet powerful ;) programmable console metronome software.
  • Hubcap is a fairly simple metronome *nix app with a tempo fader and both auditory and visual feedback on a beat.


See also Video#Players, Platforms#Media, Distros#Data and media


  • mpv - a free, open source, and cross-platform media player, fork of mplayer2, fork of MPlayer

Commandline players


  • beets catalogs your collection, automatically improving its metadata as it goes using the MusicBrainz database. Then it provides a bouquet of tools for manipulating and accessing your music. Because beets is designed as a library, it can do almost anything you can imagine for your music collection. Via plugins, beets becomes a panacea: Fetch or calculate all the metadata you could possibly need: album art, lyrics, genres, tempos, ReplayGain levels, or acoustic fingerprints. Get metadata from MusicBrainz, Discogs, or Beatport. Or guess metadata using songs’ filenames or their acoustic fingerprints. Transcode audio to any format you like. Check your library for duplicate tracks and albums or for albums that are missing tracks. Browse your music library graphically through a Web browser and play it in any browser that supports HTML5 Audio and lots more.


  • ncmpcpp - NCurses Music Player Client (Plus Plus) - featureful ncurses based MPD client inspired by ncmpc


  • MOC - music on console. console audio player for Linux/UNIX.



  • SAP (Simple Audio Player) is a command line audio player written in vala and utilizing the gstreamer library for audio playback and Ncurses for an interactive interface. As such, sap will be able to play any audio file that gstreamer is capable of playing. Aside from local files, sap can also play files from the internet over HTTP.


  • cmus is a small, fast and powerful console music player for Unix-like operating systems.



  • Aqualung is an advanced music player originally targeted at the GNU/Linux operating system, today also running on FreeBSD and OpenBSD, with native ports to Mac OS X and even Microsoft Windows. It plays audio CDs, internet radio streams and podcasts as well as soundfiles in just about any audio format and has the feature of inserting no gaps between adjacent tracks.


  • XMMS2 will: play your music. manage your music library. use collections to help you organise your music as you like. allow you to control it using a variety of clients. run on Linux, *BSD, OS X, Solaris, and Windows.


  • Pragha is a Lightweight Music Player for GNU/Linux, based on Gtk and sqlite. It is completely written in C, constructed to be fast, light, and simultaneously tries to be complete without obstructing the daily work.


  • qmpp - audio-player written with the help of the Qt library. The user interface is similar to winamp or xmms. Alternative user interface also is available.

Larger GUI

Web players



  • l-audio is a webbased player which takes advantage of the HTML5 audio element to play its music. Its aim is to provide a better interface than its competitor Ampache.

Groove Basin



  • Playlistful - Collaborative playlists for parties! Do you want your party guests to be able to listen to music they like? But you don't want them skipping each other's songs and squabbling about who gets to choose the next one? Playlistful lets each of your guests have their own playlist on their mobile device, and then the computer connected to the sound system fairly picks between guests' songs. [20] - youtube

Nulloy Music Player


  • Pogo plays your music. Nothing else. It is both fast and easy-to-use. The clear interface uses the screen real-estate very efficiently. Other features include: Fast search on the harddrive and in the playlist, smart album grouping, cover display, desktop notifications and no music library. Pogo is a fork of Decibel Audio Player and supports most common audio formats. It is written in Python and uses GTK+ and gstreamer.





  • Audacity is a free, easy-to-use, multi-track audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux and other operating systems. The interface is translated into many languages. You can use Audacity to record live audio, record computer playback on any Windows Vista or later machine, convert tapes and records into digital recordings or CDs, edit WAV, AIFF, FLAC, MP2, MP3 or Ogg Vorbis sound files, cut, copy, splice or mix sounds together, change the speed or pitch of a recording, etc.


  • Sweep is an audio editor and live playback tool for GNU/Linux, BSD and compatible systems. It supports many music and voice formats including WAV, AIFF, Ogg Vorbis, Speex and MP3, with multichannel editing and LADSPA effects plugins.


  • ReZound aims to be a stable, open source, and graphical audio file editor primarily for but not limited to the Linux operating system.


  • ocenaudio is a cross-platform, easy to use, fast and functional audio editor. It is the ideal software for people who need to edit and analyze audio files without complications. ocenaudio also has powerful features that will please more advanced users.


  • WaveSurfer is an open source tool for sound visualization and manipulation. Typical applications are speech/sound analysis and sound annotation/transcription. WaveSurfer may be extended by plug-ins as well as embedded in other applications.


  • pyDub - Manipulate audio with an simple and easy high level interface [21]
  • Freecycle - Freecycle is a beat slicer running on GNU/Linux platform using the QT toolkit, providing amplitude domain and frequency domain beat matching / zero crossing algorithms. It exports sliced audio chunks and generates a MIDI file which can be used to play the sliced loop, or you can jam with it as soon as you’ve made slices using a midi keyboard or sequencer.
  • LAoE means Layer-based Audio Editor, and it is a rich featured graphical audiosample-editor, based on multi-layers, floating-point samples, volume-masks, variable selection-intensity, and many plugins suitable to manipulate sound, such as filtering, retouching, resampling, graphical spectrogram editing by brushes and rectangles, sample-curve editing by freehand-pen and spline and other interpolation curves, effects like reverb, echo, compress, expand, pitch-shift, time-stretch, and much more... And it is free of charge, under GPL license!
  • Snd is a sound editor modelled loosely after Emacs. It can be customized and extended using either s7 (included in the Snd sources), Ruby, or Forth.
  • mhWaveEdit is a graphical program for editing, playing and recording sound files. It is lightweight, portable, user-friendly and handles large files very well. The program itself has only simple editing features such as cut'n'paste and volume adjustment but it can also use Ladspa effect plugins and the effects provided by the SoX application. It can also support additional file formats besides wav through libsndfile and mp3/ogg import and export through lame and oggenc/oggdec.
  • GNUsound is a multitrack sound editor for GNOME 1 and 2. The current version is 0.7.5, which was released 6 July 2008.
  • Marlin - A GNOME Sample Editor. last updated 03-08-2004



  • aplaymidi - a command-line utility that plays the specified MIDI file(s) to one or more ALSA sequencer ports.
aplaymidi -l
  # get list of MIDI ports

aplaymidi -p 24:0 midi_file.mid
  # play MIDI file on port 24:0

Virtual input

  • Ratón translates mouse movements into MIDI controller messages. Those movements are mapped through a user-defineable curve, which can change the characteristics of the mouse's location. Changing the curve can then expand, contract or step the controller messages to match the specific purpose. Ratón uses the ALSA sequencer MIDI interface, so audio apps such as JACK-rack, MuSE or Rosegarden can use it's controller stream.
  • MIDI Controller - a small program that lets you set MIDI controller values using sliders and buttons in a GTK+ window. The GUI is an XML-based Glade file which can be replaced without rebuilding the program, so you can build your own controller GUIs in Glade.
  • xphat - a MIDI slider box for Linux/X. Each slider can emit any MIDI message (except Active Sense). Most of the modes for each slider feature a well-defined MIDI message type (such as Note On, Controller N, Pitch Bend, etc.) which contain one parameter which can be varied by moving the slider. One exception to this is "Sysex" mode, which allows a slider to be programmed with an arbitary sequence of bytes, including parameters that can be altered.
  • Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard is a MIDI events generator and receiver. It doesn't produce any sound by itself, but can be used to drive a MIDI synthesizer (either hardware or software, internal or external). You can use the computer's keyboard to play MIDI notes, and also the mouse. You can use the Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard to display the played MIDI notes from another instrument or MIDI file player. To do so, connect the other MIDI port to the input port of VMPK.
  • Klaviatur - A simple keyboard plugin with a MIDI output port. Useful for testing synth plugins or patches when you don't have a real keyboard nearby.
  • jack-keyboard is a virtual MIDI keyboard - a program that allows you to send JACK MIDI events (play ;-) using your PC keyboard. It's somewhat similar to vkeybd, except it uses JACK MIDI instead of ALSA, and the default keyboard mapping is much better - it uses the same layout as trackers (like Impulse Tracker) did, so you have two and half octaves under your fingers.



  • JACK MIDI Clock — Utility to send MIDI Clock pulses that follow the JACK Transport.

Routing and processing

  • a2jmidid is daemon for exposing legacy ALSA sequencer applications in JACK MIDI system.
  • midi matrix - A plugin that reroutes/filters MIDI messages by channel.
  • JAMRouter is the best thing since sliced bread for routing MIDI events to/from JACK MIDI software ports and MIDI hardware supported by ALSA Raw MIDI, ALSA Sequencer, Generic Raw MIDI, and OSS MIDI. At its core, JAMRouter is a near-sample-accurate low-latency low-jitter MIDI event router and translator, designed specifically with external hardware in mind, with an initial emphasis on providing full MIDI support and SysEx translation for the Roland Juno-106, and otherwise full compatibility with practically all MIDI hardware. JAMRouter is a "must have" for any Linux MIDI musician using external MIDI hardware of any kind, especially analog synthesizers. With the right hardware and a properly tuned linux-rt (realtime) kernel, near-sample-accurate over-the-wire MIDI communication with latencies under 5 milliseconds and jitter under 150 microseconds is fully realizable. JAMRouter has already passed dozens of sample-accurate test results, and the timing continues to improve as development continues. JACK has been in the box too long. Now JACK can reliably communicate with MIDI hardware outside the box.

  • mididings is a MIDI router and processor based on Python, supporting ALSA and JACK MIDI. It is available under the GNU GPL and currently runs on Linux.

  • arpage - MIDI Arpeggiator w/ JACK Tempo Sync. Alpha status. Source tarball for alpha 0.3.3 release, and SVN access are available.
  • QMidiArp is an advanced MIDI arpeggiator, programmable step sequencer and LFO for Linux. It can hold any number of arpeggiator, sequencer, or LFO modules running in parallel.
  • hypercyclic is an LFO-driven MIDI arpeggiator, gate effect and step sequencer for mangling sustained MIDI input chords, the output of which can then drive other MIDI instruments

  • Piz MIDI plugin collection - These are intended to be small, useful MIDI processing VST 2.4 plugins, and are available for Windows (32/64-bit), Linux (x86), and Mac OS X (PPC/x86, 32/64-bit), unless otherwise noted.
  • midi16CCRouter - Changes up to 16 CCs to 16 other CCs.
  • midi2qwerty16 - Use MIDI to trigger fake keystrokes to the focused window.
  • midiAlias - Note values are reflected between a "Nyquist Note" and a "Zero Note," similar to the effect of audio sample aliasing.
  • midiAudioToCC - Converts audio amplitude to CC messages.
  • midiBlackKeyFilter - Separately adjust velocity of black and white keys, and/or send them on different channels.
  • midiCCModulator - Use one CC to modulate another CC (or note velocity) in various ways: add/subtract/multiply/etc, plus logic gates (AND, NAND, * XNOR, etc).
  • midiCCReset - Remembers CC values and sends them out again at selected times.
  • midiCCStepper - Quantize CC events by value or in time.
  • midiCCToggle - For changing momentary CC buttons into toggles.
  • midiChannelize - Transforms everything to the selected channel.
  • midiChordHold - Sustains a chord until another one is played.
  • midiChordSplit - For splitting polyphonic material to multiple midi channels based on selected note ranges for each voice.
  • midiChs_noGUI - Channel filter/changer like energyXT1 "MIDI chs" component.
  • midiConverter3 - Change and convert between CC, Channel Pressure, Poly Aftertouch, Program Change, Pitch Bend, NRPN/RPN, Note On/Off, and other messages in various ways.
  • midiDelay - Delay notes and/or CCs with feedback.
  • midiDuplicateBlocker - Remembers all MIDI message values it gets on each channel, and blocks any repeated values until a different value is received.
  • midiExactDelay - Simple delay (no dry signal, no feedback) with flexible and precise delay time.
  • midiFingered - Selectively sends standard portamento on/off CC messages to emulate "fingered portamento" for synths that don't have it.
  • midiForceToKey - Enforces a scale, and transposes within the scale (optionally based on MIDI notes on a selected channel).
  • midiForceToRange - Transposes notes by octave into the selected range.
  • midiInvertNotes - "Mirrors" notes centered around the selected note.
  • midiKeySplit - Simple keyboard splitter.
  • midiKeySplit4 - Four-zone keyboard splitter.
  • midiMultiProgramChange - Uses input program change to trigger selected program changes on all channels.
  • midiNotchFilter - Isolate, remove, or channelize specific MIDI messages.
  • midiNoteGroups - Assign play and/or choke groups to MIDI notes.
  • midiNoteMap - Simple 1-to-1 keyboard mapper.
  • midiNoteRepeater - Repeats every Nth note a set number of times, or blocks it.
  • midiNotesToCC - Converts note number and velocity to CC messages.
  • midiNoteToggle - Notes (optionally within a selected range and/or channel) are toggled... play a note once to turn it on, play it again to turn it off.
  • midiNRPNConverter - Converts between NRPN/RPN and CC messages, with 16 conversion slots.
  • midiOverlappingNoteKiller - Prevents overlapping notes at the same pitch.
  • midiPitchBendQuantize - Quantizes pitch bend messages to up to 25 values.
  • midiPitchBendToNotes - Changes pitch bend plus note messages into notes at the "bent" pitch (may be useful for using Suzuki QChord with non-multitimbral instruments).
  • midiPolyphony - For spreading polyphony across MIDI channels, i.e. if you play 4 notes, each one will go to a different channel. Polyphony per channel can be set from 1 to 16 notes for more flexibility. You can also use it to convert polyphonic input to monophonic output.
  • midiProbability - Add probability-based effects to incoming MIDI events, optionally synced to host timeline.
  • midiProgramChange - Send Program Change and/or Bank Select messages.
  • midiSimpleLFO - One CC LFO with some "simple" options.
  • midiScaleChanger - Transposes notes by individual scale degrees and/or globally, to change one scale into another. Among other things, this allows you to play any scale using only the white keys.
  • midiSostenuto - Like a piano sostenuto pedal, but for MIDI notes instead of piano dampers.
  • midiStrum - Sequentially delays notes of an input chord to simulate strumming.
  • midiStuckNoteKiller - Sends note-off messages to end hanging notes when the host stops (for hosts that don't do this themselves).
  • midiSwing - Delays and/or offsets velocity of and applies probability to notes (and optionally also CCs) at every other step of a selected note value.
  • midiTriggerList - Use one note or CC to trigger up to 8 other notes and/or CCs.
  • midiVelocityScaler - Scale/reverse/offset velocity of input notes (Note On and/or Note Off).

  • Zweeger is a modular extended MIDI filter and generator. It works as a standalone tool or as a VST effect. It can be placed between any MIDI input, such as keyboards, and any tool that can be controlled by MIDI messages (effects, samplers, hardware, software...) It can also work without any input as a "simple" generator. Zweeger is composed of various elements, such as LFO, envelops, random curves, delays, note generators, ... All of them can be chained in various ways, synchronized on the tempo.
  • Kirnu Cream is a very powerful MIDI performer VST/AU/LPX MIDI FX plugin for Windows and Mac. It works on both 32 and 64 bit systems. Cream is intended to be used in both live and offline DAW usage. - $


  • midiChords - The "Ultimate" MIDI chord VST plugin. Maps any note into 0 or more other notes.
  • midiChordAnalyzer - Guesses chord names based on MIDI input, or from clicked notes on the keyboard display. You can copy the chord for pasting into midiChords (or as plain text).


  • TiMidity++ is a software synthesizer. It can play MIDI files by converting them into PCM waveform data; give it a MIDI data along with digital instrument data files, then it synthesizes them in real-time, and plays. It can not only play sounds, but also can save the generated waveforms into hard disks as various audio file formats.
  • WildMIDI is a simple software midi player which has a core software synthesizer (softsynth) library that can be use with other applications. The WildMIDI library uses Gravis Ultrasound patch files to convert MIDI files into audio which is then passed back to the calling application for further processing or output. The API of the library is designed so that it is easy to include WildMIDI into applications that wish to include MIDI file playback. With multiple MIDI file support you can develop applications to mix several midi files together at the same time and use a different patch set for each MIDI file.
  • jOrgan comes with its own Midi Processing Language (MPL) which allows to dynamically construct and evaluate wikipedia:Midi messages. MPL expressions consist of various commands.


  • MMA—Musical MIDI Accompaniment - an accompaniment generator. It creates MIDI tracks for a soloist to perform over from a user supplied file containing chords and MMA directives. MMA is very versatile and generates excellent tracks. It comes with an extensive user-extendable library with a variety of patterns for various popular rhythms, detailed user manuals, and several demo songs.
  • LinuxBand is a GUI front-end for MMA (Musical MIDI Accompaniment). Type in the chords, choose the groove and LinuxBand will play a musical accompaniment for you. It’s an open source alternative to Band-in-a-Box.
  • LeMMA is a simple GUI “front-end” written in Python for MMA (Musical MIDI Accompaniment – also written in Python). I wrote it so that I can easily churn out chord progressions. Just enter the chords, select the grooves and press “Play”. Should work for both Linux and Windows.


  • aseqjoy is a Joystick to ALSA MIDI Sequencer Converter. In fact it’s a really tiny piece of software that turns a joystick into a MIDI controller for the ALSA sequencer infrastructure. Its original purpose was to test the MIDI interface of terminatorX but that turned out to be fun, so it made it here in the hope that it could be useful for other experiments.
  • Midi Toys - Thumb mixer works with a playstation 2 style controller, a study in user interaction.


  • xnormidi - A C midi implementation for embedded systems.
  • MIDIUtil is a pure Python library that allows one to write muti-track Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) files from within Python programs. It is object-oriented and allows one to create and write these files with a minimum of fuss.


  • QmidiCtl - A MIDI Remote Controller via UDP/IP Multicast


  • MIDI-OX, the world's greatest all-purpose MIDI Utility! - Windows.
  • QwertyKeyboardMidi is a Win32 C++ project that allows you to use your QWERTY keyboard as a MIDI controller. When coupled with MIDI Yoke it allows you to use the keyboard to control software running locally, such as Cubase or Logic.


  • - MIDI files in themselves don't contain any sounds, rather they contain only instructions to render them. To render such files, sample-based MIDI synthesizers use recordings of instruments and sounds stored in a file or ROM chip. SoundFont-compatible synthesizers allow users to use SoundFont banks with custom samples to render their music. A SoundFont bank contains base samples in PCM format (similar to WAV files) that are mapped to sections on a musical keyboard. A SoundFont bank also contains other music synthesis parameters such as loops, vibrato effect, and velocity-sensitive volume changing. SoundFont banks can conform to standard sound sets such as General MIDI, or use other wholly custom sound-set definitions.
// ------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------- 
// SFZ definition file 
// ---------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------- <region> = 36 pitch_keycenter Lovel = 0 = 127 hivel Lokey = 0 hikey = 38 sample = Flute / c1.wav <region> pitch_keycenter = 40 = 0 Lovel hivel = 127 Lokey = 39 = 42 hikey sample = Flute / e1.wav <region> = 44 pitch_keycenter Lovel = 0 = 127 hivel Lokey = 43 = 46 hikey sample = Flute / g # 1.wav <region > pitch_keycenter = 48 Lovel = 0 = 127 hivel Lokey = 47 = 50 hikey sample = Flute / c2.wav <region> = 52 pitch_keycenter Lovel = 0 = 127 hivel Lokey = 51 = 54 hikey sample = Flute / e2.wav <region > pitch_keycenter = 56 Lovel = 0 = 127 hivel Lokey = 55 = 58 hikey sample = Flute / g # 2.wav <region> = 60 pitch_keycenter Lovel = 0 = 127 hivel Lokey = 59 = 62 hikey sample = Flute / c3.wav <region> = 64 pitch_keycenter Lovel = 0 = 127 hivel Lokey = 63 = 66 hikey sample = Flute / e3.wav <region> = 68 pitch_keycenter Lovel = 0 = 127 hivel Lokey = 67 = 70 hikey sample = Flute / g # 3 .wav <region> = 72 pitch_keycenter Lovel = 0 = 127 hivel Lokey = 71 = 74 hikey sample = Flute / c4.wav <region> = 76 pitch_keycenter Lovel = 0 = 127 hivel Lokey = 75 = 78 hikey sample = Flute / e4 .wav <region> = 80 pitch_keycenter Lovel = 0 = 127 hivel Lokey = 79 = 82 hikey sample = Flute / g # 4.wav <region> = 84 pitch_keycenter Lovel = 0 = 127 hivel Lokey = 83 hikey = 127 sample = Flute /c5.wav 

  • SoundFont is a program for editing and playing midi files using various sound source files like SoundFonts, GigaSampler files, SFZ files and more. VST instruments can also be used instead of a sound source file. A midi file is different from - for instance - a MP3 file in that the file does not contain any audio data. The file is a collection of notes and instructions for how to play them. SynthFont combines this data with the audio data in a SoundFont to produce ("render") an audio version of the song.
  • SyFonOne is a tool for playing midi in real time from a midi input port. Connect SyFonOne to your keyboard port or to a virtual midi relay port like loopMIDI by Tobias Erichsen (tested on Windows 10) (other alternatives are: MIDI Yoke and LoopBe1).
  • Project SWAMI - Sampled Waveforms And Musical Instruments, is a collection of free software for editing, managing and playing musical instruments for MIDI music composition. Current focus is primarily the SoundFont format, which is an open file format for digital audio “sample” based instruments. Swami – Instrument editor application, libInstPatch Instrument file software library, PatchesDB – Web interface for instrument sharing sites. Uses FluidSynth, a SoundFont based software synthesizer, which works with most any sound interface.
  • Polyphone is a free software for editing soundfonts in format sf2. These files contain a multitude of audio samples put together and configured so as to form musical instruments that can be used by synthesizers such as fluidsynth and played using a MIDI keyboard.

  • Zampler VST/AU sample Workstation for Windows and OS X that can compete in terms of sound and equipment loosely with the major operators. Besides REX loop and SFZ-enabled Sample oscillators offering Zampler // RX a sound modeling at its best: the integrated multimode filter types lowpass, highpass, bandpass and bandstop and various combinations thereof are to choose from. And three LFOs, three ADSR envelopes and a complex modulation matrix Liven up the sounds. Of functions through an extensive effects section, in the tube saturation, two equalizer, phaser, chorus, delay and reverb.

  • sforzando is a free, highly SFZ 2.0 compliant sample player. Advanced sample hobbyists now have a powerful tool to experiment and share instruments without relying on proprietary formats. sforzando has only one instrument slot; no fancy UI, effects or mixers. Every tweak has to be done at the SFZ file level, no cheating!sforzando is also a name given for a sudden change in music dynamics which, in musical notation, is represented by the “sfz” symbol.

  • Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra - a free orchestral sample library. While not as advanced or ambitious in scope as commercial offerings, SSO contains all the basic building blocks for creating real virtual orchestrations. It's primarily aimed at beginners, but also more experienced composers looking for something lightweight and/or portable might find it useful.

Gig files;

You can use 'gigextract' to extract either all as well as individual samples from a gig file. 'man gigextract' for details


  • FluidSynth - A real-time software synthesizer based on the SoundFont 2 specifications. It can be used for live audio synthesis of MIDI events or for rendering MIDI files to disk, using SoundFont instruments. It can also be embedded in other applications. This is not a application with a graphical user interface, however there are several GUI applications which utilize FluidSynth.
  • Qsynth Qt GUI Interface for FluidSynth


See also Drumming#Software

  • - or simply sequencer) is a device or application software that can record, edit, or play back music, by handling note and performance information in several forms, typically CV/Gate, MIDI, or Open Sound Control (OSC), and possibly audio and automation data for DAWs and plug-ins.


  • Seq24 is a minimal loop based midi sequencer.

To make seq24 use it's own ALSA MIDI ports, open the "~/.seq24rc" and edit [manual-alsa-ports] to 1


  • seq42 A midi sequencer for linux; a fork of seq24 and seq24, with greater focus on song editing (less on live looping) plus some enhancements. C++ with gtkmm


Advanced GTK+ Sequencer

  • Advanced GTK+ Sequencer is intended to use for music composition. It features a piano roll, as well a synth, matrix editor, drum machine, soundfont2 player, mixer and an output panel. It's designed to be highly configurable, you may add effects to its effect chain, add or remove audio channels/pads. You may set up a fully functional network of engines, therefore exists a link editor for linking audio lines.


  • Midish is an open-source MIDI sequencer/filter for Unix-like operating systems. Implemented as a simple command-line interpreter (like a shell) it's intended to be lightweight, fast and reliable for real-time performance. Important features: multiple MIDI devices handling, synchronization to external audio/MIDI hardware/software, real-time MIDI filtering/routing (controller mapping, keyboard splitting, ...)

track recording, editing, progressive quantisation ..., import and export of standard MIDI files, system exclusive messages handling


  • 'Cursed Sequencer' (CuSE) is a MIDI-Sequencer which targets both terminal purists and visually impaired people. The purely character- based interface provides the kind of information needed by braille-displays and screen-readers. But CuSE can also enable normally sighted people to run the sequencer over a network or on a low-end embedded device.

Non Sequencer

  • Non Sequencer is a powerful, lightweight, real-time, pattern-based MIDI sequencer for Linux--released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). It utilizes the JACK Audio Connection Kit for MIDI I/O and the NTK GUI toolkit for its user interface.

Jazz++ MIDI Sequencer

  • Jazz++ Midi Sequencer application for recording and mixing MIDI sequences, and for many years was the only stable application like it that ran under both Windows and Linux. Unfortunately, it has not been well maintained and was starting to look a little long in the tooth. It was also written with the venerable wxWindows version 1.68, which is not only now obsolete, but isn't even called wxWindows anymore.


  • Jackbeat - an audio sequencer, a Linux tool for musicians and sound artists : drummachine-like interface for fast and easy editing, realtime operation : while playing, the sequence can be edited and resized, the bpm rate modified, and new samples loaded, virtually unlimited number of tracks and beats, easy to use and yet powerful : just JACK it into jack-rack and you can apply LADSPA effect plugins on a per track basis, perform mastering with jackeq


  • Slag project aims at developing a multiplatform pattern-based audio sequencer. As for now, it can be used as a simple drum box on GNU/Linux, NetBSD and Mac OS X.


  • Dino is a pattern-based sequencer, which means that you write small patterns of MIDI events that you can repeat and arrange to create a whole song. Each track has its own patterns, so you can for example play the same drum pattern over and over again while you play different lead synth patterns and basslines.


  • Tutka is a free (as in freedom) tracker style MIDI sequencer for GNU/Linux and Mac OS X. It is similar to programs like SoundTracker, ProTracker and FastTracker except that it does not support samples and is meant for MIDI use only. Tutka uses a custom XML based file format for storing songs. Songs in OctaMED SoundStudio's MMD2 file format can also be loaded and saved.


  • qTribe is a step-based MIDI sequencer, heavily influenced by the layout and operation of the Korg Electribe series of 'grooveboxes'. It connects using the JACK MIDI API, and aims to provide a powerful and intuitive environment for composition and live performance of music.


  • Epichord is a midi sequencer. It allows you to arrange midi patterns to be played on midi aware tools, record midi, and store/load arrangements to/from disk. It does not make sound or handle audio in any way. That is the job of other midi programs and hardware to which it can connect. Epichord is a clone of what seems like countless programs available on windows, as well as some attempts to bring this type of tool to linux. In particular, it emphasizes a plain and 'overused' user interface which I believe existing tools either ignored to pursue something better, or just ignored. Here is a partial list of programs which serve as inspiration for Epichord in various ways.


  • harmonySEQ harmonySEQ is a live loop-based MIDI software sequencer intended to aid music composers and performers. Main harmonySEQ features include: managing a set of separated (but synchronized) sequencers, repeating looped melodies of different length, duration and MIDI channel, reacting on user-defined triggers, which makes it exceptionally useful for live performances or recordings, supporting complex polyrythms, ability to bind a many patterns to each sequencer, and play only one at a time, help in manage chords, which allows to create melodies that consist only of notes that sound great together, ability playback sequences of MIDI control events, an intuitive and multilingual interface, with a great piano-roll pattern editor

Aria Maestosa

  • Aria Maestosa is an open-source (GPL) midi sequencer/editor. It lets you compose, edit and play midi files with a few clicks in a user-friendly interface offering score, keyboard, guitar, drum and controller views. Aria Maestosa runs on Mac OS X, Windows and Linux/Unix.

Open Octave





  • - (usually referred to simply as trackers) are a type of music sequencer software used to create music. They represent music tracks as an arrangement of discrete musical notes positioned in one of several channels, at discrete chronological positions on a timeline. The file format used for saving songs is called a module file.

A music tracker's musical interface is traditionally numeric: both notes and parameter changes, effects and other commands are entered with the keyboard into a grid of fixed time slots as codes consisting of letters, numbers and hexadecimal digits.[1] Separate patterns have independent timelines; a complete song consists of a master list of repeated and concatenated patterns.

Later trackers departed from module file limitations and advantages, adding other options both to the sound synthesis (hosting generic synthesizers and effects or MIDI output) and to the sequencing (MIDI input and recording), effectively becoming general purpose sequencers with a different user interface.


Impulse Tracker


  • OpenMPT (short hand for Open ModPlug Tracker), a popular tracker software for Windows.


  • ProTrekkr (formerly known as NoiseTrekker by Juan Antonio Arguelles Rius aka Arguru) is a tracker program combining a software synthesizer together with a traditional samples tracker which can be used to create electronic music (like psytrance, trance goa, hard acid, IDM, chip, techno, etc.) for small sized intros, demos or games.

Schism Tracker

  • Schism Tracker - free reimplementation of Impulse Tracker, a program used to create high quality music without the requirements of specialized, expensive equipment, and with a unique "finger feel" that is difficult to replicate in part. The player is based on a highly modified version of the Modplug engine, with a number of bugfixes and changes to improve IT playback. Where Impulse Tracker was limited to i386-based systems running MS-DOS, Schism Tracker runs on almost any platform that SDL supports, and has been successfully built for Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, FreeBSD, AmigaOS, BeOS, and even the Wii. Most development is currently done on 64-bit Linux. Schism will most likely build on any architecture supported by GCC4 (e.g. alpha, m68k, arm, etc.) but it will probably not be as well-optimized on many systems.


  • Buzztrax aims to be a music studio that allows one to compose songs using only a computer with a soundcard. If you’ve used tracker programs like FastTracker, Impulse Tracker, or the original AMIGA SoundTracker, that will give you an idea of how one can sequence music in Buzztrax. The Buzztrax editor uses a similar concept, where a song consists of a sequence with tracks and in each track one uses patterns with events (musical notes and control changes). In contrast to other Tracker programs, tracks are not simply sample players: a user can make a song using an arrangment of virtual audio plugins that are linked together to create different effects. Each of these machines can be controlled realtime or via patterns in the sequencer.


  • jacker - create music from a cornucopia of free synthesizers and effects on GNU/Linux. Jacker uses the power of JACK MIDI to control external synthesizers, samplers and effects - with perfect timing. Connect your favorite instruments and exercise total control over every aspect of your song using the traditional tracker interface known from underground apps like "Impulse Tracker" or "Fasttracker 2". And of course, it's free and open, too.


  • SunVox is a small, fast and powerful modular synthesizer with pattern-based sequencer (tracker). It is a tool for those people who like to compose music wherever they are, whenever they wish. On any device. SunVox is available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Maemo, Meego, Raspberry Pi, Windows Mobile (WindowsCE), PalmOS, iOS and Android.


  • CheeseTracker is a software sampler and step-based sequencer modelled after Impulse Tracker. It allows a musician to turn single-note samples into instruments capable of covering three or four octaves (by playing the samples at different speeds, resulting in different pitches). In addition, it is possible to take a collection of samples that are recorded at different octaves, and combine them into a single "instrument," allowing for even more octaves without sampling artifacts.



  • ttrk is my MIDI sequencer application. I was annoyed by the bad step editors found on pretty much all MIDI sequencers I could find, and since I was big fan of the tracker interface, I used the user interface ideas behind a tracker in my design.
  • b-tektracker - an advanced MIDI step-sequencer. a fork of tektracker by Billy Biggs


  • Covert Bitops is a small group making C64 productions (mainly games & music) and related free utilities on recreation basis. This site is dedicated to these productions, utilities and C64 programming-related articles (rants). GoatTracker2, NinjaTracker2, etc.


Digital Audio Workstation




  • LMMS is a free cross-platform software which allows you to produce music with your computer. This covers creating melodies and beats, synthesizing and mixing sounds and arranging samples. You can have fun with your MIDI keyboard and much more – all in a user-friendly and modern interface. Furthermore LMMS comes with many ready-to-use instrument and effect plugins, presets and samples.



  • MusE is a MIDI/Audio sequencer with recording and editing capabilities written originally by Werner Schweer now developed and maintained by the MusE development team. MusE aims to be a complete multitrack virtual studio for Linux, it is published under the GNU General Public License.

Open Octave


  • Non - Powerful enough to form a complete studio, fast and light enough to run on low-end hardware like the eeePC or Raspberry Pi, and so responsive and reliable that it can be used live, the Non DAW Studio is a modular system composed of four main parts: Non Timeline, a non-destructive, non-linear audio recorder and arranger. Non Mixer, a live mixer with effects plugin hosting and advanced Ambisonics spatialization control. Non Sequencer, a live, pattern based MIDI sequencer, and finally, the Non Session Manager to tie together these applications and more into cohesive song-level units.


  • Qtractor is an Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer application written in C++ with the Qt4 framework. Target platform is Linux, where the Jack Audio Connection Kit (JACK) for audio, and the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) for MIDI, are the main infrastructures to evolve as a fairly-featured Linux desktop audio workstation GUI, specially dedicated to the personal home-studio.


  • Beast a music composition and modular synthesis application released as free software under the GNU LGPL, that runs under Unix. It supports a wide range of standards in the field, such as MIDI, WAV/AIFF/MP3/OggVorbis/etc audio files and LADSPA modules. It allows for multitrack editing, unlimited undo/redo support, real-time synthesis support, 32bit audio rendering, full duplex support, multiprocessor support, conditional MMX/SSE utilisation for plugins, precise timing down to sample granularity, on demand and partial loading of wave files, on the fly decoding, stereo mixing, FFT scopes, MIDI automation and full scriptability in scheme.

Traverso DAW

  • Traverso DAW is an audio recording and editing program which is very well suited to record a single voice, a band, an ensemble, a whole orchestra or any other source of music!




  • Frinika is a free, complete music workstation software for Linux, Windows, Mac OSX and other operating systems running Java. It features sequencer, soft-synths, realtime effects and audio recording.



  • Audiotool - a powerful online music production studio right in your browser. All crafted with lots of love for the small details. All your tracks, samples and presets are stored on the Audiotool servers and are accessible from any browser. Publish your finished track straight from the app to the Audiotool website, SoundCloud, Youtube or Facebook.


PC Speaker

beep - beep the pc speaker any number of ways
beep -f 200 -f 300
  # beep at 300Hz.
  • What’s up with the Beep driver in Windows 7? - Earlier today, someone asked me why 64bit versions of windows don’t support the internal PC speaker beeps. The answer is somewhat complicated and ends up being an interesting intersection between a host of conflicting tensions in the PC ecosystem.
  command-line speaker test tone generator for ALSA


  • Buzz is the first ever "easy to use" free modular software based synthesizer. What this means is that the entire system is based on objects, which may be routed in a modular fashion, giving you the freedom to be as creative as you want. For example, if you wish to run 3 Physical Modelling synths and a Drum Machine through 2 seperate Stereo Delays, into a Mixer, through a Compressor and Parameteric EQ, and finally out to your speakers - no problem. Lay down your synths, connect the wires and you're done.


  • gAlan - The Graphical Audio Language. A modular synthesiser - drum-machine - sequencer - effects-unit for Linux and Win32. Like BUZZ.

DIN Is Noise

  • DIN (DIN Is Noise) is a software musical instrument, uses the computer mouse to pick both the pitch (by moving horizontally) and the volume (by moving vertically) of a sound from an on-screen keyboard that displays the notes of the current scale and a number of microtones in-between. Bezier curves, FM and AM and control other parameters like stereo gater patterns, Delay feedback & volume patterns and Compressor patterns. Users can also create an unlimited number of drones pitched on any microtone and edit them in real-time.


  • cursynth - a polyphonic, MIDI enabled, subtractive synth that runs in your terminal with an ascii interface. cursynth will connect to all MIDI devices and send output to the default audio device on your system.


  • AlsaModularSynth is a realtime modular synthesizer and effect processor. It features MIDI controlled modular software synthesis, Realtime effect processing with capture from e.g. "Line In" or "Mic In", Full control of all synthesis and effect parameters via MIDI, Integrated LADSPA Browser with search capability, JACK Support


  • WONDER is a software suite for using Wave Field Synthesis and Binaural Synthesis. It's primary platform is Linux, but it can be used under OSX too.


  • ZynAddSubFX is a open source software synthesizer capable of making a countless number of instruments, from some common heard from expensive hardware to interesting sounds that you'll boost to an amazing universe of sounds.


  • Yoshimi is a software synthesizer for Linux, a "fork" of ZynAddSubFX. ZynAddSubFX was founded by Nasca Octavian Paul and continued by many others; several years later, Yoshimi was founded by our dear friend, the late Cal, at a time when ZynAddSubFX showed amazing promise but did not satisfy his needs and ours. If you enjoy profound and powerful tonality with your Linux, please do try Yoshimi, we think you will feel the love! The two projects are now in wonderfully active, but different, development.


  • horgand is a softsynth, really simple and easy to use, specially designed to produce organ sounds is also capable to generate other sound types like Electric Pianos ( Rhodes , Wurlitzer , DX E.Piano ) , Jazz Guitar , Strings , Brass , Fretless Bass, Accordion etc. using low CPU resources. horgand is based on a FM audio synthesizer with twenty carriers (20) without modulators in a plain based algorithm.


  • AUBE is a system for sound generation and processing. You can process audio on the fly by setting up arbitrary configurations of sound generators, sequencers and effects modules, through which sound is played, filtered, and recorded.


  • Echo Nest Remix is the Internet Synthesizer. Make amazing things from music, automatically. Turn any music or video into Python or JavaScript code.


  • sfxr - a little tool made in connection with the 10th Ludum Dare competition held in December 2007 to provide a simple means of getting basic sound effects into a game. The idea was that they could just hit a few buttons in this application and get some largely randomized effects that were custom in the sense that the user could accept/reject each proposed sound. It turned out to work rather well and a lot of the entrants used it, which is cool.


  • Bfxr is an elaboration of the glorious Sfxr, the program of choice for many people looking to make sound effects for computer games. Bfxr has moved in the direction of increased complexity and range of expression. All the buttons that you know and love are here, but there are some new things as well: 5 new waveforms : triangle, breaker, tan, whistle, and pink noise. 3 new filters : compression, harmonics, and bitcrusher. Ability to lock parameters during mutation/randomization. Expanded pitch-jumping abilities - good for arpeggiation effects. Visualisation, Mixer, Keeps your sounds and mixes in persistant lists. Can reverse synths. Ability to link directly to sounds.


  • Jfxr is a browser-based tool to generate sound effects, for example for use in games. It was inspired by bfxr, but aims to be more powerful and more intuitive to use. [24]


  • rogue] - multimode softsynth with LV2 interface, 4 oscillators with Virtual Analog, Phase Distortion, FM and other waveforms, PWM, PM, Sync, RM and AM modulation, 2 filters with Biquad, Moog and SVF style modes, 4 AHDSR envelopes with customizable curve

4 LFOs, 20 Modulation matrix slots, Effects: Chorus, Phaser, Delay and Reverb, Qt4 based UI

Bristol Collection

  • Bristol Synthesiser Emulations on Linux - or Bristol is an emulation package for a number of different 'classic' synthesisers including additive and subtractive and a few organs. The application consists of the engine, which is called bristol, and its own GUI library called brighton that represents all the emulations. There are currently twenty something different emulations, each does sound different although the author maintains that the quality and accuracy of each emulation is subjective. One of the main reasons for putting together this site (host by Sourceforge which provides the rest of the services required by bristol) is to depict all the different emulations.


  • jOrgan is a Java-based MIDI-Processor. It's open architecture allows for complex transmitting and dynamical modifying of MIDI-Messages on their way between MIDI-Encoders and MIDI-Decoders, through an own MIDI Programming Language MPL.


  • hexter - Yamaha DX7 modeling DSSI plugin


  • SunVox is a small, fast and powerful modular synthesizer with pattern-based sequencer (tracker). It is a tool for those people who like to compose music wherever they are, whenever they wish. On any device. SunVox is available for Windows, OS X, Linux, Maemo, Meego, Raspberry Pi, Windows Mobile (WindowsCE), PalmOS, iOS and Android.


  • AudioKit is a powerful audio toolkit for synthesizing, processing, and analyzing sounds. It contains several examples for iOS (iPhone & iPad) and Mac OSX, written in both Objective-C and in Swift. A test suite is provided for many of the operations included in AudioKit. A playground project can be used for trying out AudioKit instruments and for greatly speeding up the development of your own instruments and applications. [25]



  • PHASEX ([P]hase [H]armonic [A]dvanced [S]ynthesis [EX]periment) is an experimental MIDI softsynth for Linux/ALSA/JACK with a synth engine built around flexible phase modulation and flexible oscillator/LFO sources. Modulations include AM, FM, offset PM, and wave select. PHASEX comes equipped with multiple filter types and modes, a stereo crossover delay and chorus with phaser, ADSR envelopes for both amplifier and filter, realtime audio input processing capabilities, and more. Inspirations come from a variety of analogue and early digital MIDI synthesizers from the '80s and '90s.


  • amsynth - an analog modelling (a.k.a virtual analog) software synthesizer. It mimics the operation of early analog subtractive synthesizers with classic oscillator waveforms, envelopes, filter, modulation and effects. The aim is to make it easy to create and modify sounds.


  • Sineshaper - A monophonic synth plugin that sends the sound from two sine oscillators through two sine waveshapers in series. You can control the vibrato, tremolo, portamento, the tuning of both oscillators, the oscillator mix, the shape amount (total and split over both shapers) and the phase of the second waveshaper function. There is also an ADSR envelope generator that can control the total shape amount and the amplification (with controllable sensitivity for both), an LFO for the total shape amount, distortion, and a feedback delay. The shape amount and amplification is velocity sensitive, and the synth supports MIDI pitch bend events (with a range of +/- 2 semitones). All parameters can be controlled using MIDI Controller events.


  • Mx44 - a polyphonic multichannel midi realtime software synthesizer. It is written in C and hand optimized for the (Intel) MMX instruction set. It runs under Linux, using the JACK daemon and a kernel modified for realtime performance. The core algorithm is a 4 x 4 crossmodulating matrix (phase and amplitude) with individual envelopes for each oscillator. Oscillators have individual frequency intonation, can emphasize any of the eight first harmonics and even do some internal crossmodulation. Envelopes can be switched between VCA and a VCF-like mode. The sustainloop of the envelope can be brought into oscillation in the audible spectre as well as provide slow LFO sweeps. Also, key and velocity modifications of phase relationship.


  • synthv1 is an old-school 4-oscillator subtractive polyphonic synthesizer with stereo fx. pure stand-alone JACK client with JACK-session, NSM (Non Session management) and both JACK MIDI and ALSA MIDI input support, or LV2 instrument plugin


  • rt_lpc - real-time LPC analysis + synthesis + visualization. rt_lpc is a light-weight application that performs real-time LPC analysis and synthesis.


  • ] slat] - This is my soft-theremin. It was called "theremin", but now it's called "slat". Calling it theremin was a bit silly. Playing it is very simple, move the mouse pointer up and down to change pitch, left and right to change volume. Notes are printed on either side to make it easier to play.

Audio programming

  • - typically consist of an audio programming language (which may be graphical) and a user environment to design/run the language in. Although many of these environments are comparable in their abilities to produce high-quality audio, their differences and specialties are what draw users to a particular platform. This article compares noteworthy audio synthesis environments, and enumerates basic issues associated with their use.


  • - refers to a family of computer music programs and programming languages descended from or influenced by MUSIC, a program written by Max Mathews in 1957 at Bell Labs. MUSIC was the first computer program for generating digital audio waveforms through direct synthesis. It was one of the first programs for making music (in actuality, sound) on a digital computer, and was certainly the first program to gain wide acceptance in the music research community as viable for that task.

The world's first computer-controlled music was generated in Australia by programmer Geoff Hill on the CSIRAC computer which was designed and built by Trevor Pearcey and Maston Beard. However, CSIRAC produced sound by sending raw pulses to the speaker, it did not produce standard digital audio with PCM samples, like the MUSIC-series of programs.

Less obviously, MUSIC can be seen as the parent program for: RTSKED (a later RealTime Scheduling language by Max Mathews), Max/MSP Pure Data, AudioMulch, SuperCollider, JSyn, Common Lisp Music, ChucK, or any other computer synthesis language that relies on a modular system (e.g. Reaktor).

Pure Data


  • OpenMusic (OM) is a visual programming language based on Lisp. Visual programs are created by asssembling and connecting icons representing functions and data structures. Most programming and operations are performed by dragging an icon from a particular place and dropping it to an other place. Built-in visual control structures (e.g. loops) are provided, that interface with Lisp ones.


  • SuperCollider is an environment and programming language for real time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition. It provides an interpreted object-oriented language which functions as a network client to a state of the art, realtime sound synthesis server.


  • Overtone is an open source audio environment being created to explore musical ideas from synthesis and sampling to instrument building, live-coding and collaborative jamming. We use the SuperCollider synth server as the audio engine, with Clojure being used to develop the APIs and the application. Synthesizers, effects, analyzers and musical generators can be programmed in Clojure.


  • Csound is the "ultimate" software synthesizer. Csound is an incredibly powerful signal processor. Csound is a program that runs on virtually every major hardware platform and Csound supports all operating systems. Most importantly, Csound is open source and Csound is FREE! For years now, Csound has been offering innovative sound designers, composers, and producers a unique and powerful palette with which to create and sculpt innovate and diverse works. Csound is not restricted to any style of music, and has been employed for many years in the creation of classical, pop, techno, ambient, and experimental avant-garde computer music, as well as music for film and television.



  • ChucK is a programming language for real-time sound synthesis and music creation. It is open-source and freely available on MacOS X, Windows, and Linux. ChucK presents a unique time-based, concurrent programming model that's precise and expressive (we call this strongly-timed), dynamic control rates, and the ability to add and modify code on-the-fly. In addition, ChucK supports MIDI, OpenSoundControl, HID device, and multi-channel audio. It's fun and easy to learn, and offers composers, researchers, and performers a powerful programming tool for building and experimenting with complex audio synthesis/analysis programs, and real-time interactive music.


  • Extempore is a programming language and runtime environment designed to support 'cyberphysical programming'. Cyberphysical programming supports the notion of a human programmer operating as an active agent in a real-time distributed network of environmentally aware systems. The programmer interacts with the distributed real-time system procedurally by modifying code on-the-fly.


  • CLAM is a software framework for research and application development on the audio and music domain. It provides means to perform complex audio signal analysis, transformations and synthesis. It also provides a uniform interface to common tasks on audio applications such as accessing audio devices and audio files, thread safe communication with the user interface and DSP algorithms recombination and scaling.


  • v.001 is a community driven, open source, modular solution for building easy to (re) use Max/MSP and Jitter patches targeted (but not limited to) visual performers and programmers.


  • - Like many other frameworks (e.g., Qt, wxWidgets, GTK+, etc.), JUCE contains classes providing a range of functionality that covers user-interface elements, graphics, audio, XML and JSON parsing, networking, cryptography, multi-threading, an integrated interpreter that mimics ECMAScript's syntax, and various other commonly used features. Application developers needing several third-party libraries may thus be able to consolidate and use only the JUCE library, or at least reduce the number of third-party libraries they use. In this, the original inspiration was Java's JDK, and JUCE was intended to be "something similar for C++".

A notable feature of JUCE when compared to other similar frameworks is its large set of audio functionality; this is because JUCE was originally developed as a framework for Tracktion, an audio sequencer, before being split off into a standalone product. JUCE has support for audio devices (such as CoreAudio, ASIO, ALSA, JACK, WASAPI, DirectSound) and MIDI playback, polyphonic synthesizers, built-in readers for common audio file formats (such as WAV, AIFF, FLAC, MP3 and Vorbis), as well as wrappers for building various types of audio plugin, such as VST effects and instruments. This has led to its widespread use in the audio development community.[3]

JUCE comes with wrapper classes for building audio and browser plugins. When building an audio plugin, a single binary is produced that supports multiple plugin formats (VST & VST3, RTAS, AAX, Audio Units). Since all the platform and format-specific code is contained in the wrapper, a user can build Mac and Windows VST/VST3/RTAS/AAX/AUs from a single codebase.


  • bipscript - a simple programming environment for creating music. instantiate and connect LV2 plugins to create audio and MIDI networks, schedule MIDI and other control events directly on the plugins and system outputs, schedule logic to react to external events e.g. from a human performer.

Live coding

  • Fluxus -a rapid prototyping, playing and learning environment for 3D graphics, sound and games. Extends the Racket language with graphical commands and can be used within it’s own livecoding environment or from within the DrRacket IDE. Fluxus is crossplatform (Linux, Windows, OSX, Android, PS2), and is released under the GPL licence.
  • Impromptu - an OSX programming language and environment for composers, sound artists, VJ's and graphic artists with an interest in live or interactive programming. Impromptu is a Scheme language environment, a member of the Lisp family of languages. Impromptu is used by artist-programmers in livecoding performances around the globe.
  • ixi lang v3 live coding environment is an extremely simple and visual system, presenting a high entry level control over synth definitions and samples in SuperCollider. The core idea is to represent events in a spatial layout, thus merging musical code and musical scores. The score is active, i.e., if a method is performed upon the score, it changes in real time.. The development of ixi lang is part of a research involving human-machine interaction, the philosophy of technology and the culture of software use in music. In return for this free software we would like to ask you few questions regarding your experience of the software.
  • Tidal is a language for live coding pattern. It provides a way to express music with very flexible timing, providing a little language for describing patterns as discrete sequences (which can be polyphonic and polymetric), some generators of continuous patterns (e.g. sinewaves, sawtooths) and a wide range of pattern transformations. Tidal is highly 'composable' in that pattern transformations can be easily combined together, allowing you to quickly create complex patterns from simple ingredients. Tidal does not make sound itself, but rather controls synths using Open Sound Control or MIDI. By default, for its sister the Dirt sampler.
  • Gibber - Creative Coding for JavaScript
  • Livecodelab is a special secret place where you can make fancy "on-the-fly" 3d visuals and play awesomely offbeat (literally) sounds. "On-the-fly" meaning: as you type. Type just three letters: "box", and boom! a box appears. No clicking play, no waiting, no nothing. What are you waiting for? Try the magic. Press the button below and play with the examples.
  • Al-Jazari is livecoded entirely by gamepad, and employs a simple graphical language to allow robots to interact with each other and move over a terrain populated by audio triggers. The running code is displayed and edited in thought bubbles over each robot. For upcoming performance dates see this page.

  • Gibber is a creative coding environment for audiovisual performance and composition. It contains features for audio synthesis and musical sequencing, 2d drawing, 3d scene construction and manipulation, and live-coding shaders.

  • Protoplug - a VST/AU plugin that lets you load and edit Lua scripts as audio effects and instruments. The scripts can process audio and MIDI, display their own interface, and use external libraries. Transform any music software into a live coding environment!


  • Boodler is an open-source soundscape tool -- continuous, infinitely varying streams of sound. Boodler is designed to run in the background on a computer, maintaining whatever sound environment you desire. Boodler is extensible, customizable, and modular. Each soundscape is a small piece of Python code -- typically less than a page. A soundscape can incorporate other soundscapes; it can combine other soundscapes, switch between them, fade them in and out. This package comes with many example soundscapes. You can use these, modify them, combine them to arbitrary levels of complexity, or write your own.


  • Specimen is an open source, MIDI controllable audio sampler for Linux. Features include: Up to 64 patches with 8 notes of polyphony each, Fast, high quality pitch scaling, Linear ADSR volume envelopes, MIDI/jack-transport syncable LFOs, Low pass filter with resonance, A variety of direction-independent playback modes, A zoomable sample editor for loop and play points, Portamento
  • samplv1 is an old-school all-digital polyphonic sampler synthesizer with stereo fx. pure stand-alone JACK client with JACK-session, NSM and both JACK MIDI and ALSA MIDI input support, or LV2 instrument plugin.
  • synthclone is a tool that allows you to create sample-based instruments. You can create sample-based instruments by sending MIDI messages to your MIDI-capable gear or software that instructs an instrument to emit sounds for a series of notes, velocities, controls, and aftertouch values, or by recording your own samples. After the sampling is done, you can apply effects to your samples, and finally save this data as a sample-based instrument that can be loaded by sampler software.
  • Loomer Cumulus is a granular sampler which radically transforms sample content by breaking it into tiny slithers of audio called grains and reorganizing them to form new sounds. Cumulus is capable of a wide ranges of timbres: from evolving atmospheric soundscapes; to organic physical textures. Up to eight Scenes can be created; a Scene corresponding to a particular sample position and set of synthesis parameters. Scenes can be played in realtime via MIDI, or arranged internally using the built-in sequencer. Cumulus is available free on the cover-mounted DVD of Computer Music magazine from issue 170 and onwards. Cumulus is supported on Mac OS X (VST, AU, RTAS, and Standalone), Windows (VST, RTAS, and Standalone), and Linux (VST, Standalone), and natively supports 64-bit for VST, Audio Unit, and Linux Standalone formats.

Feature extraction

  • Vamp is an audio processing plugin system for plugins that extract descriptive information from audio data — typically referred to as audio analysis plugins or audio feature extraction plugins.


  • DarwinTunes as a test-bed for the evolution of music, the oldest and most widespread form of culture; and, thanks to your participation, we've shown that reasonably complex and pleasing music can evolve purely under selection by listeners.
  • SoundHelix is a free, versatile and flexible Java framework for composing and playing algorithmic random music based on constrained random generation (CRG). SoundHelix is an algorithmic random music generator (including a built-in MIDI sequencer) which can play generated songs on MIDI devices in real-time. It can also write the generated songs as MIDI files.
  • Computoser is an "artificial intelligence" algorithm that turns the computer into a music composer.

Each track you hear is algorithmically generated.

  • MusicAlgorithms - interactive tools that provide a unique learning experience for users, regardless of their musical training. Students of music composition can explore algorithmic composition, while others can create musical representations of models for the purpose of aural interpretation and analysis. Here, the algorithmic process is used in a creative context so that users can convert sequences of numbers into sounds.

  • Cellular automata and music - Take computers, mathematics, and the Java Sound API, add in some Java code, and you've got a recipe for creating some uniquely fascinating music. IBM Staff Software Engineer Paul Reiners demonstrates how to implement some basic concepts of algorithmic music composition in the Java language. He presents code examples and resulting MIDI files generated by the Automatous Monk program, which uses the open source jMusic framework to compose music based on mathematical structures called cellular automata.
  • Jnana is a generative musical accompaniment system integrated into Ableton Live. It has the ability to analyze MIDI input and generate new material in a similar style. It can analyze input in real-time or from desired clips within Ableton and can populate Ableton clips with new material.

  • Mixtikl is a dedicated, integrated & powerful multi-platform generative music editor, mixer, arranger and cell sequencer. It includes many modifiable generative music templates that you can easily mix together. To generate its sounds it features the Partikl Sound Engine, a powerful sound source comprising a modular synth with Soundfont (SF2)/DLS support + live FX. - $

  • Noatikl 3 Noatikl, an immensely deep & powerful app for generative MIDI music composition AND sound design, Generative Music Composer → for iOS, Mac, Windows, VST/AU. - $


  • Tweakbench - free VST instruments and free VST effects

  • Rakarrack is a richly featured multi-effects processor emulating a guitar effects pedalboard. Effects include compressor, expander, noise gate, graphic equalizer, parametric equalizer, exciter, shuffle, convolotron, valve, flanger, dual flange, chorus, musicaldelay, arpie, echo with reverse playback, musical delay, reverb, digital phaser, analogic phaser, synthfilter, varyband, ring, wah-wah, alien-wah, mutromojo, harmonizer, looper and four flexible distortion modules including sub-octave modulation and dirty octave up. Most of the effects engine is built from modules found in the excellent software synthesizer ZynAddSubFX. Presets and user interface are optimized for guitar, but Rakarrack processes signals in stereo while it does not apply internal band-limiting filtering, and thus is well suited to all musical instruments and vocals. Rakarrack is designed for Linux distributions with Jack Audio Connection Kit.



  • Jost is the first open source multi-technology (native vst, ladspa, dssi) host in linux. It will mainly host a chain of plugins per instance, publishing jack, alsa and alsa_seq ports in order to be connected in your main stream flow. it still have some very good features that makes it a first class host.
  • Carla is an audio plugin host, with support for many audio drivers and plugin formats. It has some nice features like automation of parameters via MIDI CC (and send output back as MIDI too) and full OSC control. Carla currently supports LADSPA (including LRDF), DSSI, LV2, VST2/3 and AU plugin formats, plus GIG, SF2 and SFZ file support. It uses JACK as the default and preferred audio driver but also supports native drivers like ALSA, DirectSound or CoreAudio.
  • Ingen (formerly Om) is a modular audio processing system for GNU/Linux audio systems using the Jack audio server and LV2 or LADSPA plugins.


  • dssi-vst - Run Windows VST plugins on Linux
  • FeSTige is a GUI for fst and dssi-vst, allowing you to run Windows VST plugins on Linux.
  • fsthost - FreeST standalone fork. linux VST host - hybrid using winelib. Runs as a Jack client for Audio/MIDI, and with GTK GUI. Supports 32 and 64 bit plugins.
  • Ctrlr - Control any MIDI enabled hardware: synthesizers, drum machines, samplers, effects. Create custom User Interfaces. Host them as VST or AU plugins in your favorite DAWs.


  • jackspa - A small utility which will host a LADSPA plugin, providing JACK ports for its audio inputs and outputs, and sliders in a gtkmm GUI for its control inputs. I find it useful for hosting plugins with odd port configurations (such as a vocoder or a ring modulator), and for testing plugins. This project is pretty hacky. I threw it together quickly because I needed it in a hurry, and as a result, it's fairly buggy, and the code is a mess. But, it does the job.
  • ng-jackspa is a set of simple user interfaces that host a LADSPA plugin, providing JACK ports for its audio inputs and outputs, and dynamic setting of its control inputs. Additionally, the plugin controls can be exported to or controlled by control voltages on standard JACK audio ports.
  • Soundtank hosts LADSPA plugins in "realtime objects" which embody the structure of the audio signal flow. RTObjects can be controlled in a completely customizeable fashion using MIDI events sent through the ALSA sequencer interface.


  • Elven that comes with this software package is written for revision 2 of the LV2 specification and is NOT compatible with revisions 3 and later. It may work, it may break subtly or it may give your computer the swine flu.
  • zynjacku - JACK based, GTK (2.x) host for LV2 synths. It has one JACK MIDI input port (routed to all hosted synths) and one (two for stereo synths) JACK audio output port per plugin. Such design provides multi-timbral sound by running several synth plugins.
  • Jalv is a simple but fully featured LV2 host for Jack. It runs LV2 plugins and exposes their ports as Jack ports, essentially making any LV2 plugin function as a Jack application.
  • Synthpod is both LV2 host and plugin. It can be run as a standalone app and be used as a tool for live performances or general audio and event filtering. Or it can be run as a plugin itself inside another host (or inside itself) to add support for non-linear patching where only strictly linear connections are supported (e.g. as in most DAWs). Patching of audio channels is clickless.


  • KVR Audio is a community and news site for popular Audio Plug-in formats and related subjects, such as sample libraries and mobile apps. Our mission is to supply up to date news to VST, AU, RTAS, DX and DSSI/LADSPA plug-in and iOS and Android App users in a friendly, up-front and timely manner.


  • Linux VSTs - a list of all the known native Linux VST plugins, for native VST hosts (energyXT, Jost, Renoise, Qtractor).

  • ReaPlugs VST FX Suite - Want to use some of the comprehensive FX plug-ins that REAPER provides, but stuck in another host? Haven't made the switch yet? Fear not -- you can download ReaPlugs, a package of FX that includes many of the plug-ins that come with REAPER, for free!

  • GVST - several free VST effects and instruments for Windows. For the main part they are designed to be simple, light-weight and efficient, although some are more ambitious and some more experimental. Effects; GBand - Band-pass filter. GChorus - Chorus effect. GClip - Wave-shaping signal clipper. GComp - Compressor. GComp2 - Compressor. GDelay - Delay effect. GDuckDly - Ducking delay effect. GFader - Signal gain (-100 to 0 dB). GGain - Signal gain (-12 to 12 dB). GGate - Gate. GGrain - Granular resynthesis. GHi - High-pass filter. GLow - Low-pass filter. GLFO - Triple LFO effect. GMax - Limiter. GMonoBass - Bass stereo imaging effect. GMulti - Multi-band compressor and stereo enhancer. GNormal - Noise generator for avoiding denormal problems. GRevDly - Reverse delay effect. GSnap - Pitch-correction. GTune - Chromatic tuner.
  • mda-vst - Windows VST, including Bandisto - Multi-band distortion. BeatBox - Drum replacer, Combo - Amp & speaker simulator, De-ess - High frequency dynamics processor, Degrade - Sample quality reduction, Delay - Simple stereo delay with feedback tone control, Detune - Simple up/down pitch shifting thickener, Dither - Range of dither types including noise shaping, DubDelay - Delay with feedback saturation and time/pitch modulation, Dynamics - Compressor / Limiter / Gate, Envelope - Envelope follower / VCA, Image - Stereo image adjustment and M-S matrix, Leslie - Rotary speaker simulator, Limiter - Opto-electronic style, limiter, Loudness - Equal loudness contours for bass EQ and mix correction , Multiband - Multi-band compressor with M-S processing modes, Overdrive - Soft distortion, Re-Psycho! - Drum loop pitch changer, RezFilter - Resonant filter with LFO and envelope follower, Round Panner - 3D panner, Shepard - Continuously rising/falling tone generator, Splitter - Frequency / level crossover for setting up dynamic processing, Stereo Simulator - Haas delay and comb filtering, Sub-Bass Synthesizer - Several low frequency enhancement methods, Talkbox - High resolution vocoder, TestTone - Signal generator with pink and white noise, impulses and sweeps, Thru-Zero Flanger - Classic tape-flanging simulation, Tracker - Pitch tracking oscillator, or pitch tracking EQ, Vocoder - Switchable 8 or 16 band vocoder, VocInput - Pitch tracking oscillator for generating vocoder carrier input
  • VSTForx is a full-modular effect network creation tool which comes as a VST-plugin. With VSTForx you are able to load any number of VST-plugins and connect them anyway you want. Additional modules allow you to manipulate such signal chains and offer a whole new way in mixing and producing.
  • SAFE Plug-ins (SAFE stands for Semantic Audio Feature Extraction) are a series of DAW plug-ins that allow the user to provide timbral descriptions of the audio they are processing. The plug-in then analyses the audio and saves the anonymous data to our server. This data is collected from all users and analysed to give a general synopsis of the types of sound that a given descriptor is used for. All this information can then be used to create a series of ‘semantic plug-in settings’. Users will be able to load plug-in settings by typing in descriptive words regarding the timbre of the sound being processed. The more people who upload descriptors to the server the more perceptually representative the downloaded plug-in settings will get.
  • Fracture - features a buffer effect, a multimode filter, three LFOs and a delay. The order of the effects in the processing chain can also be reconfigured. This plugin is geared toward adding glitchy articulations and abstract textures to your projects. Use it on anything from drums and percussion to synth lines and sound effects. Fracture’s intuitive interface and diverse features make it simple to give your projects a unique technical edge.

  • Hysteresis - delay effect with stutter, lowpass filter and modulation effects thrown into the feedback signal path. Process anything from drums and percussion to synth lines and sound effects. On top of being able to create incredibly wild signal glitch mutations, it can also be used to generate classic delay effects.
  • hypercyclic - an LFO-driven MIDI arpeggiator, gate effect and step sequencer for mangling sustained MIDI input chords the output of which can then drive other MIDI instruments
  • tonespace - a chord generator and visualizer, displays chords and scales on a grid, making it easy to understand their structure, displays chords on a piano keyboard, making it easy to play them, supports 39 chord types, 25 chord voicings/inversions, 21 scales, 18 keys, and 50 different grids
  • TAL-Vocoder is a vintage vocoder emulation with 11 bands that emulates the sound of vocoders from the early 80’s. It includes analog modeled components in combination with digital algorithms such as the SFFT (Short-Time Fast Fourier Transform).

This vocoder does not make a direct convolution of the carrier and modulation signal as other digital vocoders maybe do. It includes an envelope follower for every of the eleven bands. This vocoder is optimized for voice processing and includes some algorithms for consonants to make the voice more intelligible. The carrier signal is a VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) with a Pulse, Saw, Noise and SubOsc. But it’s also possible to use the left stereo input as carrier. This way every sound source can be used as carrier signal.

  • Calf Studio Gear - available exclusively for LINUX-based operating systems and runs as a stand-alone effect rack connectable through Jack sound server or as plug-ins in every audio host that is able to fire up LV2 compilant devices, e.g. the highly recommended Ardour Audio Workstation. Play your SF2 sample banks, create filthy organs, fatten your sounds with phasers, delays, reverbs and other FX, process your recordings with gates, compressors, deesser and finally master your stuff with multiband dynamics - for free!
  • Tom Pong is a ping pong delay VST Plugin. Windows only. A ping pong delay is a delay which alternates from one speaker to another. If the balance is set to 0.5, a stereo signal will invert itself each time the delay buffer is played back. If the balance is set to either side of 0.5, the signal bounces back and forth between the speakers. Tom Pong can be synced to the host sequencer, or delay times can be set by sample count. Feedback and output level are also adjustable.
  • MidSide - MS Delay/Mixer VST plug-in. It can be use for widening effects of an input stereo signal.
  • mverb - Studio quality, open-source reverb. Its release was intended to provide a practical demonstration of Dattorro’s figure-of-eight reverb structure and provide the open source community with a high quality reverb.
  • Argotlunar is a tool for creating surreal transformations of audio streams. Specifically, it is a real-time delay-line granulator. It disintegrates an audio stream into short samples (grains). Each grain can have random settings of amplitude, panning, duration, delay, pitch, glissando, filter and envelope. The output of all grains is mixed together into a stream which can be fed back into the main input. Time-related parameters can be synced to the host tempo, for rhythmic and pulsing textures. Pitch-related parameters can be quantized for harmonic and melodic effects. Feedback can create chaotic, densely layered, and distorted sounds.
  • Atomic Cloud Grain Cloud Generator takes an audio file as input, and generates a granular synthesis grain cloud in real time. Grain clouds are played back through your speakers, and can also be rendered direct to disk, while you listen, for further processing.


  • nekobee - A softsynth recreation of a classic single-oscillator bass monosynth
  • Venom VB-303 is a win32 VST made with SynthEdit/SE_SDK2. It’s an approximation of the sound of a x0xb0x, and the sequencer of the TB-303.
  • Tunefish is a very tiny virtual analog synthesizer. It is developed to fit into about 10kb of compressed machine code while still producing an audio quality that can compete with commercial synthesizers. This site was created to make the VST/AU version of it available to the public. This plugin, unlike the version of TF which is used in 64k intros of our group Brain Control is of course larger, mainly because it has a UI and uses the excellent Juce framework for C++. (This is true for v4. v3 uses Qt and v2 uses the VSTGUI library.)
  • Mr. Alias 2 uses non-bandlimited oscillators which can be transposed near to and beyond the Nyquist frequency, causing most of their spectra to be aliased back into audible non-harmonic frequencies. The sound can then be further processed by a number of crude "effects."
  • Harsh Digital Nose a synthesizer that converts two images into two oscillator waveforms and then mixes them in various horrible ways. You can drag and drop images or draw them on the plugin in real time.
  • Caustic 3 is a music creation tool suite inspired by rack-mount synthesizers / samplers rigs. Everything is real-time and optimized for mobile devices. Windows VST, use WINE.
  • Preparation P is a VSTi collection of 61 high quality prepared piano samples. All of these samples were recorded by Tom Gersic on a baby-grand piano, and include a variety of strummed strings, plucked strings, and many other sounds of various objects lodged in the strings. Each sample can be tuned individually, and you can also adjust the attack, decay, sustain, and release characteristics of the sound by using the envelope controls.


  • TAP-plugins is short for Tom's Audio Processing plugins. It is a bunch of LADSPA plugins for digital audio processing, intended for use in a professional DAW environment such as Ardour. These plugins should compile and run on any recent (that is, not seriously outdated) GNU/Linux system. They don't require any special libraries besides the standard GNU C and math libraries, which are expected to be provided on the machine used for compiling.
  • Autotalent began as the result of a week of recreational signal processing in May 2009. It's a real-time pitch correction plugin. You specify the notes that a singer is allowed to hit, and Autotalent makes sure that they do. You can also use Autotalent for more exotic effects, like the Cher / T-Pain effect, making your voice sound like a chiptune, adding artificial vibrato, or messing with your formants. Autotalent can also be used as a harmonizer that knows how to sing in the scale with you. Or, you can use Autotalent to change the scale of a melody between major and minor or to change the musical mode.
  • jackEQ is intended to provide an accessible method for tweaking the treble, mid and bass of any JACK aware applications output. Designed specifically for live performance, it is modelled on various DJ mixing consoles which the main author Patrick Shirkey (aka DJ Kotau) has worked with live.
  • CAPS is a collection of audio plugins comprising basic virtual guitar amplification and a small range of classic effects, signal processors and generators of mostly elementary and occasionally exotic nature.
  • Louderbox is a complete 8 band audio processor. Louderbox is intended to be used with software stereo and R[B]DS generators (but perfectly usable for other things (such as web "radio") using the jack audio connection kit under Linux (and possibly other systems but this is untested).


  • LV2 - an open standard for audio plugins, used by hundreds of plugins and other projects. At its core, LV2 is a simple stable interface, accompanied by extensions which add functionality to support the needs of increasingly powerful audio software.

LV2 is a successor of both LADSPA (audio effects) and DSSI (instruments) with some backwards compatibility. The scope of the API more or less equals to the sum of LADSPA and DSSI, not in the last place thanks to its modular design.

  • LV2 programming for the complete idiot - an LV2 plugin programming guide for the complete idiot using a set of C++ classes. If you are not a complete idiot, you may want to read the LV2 spec and figure it out for yourself.

  • VocProc - an LV2 plugin for pitch shifting (with or without formant correction), vocoding, automatic pitch correction and harmonizing of singing voice.

  • Fabla is an open-source LV2 drum sampler plugin instrument. It is ideal for loading up your favorite sampled sounds and bashing away on a MIDI controller. Or if it’s crafty beat programming your after that’s cool too! The ADSR envelope allows the shaping of hi-hats and kicks while the compressor beefs up the sound for those thumping kicks!
  • Fabla2 is an advanced sampler with multiple layers, banks, pads, integrated FX and routing. Current status: alpha testing – please be patient.
  • Sorcer is a polyphonic wavetable synth LV2 plugin. Its sonic fingerprint is one of harsh modulated sub-bass driven walls of sound. Two morphing wavetable oscillators and one sine oscillator provide the generation routines. The LFO can be mapped to wavetable modulation as well as filter cutoff. An ADSR allows for shaping the resulting sound, while a master volume finishes the signal chain. Easily creating a variety of dubstep basslines and harsh pad sounds.
  • ArtyFX - a plugin bundle of artistic real-time audio effects. The aim of this plugin collection is to allow the designing of your sound just as you desired using a fast, efficient workflow. Check out each plugin below!

  • Suil is a lightweight C library for loading and wrapping LV2 plugin UIs.
  • ams-lv2 - set of LV2 plugins is a port of the internal modules found in Alsa Modular Synth. These plugins are used to create modular synthesizers and contains: VCO, VCF, VCA, LFO, Slew Limiter, Envelop, Sample & Hold, etc.
  • beatslash-lv2 is a set of plugins for live beat repeating and beat slicing. the beat repeater will repeat the current beat. the beat slicer will randomly repeat parts of a live sample.
  • midimsg.lv2 is a set of plugins to transform midi output into usable values to control other plugins. For example: aftertouch transfers channel aftertouch to CV, controller and modwheel to CV
  • deteriorate-lv2 - A set of plugins to deteriorate the sound quality of live inputs. The set contains two plugins: A basic granulator, a basic downsampler
  • traKmeter - Loudness meter for correctly setting up tracking and mixing levels.
  • K-Meter - Implementation of a K-System meter according to Bob Katz’ specifications.


Impulse response

  • - impulse response function (IRF), of a dynamic system is its output when presented with a brief input signal, called an impulse. More generally, an impulse response refers to the reaction of any dynamic system in response to some external change. In both cases, the impulse response describes the reaction of the system as a function of time (or possibly as a function of some other independent variable that parameterizes the dynamic behavior of the system). In all these cases, the dynamic system and its impulse response may be actual physical objects, or may be mathematical systems of equations describing such objects.
  • BruteFIR is a software convolution engine, a program for applying long FIR filters to multi-channel digital audio, either offline or in realtime. Its basic operation is specified through a configuration file, and filters, attenuation and delay can be changed in runtime through a simple command line interface. The FIR filter algorithm used is an optimised frequency domain algorithm, partly implemented in hand-coded assembler, thus throughput is extremely high. In realtime, a standard computer can typically run more than 10 channels with more than 60000 filter taps each.

STK instruments



  • SooperLooper is a live looping sampler capable of immediate loop recording, overdubbing, multiplying, reversing and more. It allows for multiple simultaneous multi-channel loops limited only by your computer's available memory. The application is a standalone JACK client with an engine controllable via OSC and MIDI. It also includes a GUI which communicates with the engine via OSC (even over a network) for user-friendly control on a desktop. However, this kind of live performance looping tool is most effectively used via hardware (midi footpedals, etc) and the engine can be run standalone on a computer without a monitor.


  • Luppp is a music creation tool, intended for live use. The focus is on real time processing and a fast intuitive workflow. With extensive MIDI mapping support, you can get looping just how you like!


  • kluppe is a loop-player and recorder, designed for live use. kluppe is open source. kluppe does not sound nor look like microsofttm excel#!&© kluppe is the austrian word for clip or peg and sounds even crazier if you loop it.


  • Freewheeling is a new way to be In The Muse-ical Moment. It's a live looping instrument that returns us to the joy of making music spontaneously.


  • Giada is a free, minimal, hardcore audio tool for DJs, live performers and electronic musicians. How does it work? Just pick up your channel, fill it with samples or MIDI events and start the show by using this tiny piece of software as a loop machine, drum machine, sequencer, live sampler or yet as a plugin/effect host. Giada aims to be a compact and portable virtual device for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows for production use and live sets.



  • LoopDub - a cross-platform audio application for live loop manipulation.


  • Smasher - Cross-platform audio loop slicer designed to create sliced loops from WAV, MP3, FLAC or AIFF files in seconds without a sequencer. Effects include filter sweeps, phasing, flanging, delay, and distortion.


  • Cyclone is a music application for GNU/Linux that allows users to manipulate loops in various ways. It works with professional audio formats like .wav .aif .flac, and professional audio environment (Jack Audio Connection Kit).


  • Tranches is a midi-controlled multi-(inputs/outputs) live beat repeat/rearrange/redirect tool !!! It works on Gnu/Linux with the Jack sound server. There's a command-line and a gui version. It is released under the GNU General Public Licence.



  • Loopcenter is a program I wrote basically as a music-practicing tool. I didn't want to shell out for a Boss Loop Station guitar pedal, and I figured I could achieve the same functionality pretty easily with a simple program. Loopcenter lets you simply record loops for any audio you route to it (via JACK), and it plays it back in a loop. You can overdub the loop as well. Every recording is rounded to the nearest measure. Accordingly, you can adjust the beats per measure, and the tempo.


  • mloop is a live MIDI looping system, using jack-midi. Loops are recorded, optionally with beat quantisation, and can then be played back, either once or looping.


  • LiveLoop is a live midi sequencer that enables you to record loop while playing piano on a keyboard. You can record, play or delete midi tracks directly with your midi controller. You can connect LiveLoop to other synthesizer software like Reason, Ableton, etc.

Sounds and samples

  • The Guide To Sound Effects - This page contains a number of ideas on how to create various sound effects, and we hope you find it inspiring. Thanks to everyone who submitted their tips and techniques – and if you have any ideas to share, do let us know!
  • - Learning Space dedicated to the Art and Analyses of Film Sound Design
  • LinuxSampler was designed very modular, especially (and in contrast to other samplers) it was decoupled from any user interface. LinuxSampler itself usually runs as own process in the background of the computer and usually does not show up anything on the screen, or at most it can be launched to show status informations and debug messages in a console window.
  • Qsampler is a LinuxSampler GUI front-end application written in C++ around the Qt framework using Qt Designer. At the moment it just wraps as a client reference interface for the LinuxSampler Control Protocol (LSCP).
  • JSampler is an opensource, platform-independent, GUI front-end for LinuxSampler, written entirely in Java. The main goal of the JSampler's design is to be extensible and more flexible regarding the integration of different GUI implementations. JSampler consists of two parts: JSampler core - handles the LSCP command processing and event notifications, sent by LinuxSampler, and provides convenient data models and controllers to be used instead. The core also provides the necessary interfaces that should be implemented by all JSamler views. JSampler view - an extension to the JSampler core, which provides the user interface part of JSampler.
  • SampleSwap - Professional quality free loops and audio samples for electronic music
  • VoxForge was set up to collect transcribed speech for use with Free and Open Source Speech Recognition Engines (on Linux, Windows and Mac). We will make available all submitted audio files under the GPL license, and then 'compile' them into acoustic models for use with Open Source speech recognition engines such as CMU Sphinx, ISIP, Julius (github) and HTK (note: HTK has distribution restrictions).
  • SONUS is an online listening library (jukebox) of electroacoustic works, created and managed by the CEC for the benefit of the greater Electroacoustic / Computer Music / Sound Art community. The CEC created SONUS to make electroacoustic pieces easily accessible to audiences everywhere. SONUS is a valuable tool for composers to promote their work, and a fascinating resource for listeners, with over 1800 works in a wide variety of aesthetics already in the catalogue.
  • WhoSampled is the world's largest community for fans of sampled music, cover songs and remixes. WhoSampled is open to everyone to submit information about a sample, cover song or remix, and subject to approval it will be added to the database, published across our platforms, to be discovered and discussed by the world.
  • TrekCore: Audio - Welcome to the best resource for iconic Star Trek sounds!
  • Soundboard - originally designed as a small desktop application where users could download, store, manage and listen to short sound bites like from TV or movies or news. But before we began development, we realized that instead of giving people the ability to simply store and listen to soundbytes - we'd give them the ability to create and customize their own soundboards - like a blank canvas. You 'make your own sound.'
  • Pop Up Archive makes sound searchable using cutting edge speech-to-text technology.

few of my favourite

  • crumpling silver papers
  • bad tube track (in summer evening)
  • water (at night)
  • Flogsta scream
  • iceflow cracking
  • steel line against mast/loose cable in tall lamp
  • British Library Sounds - Listen to a selection from the British Library’s extensive collections of unique sound recordings, which come from all over the world and cover the entire range of recorded sound: music, drama and literature, oral history, wildlife and environmental sounds.
  • SoundKit is a UI sound library designed for all of your interface needs. Featuring 300 professional, royalty free sound effects, designed for use in mobile and desktop app design. Each sound has been custom crafted for UI applications. Designed to sound great on mobile devices as well as high end speakers. [31]
  • The Macaulay Library - the world's largest archive of animal sounds. The archive includes more than 175,000 audio recordings covering 75 percent of the world's bird species, with an ever increasing numbers of insect, fish, frog, and mammal recordings as well. The more recently established video archive includes over 50,000 clips representing over 3,500 species.




  • DJPlay - aims to be a high class live DJing application for Linux. old.


  • Internet DJ Console is a project started in March 2005 to provide a powerful yet easy to use source-client for individuals interested in streaming live radio shows over the Internet using Shoutcast or Icecast servers. Because of the large number of streaming applications that already existed but did little more than stream a pair of audio channels or a fixed playlist, it was decided that IDJC would be the opposite and simulate audio hardware to cut down the expense of creating a home studio.
  • Rivendell - a complete radio broadcast automation solution, with facilities for the acquisition, management, scheduling and playout of audio content. It has all of the features one would expect in a modern, fully-fledged radio automation system, including support for both PCM and MPEG audio encoding, full voicetracking and log customization as well as support for a wide variety of third party software and hardware. As a robust, functionally complete digital audio system for broadcast radio applications, Rivendell uses industry standard components like the GNU/Linux Operating System, the AudioScience HPI Driver Architecture and the MySQL Database Engine. Rivendell is available under the GNU Public License.



  • xwax is an open-source Digital Vinyl System (DVS) for Linux. It allows DJs and turntablists to playback digital audio files (MP3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, AAC and more), controlled using a normal pair of turntables via timecoded vinyls. It's designed for both beat mixing and scratch mixing. Needle drops, pitch changes, scratching, spinbacks and rewinds are all supported, and feel just like the audio is pressed onto the vinyl itself. The focus is on an accurate vinyl feel which is efficient, stable and fast.
  • Digital-Scratch is a software that analyzes motions (rotation speed and direction) of a vinyl disc played by a turntable. It also provides a nice and simple player that play your favorite tracks allowing you to mix as you would do it with regular records.
  • terminatorX - realtime audio synthesizer, allows “scratching” on digitally sampled audio data (*.wav, *.au, *.ogg, *.mp3, etc.) the way hiphop-DJs scratch on vinyl records. It features multiple turntables, realtime effects (buit-in as well as LADSPA plugin effects), a sequencer and MIDI interface – all accessible through an easy-to-use gtk+ GUI.



See also WebDev#Web Audio API, Drumming#Web




See also Music#Streaming

  • BS1770GAIN is a loudness scanner compliant with ITU-R BS.1770 and its flavors EBU R128, ATSC A/85, and ReplayGain 2.0. It helps normalizing the loudness of audio and video files to the same level.
  • Airtime - show scheduling, easy to use and makes the complicated lives of online broadcasters a little simpler.





  • Liquidsoap is a powerful and flexible language for describing your streams. It offers a rich collection of operators that you can combine at will, giving you more power than you need for creating or transforming streams. But liquidsoap is still very light and easy to use, in the Unix tradition of simple strong components working together. A swiss-army knife for multimedia streaming, notably used for netradios and webtvs. It has tons of features, it's free and it's open-source!



  • Shairport Sync is an AirPlay audio player -- it plays audio streamed from iTunes, iOS devices and third-party AirPlay sources such as ForkedDaapd and others. Audio played by a Shairport Sync-powered device stays synchronised with the source and hence with similar devices playing the same source. In this way, synchronised multi-room audio is possible without difficulty. (Hence the name Shairport Sync, BTW.)



  • LINGOT is a musical instrument tuner. It's accurate, easy to use, and highly configurable. Originally conceived to tune electric guitars, it can now be used to tune other instruments. It looks like an analogue tuner, with a gauge indicating the relative shift to a certain note, found automatically as the closest note to the estimated frequency.


  • Echoprint is an open source music identification system that allows anyone to build music fingerprinting into their application. It is powered by The Echo Nest, in partnership with Musicbrainz.



  • Simon is an open source speech recognition program that can replace your mouse and keyboard. The system is designed to be as flexible as possible and will work with any language or dialect.

  • Pi-Voice - The beginnings of a Star Trek-like computer. Run the program, speak into your microphone and hear the response from your speakers.

  • makes it easy for developers to build applications and devices that you can talk or text to. Our vision is to empower developers with an open and extensible natural language platform. learns human language from every interaction, and leverages the community: what’s learned is shared across developers.


  • Festival - or The Festival Speech Synthesis System, offers a general framework for building speech synthesis systems as well as including examples of various modules. As a whole it offers full text to speech through a number APIs: from shell level, though a Scheme command interpreter, as a C++ library, from Java, and an Emacs interface. Festival is multi-lingual (currently English (British and American), and Spanish) though English is the most advanced. Other groups release new languages for the system. And full tools and documentation for build new voices are available through Carnegie Mellon's FestVox project (
  • Festvox project aims to make the building of new synthetic voices more systemic and better documented, making it possible for anyone to build a new voice. Specifically we offer: Documentation, including scripts explaining the background and specifics for building new voices for speech synthesis in new and supported languages. Example speech databases to help building new voices. Links, demos and a repository for new voices. This work is firmly grounded within Edinburgh University's Festival Speech Synthesis System and Carnegie Mellon University's small footprint Flite synthesis engine.
  • MaryTTS is an open-source, multilingual Text-to-Speech Synthesis platform written in Java. It was originally developed as a collaborative project of DFKI’s Language Technology Lab and the Institute of Phonetics at Saarland University. It is now maintained by the Multimodal Speech Processing Group in the Cluster of Excellence MMCI and DFKI.
  • eSpeak is a compact open source software speech synthesizer for English and other languages, for Linux and Windows. eSpeak uses a "formant synthesis" method. This allows many languages to be provided in a small size. The speech is clear, and can be used at high speeds, but is not as natural or smooth as larger synthesizers which are based on human speech recordings.


  • Jasper is an open source platform for developing always-on, voice-controlled applications

Binaural beats




See Lighting#Visualisation

  • APEXvj - Visualise the input live! Plug any device into your microphone hole (or any input). This page will visualise it in realtime. This is still a bit experimental feature so it not might work with everyone
  • HyperMammut - transform sounds to images and vice-versa using single BIG Fourier Transforms (or DCT/DST,etc.).
  • sndpeek - real-time 3D animated display/playback, can use mic-input or wav/aiff/snd/raw/mat file (with playback), time-domain waveform, FFT magnitude spectrum, 3D waterfall plot
  • jack_oscrolloscope is a simple waveform viewer for JACK. The waveform is displayed in realtime, so you can always see the signal the instant it comes through JACK's input port.
  • Le Biniou - As an artist/creator/DJ/VJ, to create live visuals based on your audio performances. As a user/listener, to watch an everlasting and totally unseen creation reacting to the music.
