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order and format is a mess. to update and sort. contributions welcome.

Thoughts for a local housing and worker co-operative group, with an eventual view to organising, finding property and land, and the use of low-cost and sustainable building techniques to create somewhere fantastic to live, work and play.

Aiming to incorporate and facilitate many examples of good practice in the field of social ecology, with a prime inspiration being the Homes for Change and Work for Change project in Hulme, Manchester, along with many other varied projects.


  • - a field of practices directed toward the creation or enhancement of community among individuals within a regional area (such as a neighborhood) or with a common interest. It is sometimes encompassed under the field of community development.
  • - a planned residential community designed from the start to have a high degree of social cohesion and teamwork. The members of an intentional community typically hold a common social, political, religious, or spiritual vision and often follow an alternative lifestyle. They typically share responsibilities and resources. Intentional communities include collective households, cohousing communities, ecovillages, communes, survivalist retreats, kibbutzim, ashrams, and housing cooperatives. New members of an intentional community are generally selected by the community's existing membership, rather than by real-estate agents or land owners (if the land is not owned collectively by the community).
  • Fellowship for Intentional Community (FIC) is a nonprofit dedicated to promoting cooperative culture. Thank you for visiting! We believe that intentional communities are pioneers in sustainable living, personal and cultural transformation, and peaceful social evolution. “Intentional communities” include ecovillages, cohousing, residential land trusts, income-sharing communes, student co-ops, spiritual communities, and other projects where people live together on the basis of explicit common values.
  • - (the French word appearing in the 12th century from Medieval Latin communia, meaning a large gathering of people sharing a common life; from Latin communis, things held in common) [1] is an intentional community of people living together, sharing common interests, property, possessions, resources, and, in some communes, work and income. In addition to the communal economy, consensus decision-making, non-hierarchical structures and ecological living have become important core principles for many communes.
  • Christiania is to build a self-governing society where every individual is free to express themselves under the authority of the community. This community should be financially self-supporting, and the common aim must always be to show that the mental and physical pollution can averted. thus formulated by Sven, Kim, Joe, Kim and Jacob with the right improvements.
  • - a lifestyle of self-sufficiency, characterized by subsistence agriculture, home preservation of foodstuffs, and it may or may not also involve the small scale production of textiles, clothing, and craftwork for household use or sale. Pursued in different ways around the world — and in different historical eras — homesteading is generally differentiated from rural village or commune living by isolation (either socially or physically) of the homestead. Modern homesteaders often use renewable energy options including solar electricity and wind power and some even invent DIY cars. Many also choose to plant and grow heirloom vegetables and to raise heritage livestock. Homesteading is not defined by where someone lives, such as the city or the country, but by the lifestyle choices they make.


  • Radical Routes - a network of housing and worker co-ops and Social centres whose members are actively working for social change in the UK
  • CDS Co-operatives - the largest co-operative housing service agency in England dedicated to promoting, developing, and servicing housing co-operatives controlled by the people who live in them.
  • Community Shares refers to the sale of shares in enterprises serving a community purpose. This type of investment has been used to finance shops, pubs, community buildings, renewable energy initiatives, local food schemes, along with a host of other community based ventures.


  • - a type of intentional community composed of private homes supplemented by shared facilities. The community is planned, owned and managed by the residents – who also share activities which may include cooking, dining, child care, gardening, and governance of the community. Common facilities may include a kitchen, dining room, laundry, child care facilities, offices, internet access, guest rooms, and recreational features.
  • The UK Cohousing Network is the UK’s umbrella organisation for established and forming cohousing groups. The Network was established following the UK’s first Cohousing conference held in Lancaster in 2007. The aims of the Network are to; Develop as a resource point for new and forming cohousing groups, Provide an advice point for planners, registered social landlords, and other professionals, Seek ways of making cohousing as financially accessible as possible, Develop and maintain the cohousing website

Promote & signpost workshops for individuals and forming cohousing groups, Promote cohousing via the media, Raise awareness of cohousing, Undertake lobbying & policy development with government ministers and alongside other housing professionals


  • - a style of work that involves a shared working environment, often an office, and independent activity. Unlike in a typical office environment, those coworking are usually not employed by the same organization. Typically it is attractive to work-at-home professionals, independent contractors, or people who travel frequently who end up working in relative isolation. Coworking is also the social gathering of a group of people who are still working independently, but who share values, and who are interested in the synergy that can happen from working with like-minded talented people in the same space.

Office and workshop spaces available for hire by resident and local entrepreneurs wishing to run a cooperative business. Public market style fronts for some, shared and private spaces also on offer.


Land management

  • - There are two distinct definitions of a land trust: a private, nonprofit organization that, as all or part of its mission, actively works to conserve land by undertaking or assisting in land or conservation easement acquisition, or by its stewardship of such land or easements; or an agreement whereby one party (the trustee) agrees to hold ownership of a piece of real property for the benefit of another party (the beneficiary).
  • - is a nonprofit corporation that develops and stewards affordable housing, community gardens, civic buildings, commercial spaces and other community assets on behalf of a community. “CLTs” balance the needs of individuals to access land and maintain security of tenure with a community’s need to maintain affordability, economic diversity and local access to essential services.
  • Community Land Scotland was established in 2010 as a response to the need for a collective voice for community landowners in Scotland. It is a company limited by guarantee with charitable status. Our current membership includes Scottish community landowners – owning and managing approx. 500,000 acres between them – and aspiring community landowners of varying shapes and sizes throughout Scotland. We represent these existing and aspiring community landowners to reflect their views in promoting changes to legislation to empower communities, while acting as a point of contact for any communities in Scotland who wish to find out more about community land ownership.
  • The National CLT Network promotes and supports the work of CLTs and its Members across England and Wales. The National CLT Network is the official charity for Community Land Trusts in England and Wales. We work to provide resources, training and advice for CLTs, and advocate on behalf of the CLT movement to Government, local authorities, funders, lenders and others to create the right conditions for CLTs to grow and flourish.


  • Scottish Crofting Federation is the only member-led organisation dedicated to promoting crofting and it is the largest association of small scale food producers in the UK. Our mission is to safeguard and promote the rights, livelihoods and culture of crofters and their communities.



  • - refers to the human-made surroundings that provide the setting for human activity, ranging in scale from buildings and parks or green space to neighborhoods and cities that can often include their supporting infrastructure, such as water supply, or energy networks. The built environment is a material, spatial and cultural product of human labor that combines physical elements and energy in forms for living, working and playing. It has been defined as “the human-made space in which people live, work, and recreate on a day-to-day basis”.
  • - refers to the immediate physical and social setting in which people live or in which something happens or develops. It includes the culture that the individual was educated or lives in, and the people and institutions with whom they interact.


See also Organisation#Patterns, Computing#Patterns


  • - a community of people who are bound together because of where they reside, work, visit or otherwise spend a continuous portion of their time. Such a community can be a neighborhood, town, coffeehouse, workplace, gathering place, public space or any other geographically specific place that a number of people share, have in common or visit frequently.

Thoughts; Close to public transport routes? Community and social centre space for residents, volunteers and visitors to congregate in for a variety of functions. Multiple facilities maintained by and for the use of individuals and groups involved, including facilitating the spaces toward communal support, education, art, craft and DIY projects, with and tech) workshop/skillshare areas. Chillout and event areas also.




See also Architecture

  • - a building designed to be operated independently from infrastructural support services such as the electric power grid, gas grid, municipal water systems, sewage treatment systems, storm drains, communication services, and in some cases, public roads.



  • - refers to broad-spectrum ideas meant to produce buildings, products and environments that are inherently accessible to older people, people without disabilities, and people with disabilities

Each building including stairs and ramp access to all levels for accessibility.

Open architecture

R. Binnekamp, "Open Design, a Stakeholder-oriented Approach in Architecture, Urban Planning, and Project Management, Vol. 1"

  • "The Open Architecture Network is an online, open source community dedicated to improving living conditions through innovative and sustainable design. Here designers of all persuasions can: Share their ideas, designs and plans, View and review designs posted by others, Collaborate with each other, people in other professions and community leaders to address specific design challenges, Manage design projects from concept to implementation, Communicate easily amongst team members, Protect their intellectual property rights using the Creative Commons "some rights reserved" licensing system and be shielded from unwarranted liability, Build a more sustainable future."
  • WikiHouse is a non-profit project, developing hardware and software which is open and shared in the commons, owned by everyone. Help us build the project by co-funding the next development goals — which are split into the three categories below. These are each individually fundable, so when you make a donation, your money will go directly towards funding the specific goal you choose.

Small scale

to sort

Urban homesteading


Separate housing, work and play spaces. Some living areas away from the social centre, some nearer, variously interconnected to keep potentially loud-at-times noise flow between the two from getting to others (sound insulation between abodes would also be smart).

Communal space linked to the social hub for events such as gigs, parties and festivals, both inside and out, though located far enough away or sheltered from the residential spaces to avoid disturbances.

Residential units arranged manner inviting social interactions between neighbours. Roof-top gardens well placed to catch sun. Allotment space for all units. Fractal/graph topology? Hubs and related spaces, with various 'districts' around and merging with a social centre] complex. Scalability.

  • - or planned city, is any community that was carefully planned from its inception and is typically constructed in a previously undeveloped area. This contrasts with settlements that evolve in a more ad hoc fashion. Land use conflicts are less frequent in planned communities since they are planned carefully. The term new town refers to planned communities of the new towns movement in particular, mainly in the United Kingdom.
  • - buildings which are used for a range of disparate activities, which can be linked only by being not-for-profit. They might be organizing centers for local activities or they might provide support networks for minority groups such as prisoners and refugees. Often they provide a base for initiatives such as cafes, free shops, public computer labs, graffiti murals, legal collectives and free housing for travellers. The services are determined by both the needs of the community in which the social center is based and the skills which the participants have to offer.
  • - intentional communities whose goal is to become more socially, economically and ecologically sustainable. Most range from a population of 50 to 150 individuals, although some are smaller, and larger ecovillages of up to 2,000 individuals exist as networks of smaller subcommunities. Certain ecovillages have grown by the addition of individuals, families, or other small groups who are not necessarily members settling on the periphery of the ecovillage and effectively participating in the ecovillage community.
  • - a collective community in Israel that was traditionally based on agriculture. The first kibbutz, established in 1909, was Degania. Today, farming has been partly supplanted by other economic branches, including industrial plants and high-tech enterprises. Kibbutzim began as utopian communities, a combination of socialism and Zionism. In recent decades, some kibbutzim have been privatized and changes have been made in the communal lifestyle.
  •ère or Phalanstery was a type of building designed for a utopian community and developed in the early 19th century by Charles Fourier. Fourier named these self-contained communities, ideally consisting of 500-2000 people working together for mutual benefit, after the phalanx, the basic military unit in Ancient Greece.
  • - a sociospatial idea practiced in architecture with intention of the social condenser was to influence the design of public spaces, with a goal of breaking down perceived social hierarchies in an effort to create socially equitable spaces.
  • - a set of techniques and enabling technologies for planning built and natural environments in an integrated process, including project conceptualization, analysis, design specification, stakeholder participation and collaboration, design creation, simulation, and evaluation (among other stages). "Geodesign is a design and planning method which tightly couples the creation of design proposals with impact simulations informed by geographic contexts."



Reuse and recycling


Organic farming, permaculture, greenhouses. Veg, fruit and herbs produced, optionally produce can be sold. Rain water collection. Site wide composting and recycling scheme. WWOOF, etc. connections. Potential for a managed/wild woodland area depending on area size.

  • Plants For A Future - researching and providing information on ecologically sustainable horticulture, as an integral part of designs involving high species diversity and permaculture principles. Approaches such as woodland/forest gardening use a minimal input of resources and energy, create a harmonious eco-system and cause the least possible damage to the environment, while still having the potential to achieve high productivity.
  • Boskoi is a free, opensource mobile app that helps you explore and map the edible landscape wherever you are. Named after the greek word for grazer or brouwser the app lays out a map of local fruits and herbs and allows users to edit and add their own finds. Made by the foragers at Urban Edibles in Amsterdam Boskoi is an Ushahidi-based app that comes with a few foraging guidelines.

  • The Farmhouse is located in the heart of Hollywood, California and is home to Farmhouse Publishing, Barn Talks and (formerly) Farmhouse Conf. The Farmhouse and The Friends of the Farmhouse collaborate together or produce separately a slew of projects.
  • Open Ag Toolkit - Precision Farm Management. Android software for agriculture management that improvs the way farmers are able to collect and use information.

  • - landscaping and gardening that reduces or eliminates the need for supplemental water from irrigation. It is promoted in regions that do not have easily accessible, plentiful, or reliable supplies of fresh water, and is gaining acceptance in other areas as access to water becomes more limited. Xeriscaping may be an alternative to various types of traditional gardening. In some areas, terms such as water-conserving landscapes, drought-tolerant landscaping, and smart scaping are used instead.



  • GEN db - Database of the Global Ecovillage Network. Behind the scenes a fantastic system is developed which allows you to share information about your project, your events, your resources and much more.

Homes for Change

a quick overview of the co-operative (.pdf)

"Homes for Change [in Hulme, Manchester] is a Housing co-operative whose intention is to provide low cost social housing to a diverse range of people in the community. The way Homes for change keeps it's rents low is by managing and running the building themselves. more

"The buildings comprise an introverted block with almost all activity at the back, and while the streets outside are consequently quieter than might be desirable, public spaces inside the block are relaxed since tenants are known to each other and an informal surveillance operates, as specified in the brief. This works well without creating a fortress mentality, resulting in a comfortable but vibrant public area, and inside the block the sense of community is visible in residents' extensive use of the joint outdoor spaces. Recesses in the building fronts create opportunities to personalise the interfaces between shared and private areas, and Phase One is now well lived in with personal ornamentation, gardens, furniture, flower pots, play equipment, seats on balconies and access decks, toys for children and well tended small private and shared gardens in courtyards.

The success of Homes for Change lies partly in the fact that the residents all opted for this life-style through joining a co-operative, but the designers also took care that private outdoor space is available for most units and direct access to front doors is also critically well designed.

Beddington Zero Energy Development

"The Beddington Zero Energy Development (BedZED, in Sutton, Surrey) is the UK’s first and largest carbon neutral eco-community. It is a mixed-use, mixed-tenure development that incorporates innovative approaches to energy conservation and environmental sustainability. The BedZED design concept was driven by the desire to create a net 'zero fossil energy development', one that will produce at least as much energy from renewable sources as it consumes." Wikipedia article.

Ecovillage Findhorn

  • Ecovillage Findhorn - "The Findhorn ecovillage is a synthesis of the very best of current thinking on sustainable human settlements. It is a constantly evolving model providing solutions to human and social needs, while at the same time working in partnership with the environment to offer an enhanced quality of life for all.

"The Ecovillage Project has developed a unique construction system, environmentally sound and energy efficient. Using natural and non-toxic materials we have developed a breathing wall structure, which allows the fabric of a building to interact beneficially with people to moderate humidity and air quality. We have also experimented with straw bale construction, the Earthship system using recycled car tyres, and remain open to further new and innovative ecological solutions for the built environment."

Twin Oaks

  • "Twin Oaks is an intentional community in rural central Virginia, made up of around 85 adult members and 15 children. Since the community's beginning in 1967, our way of life has reflected our values of cooperation, sharing, non-violence, equality, and ecology." Wikipedia article.

Hockerton Housing Project

  • "The Hockerton Housing Project is the UK's first earth sheltered, self-sufficient ecological housing development. Project members live a holistic way of life in harmony with the environment, in which all ecological impacts have been considered and accounted for. The residents of the five houses generate their own clean energy, harvest their own water and recycle waste materials causing no pollution or carbon dioxide emissions. The houses are amongst the most energy efficient, purpose built dwellings in Europe."

Sustainable Communities Initiatives

  • "Sustainable Communities Initiatives (SCI), an educational charity set up in August 2000 to demonstrate, inspire and support initiatives that build community through waste and don't rely on fossil fuel energy. ... It is the aim of Sustainable Communities Initiatives to demonstrate the Earthship's performance in the Scottish climate, as well as the costs involved and the best route through planning and building control."

West Granton Housing Co-operative Ltd

Sprouts Housing Cooperative

  • Sprouts Housing Cooperative - "We are a group of people committed to creating a radical housing cooperative in [Edinburgh], so that we can escape the landlord system which makes us poor and angry."

London Fields Solutions

  • London Fields Solutions [7] : we bought two streets in Hackney (28 properties) and turned it into as a housing co-op housing 58 people. Long term squatters put together a regeneration plan and got loans from various agencies to purchase the properties and put them back together. Rebuilt with ecological and community considerations in urban London. Hard work for sure but it can be done. Still going strong.


  • LILAC means Low Impact Living Affordable Community. We are the UK's first affordable ecological cohousing project: a community of 20 households and a common house, based in Bramley, West Leeds.


  • Talamh is currently home to 8 adults, and a teenager, some living in our 17th century listed farmhouse, others in caravans and living vehicles in and around the paddock. we share food and cooking, eating together every evening and some lunchtimes. Most of the bread here is homemade, and we also eat lots of cakes and puddings to use up the masses of homegrown fruit. We grow lots of vegetables and keep hens for eggs. Most of our heating is from woodstoves.

Decisions are made by consensus at weekly meetings, but a lot of informal discussion takes place at mealtimes or around the fire. There is always plenty to do here, growing vegetables, processing firewood, working on the buildings. We have recently begun an extensive programme of renovations, working on roofs and floors. Talamh functions in an informal, unstructured way, and plenty of self-motivation is required, combined with a communicative, co-operative approach.

We are into : working towards sustainability and low-impact living, looking after our land and encouraging wildlife and biodiversity, growing our own veg and fruit, trying to keep all our buildings from falling down, opposing Trident, trying to stop opencast coal mining ever extending further across this area, playing music, eating good food, looking out for each other, working to resolve conflict, laughing about stuff round the fire, eating chips, growing willow to make baskets, trying to fix the hydro, and composting our poo.

The Farmhouse

  • The Farmhouse is a building in disrepair in the community garden in Elder Park Govan. The plan is to renovate the building and create an independent resource centre. Involving local people in the planning and using the project as a process of education.


  • The Lammas project centres around the ecovillage at Tir y Gafel, in North Pembrokeshire, combining a traditional smallholding model with the latest innovations in environmental design, green technology and permaculture. The ecovillage was granted planning permission in 2009 by the Welsh Government and is currently part-way through the construction phase. Sited on 76 acres of mixed pasture and woodland, its heart consists of 9 smallholdings positioned around a Community Hub building, and it is supported by a range of peripheral projects and networks.
  • Hartwood is an umbrella organisation that facilitates the start-up of groups who would like to build a more sustainable future together. It acts as a medium of communication for groups and also for individuals who would like to find groups.
  • Steward Community Woodland - permaculture project which aims to demonstrate the value of integrating conservation woodland management techniques with organic growing, traditional skills and crafts and low-impact sustainable living. Near Exeter.
  • Carbeth Hutters Community Company was set up in 2008 when the members of Carbeth Hutters Association voted to become a Community Company. The Company was formed to benefit persons entitled to occupy any property within the Carbeth Estate Conservation Area. The Company is run by its directors who are voted in by the company's ordinary members to carry out work on behalf of its members.
  • Alpha Farm is an intentional community of people who have chosen to live and work together to share a more harmonious way of living. At our home in rural western Oregon, we live the largely self-reliant style of a close-knit expanded family; we average 15 to 20 people, including singles, couples and families, and have ranged in age from infants to elderly.

Work coops

  • "Work for Change is a co-operative made up of tenants of the workspace at 41 Old Birley Street, Hulme. It is a company limited by guarantee, with co-operative rules. Work for Change rents space on flexible terms to local, ethical, and cultural businesses. The company aims to create a supportive atmosphere for small businesses to succeed, welcoming both existing and new start businesses. There are offices of a range of sizes, artists areas, workshops and a cafe, as well as a small theatre (The YARD). We are currently developing a second phase of 13 small units and would like to hear from anyone interested in moving in to these.
    • "The workspace was designed by the businesses involved at that time, many of which are still tenants. Some people choose to live and work in the building, while others are involved in only one of the co-operatives. Most people in Work for Change live in the Hulme area and the building remains one of the most important community led initiatives in the country."
  • "URBED (Urbanism, Environment and Design) does what our name suggests ­ we specialise in urban design and sustainability in an urban context. ... an employee-owned co-operative, we now have 16 staff and associates, comprising planners and architects together with a sustainability expert and highway engineer. ... We believe in the importance of creating and sustaining lively, prosperous towns and cities by focusing new development within existing settlements and creating attractive, mixed-use, walkable and socially mixed urban neighbourhoods.
    • URBED grew out of the redevelopment of Hulme and the Homes for Change Housing Co-operative. A belief in the importance of communities informs all of our work. ... Since 1996 we have been running the SUN (Sustainable Urban Neighbourhood) Initiative, exploring how the principles of environmental sustainability can be applied to urban areas."
  • "The Graphics Company is a workers' co-op. One of the good things about this is that you're always talking to the boss! You're always dealing with someone who cares a lot about your project. This is one of the reasons why many of our clients stay with us for years, here are some more... ... The Graphics Company promotes the use of environmentally-friendly materials and ethical working practices. We also take an ethical approach to our own business that is embodied in our constitution."

Coops and networks

  • GEN-International
    • "GEN-Europe is the European ecovillage association promoting environmental protection and restoration of nature through the concept of ecovillages as models for sustainable human settlements. We actively support the development of ecovillages and networks in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. GEN-Europe is a membership organisation founded in 1996 and is open to a wide range of projects regardless of their political, religious or cultural backgrounds."
  • "Radical Routes is a network of radical co-ops whose members are committed to working for positive social change. The network is made up mainly of housing co-ops of various sizes (but none have more than 15 members), a few workers co-ops and a couple of social centres." Also worth checking is their quick guide to setting up a housing co-operative (pdf).
  • "CETS (Co-operative Education Trust Scotland) is a new independent not-for-profit charitable education trust. It has the backing of every sector of the Co-operative movement in Scotland, from the large retail co-ops, through to agricultural co-ops, credit unions, housing co-ops, workers co-ops, etc. CETS also promotes all forms of social enterprise.

Other groups, projects & info

  • "BioRegional Development Group is an entrepreneurial, independent environmental organisation. We develop award winning, commercially viable products and services which meet more of our everyday needs from local renewable and waste resources, to help enable One Planet living – living within our fair share of the Earth’s resources."
  • ZEDfactory "As leaders in the field of zero-carbon design and development, we have a unique track record of delivering Zero (fossil) Energy Development (ZED) buildings in the UK"
  • "Earthship Biotecture is a global company offering proven, totally sustainable design and construction services worldwide.
  • Centre for Alternative Technology - Leading by example, we aim to show that living more sustainably is not only easy to attain but can provide a better quality of life."
  • "The Low Carbon Trust is a not-for-profit organisation that was formed in 2001 to set up, manage and promote environmental projects. Our main objective is tackling climate change through highlighting the connection between buildings and the carbon emissions their use produces. We do this by running innovative low-carbon construction projects, and training, outreach and education workshops."
  • Green Building Press "We publish green building information in many mediums to help you to design and build sustainable, healthy and ecological homes offices and factories."


See also Electronics

With an aim toward zero-energy development and a use of microgeneration via solar, wind and/or hydro power.

  • - the use of a heat engine or power station to simultaneously generate electricity and useful heat. Trigeneration or combined cooling, heat and power (CCHP) refers to the simultaneous generation of electricity and useful heating and cooling from the combustion of a fuel or a solar heat collector. A plant producing electricity, heat and cold is called a trigeneration or polygeneration plant.

  • OpenEnergyMonitor is a project to develop open-source energy monitoring tools to help us relate to our use of energy, our energy systems and the challenge of sustainable energy.

  • CfR is a social enterprise that helps proactive communities harness the value of their renewable energy resources, and retain that value within the local economy.


DIY VAWTs? are there DIY designs, non-patent encumbered, for later VAWT styles that overcome pulsatory torque issues?

  • Zephyr, named after the greek god of the West-Wind, is the concept of a small-scale and modular DIY Wind-Harvesting-System, designated to work in low-wind areas, keeping sustainability, efficiency, resilience and safety in mind.
  • OpenWind is an open source platform designed to empower scientists and engineers working in the field of technical wind energy consultancy and to provide transparency to those whose job it is to see that the industry remains on a firm financial footing.


  • Solarflower is an open source solar energy collector which tracks the sun automatically through a simple non-electrical mechanism. It can be made almost anywhere from common recycled and salvaged materials using basic tools and skills, is portable, has no running costs or emissions, and can produce up to kilowatts of power per device.


Arguably the most consistent form of microgeneration, if you have a river or stream handy that is..

Storage & grid



  • Helios - The goal of this project is to develop a robust, versatile and resource-effective biomass micro-gasifier by combining a controlled-draft TLUD (Top-Lit Up-Draft) gasifier with an array of TEGs (Thermo Electric Generators) and a microcontroller to optimize the gasification process.

Fuel cell




  • Renewable Energy UK - "up to date information about alternative energy generation. ... main focus is on wind power and solar power for the home"
  • Altenergy - "DIY Alternative Energy Projects"
  • DIY Solar Guide - "esource for Solar Energy products, information, and do-it-yourself guides"
  • Edinburgh Community Energy Co-operative Ltd was formed at the end of 2007 with the support of Co-operative Development Scotland. It is a non-profit, member owned organisation, which was set up to give Edinburgh residents a vehicle to promote and develop renewable and low-carbon energy in the city.
  • "This week, Jase Kuriakose an engineer at CAT turned on the UK’s first totally renewable micro grid. The systems works by combining all the wind, solar, bio mass and hydro energy we produce at CAT and storing it in a battery bank. When it needs more energy it simply connects to the grid through an intelligent electronic control device to take more, when we are producing too much it gives the energy to the national grid."

to sort

  • Energy Overviews delivers energy industry specific business intelligence that "shows you the money", gives you the tools to turn information into action, and helps you build your business.
  • volkszaehler is a free smart meter (here: smart meters) in DIY. All necessary data will remain under the control of the user.


Various possibilities for this. Grants and loans are also available from certain organisations.

  • Low Carbon Building Programme - "The Low Carbon Building Programme (LCBP) is a Government programme in the United Kingdom administered by BERR (formerly the DTI). It offers grants towards the cost of installing domestic microgeneration technologies and larger scale distributed generation installations for public buildings and businesses, provided energy conservation standards are also met."



  • Appropedia is for collaborative solutions in sustainability, appropriate technology and poverty reduction.
  • The Seasteading Institute is a nonprofit 501(c)(3), working to enable seasteading communities - floating cities - which will allow the next generation of pioneers to test new ideas for government. The most successful can then inspire change in governments around the world.
  • Cabin Porn - Inspiration for your quiet place somewhere.