Quick setup snippets for my personal dotconfigs, etc.
See also Stack, *nix#Configuration_2
Arch Linux, bspwm, sxhkd, dmenu + xboom, xfce4-panel, urxvt, zsh, vim
# arch linux install from usb loadkeys /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/i386/ # check for potentially failed services systemctl --failed # turn ntp time updates on timedatectl set-ntp true # partition your drive cfdisk # format your drive lsblk mkfs.ext4 /dev/partition # install pacman and bootstrap pacstrap /mnt base # generate file system configuration info genfstab -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab # chroot into new system arch-chroot /mnt # set a hostname echo computer_name > /etc/hostname # set timezone ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/London /etc/localtime # uncomment en_GB* vi /etc/locale.gen # build boot images mkinitcpio -p linux # change root password passwd [stuff] # add your own user account useradd -m USERNAME # add sudo rights to new user vi /etc/sudoers # uncomment %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL # USERNAME HOST_NAME= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/halt,/usr/bin/poweroff,/usr/bin/reboot,/usr/bin/pacman -Syu # add user to wheel group for sudo/etc, access gpasswd -a USERNAME wheel # set network device names in relation to their MAC vi /etc/udev/rules.d/10-network.rules # SUBSYSTEM etc. w/ MAC address (todo - dynamic man alteration?) # set network devices for DHCP (dynamic ip) vi /etc/systemd/network/ [Match] Name=net0 [Network] DHCP=ipv4 # set dns resolver (router) vi /etc/resolv.conf hostname # make systemd-networkd start automatically systemctl enable systemd-networkd # make slim login desktop manager start automatically systemctl enable slim.service # edit slim config - default_user, focus_password, current_theme sleep-openbox vi /etc/slim.conf # update system pacman -Syu # find out graphics chipset lspci | grep -e VGA -e 3D # find gfx chipset drivers to install pacman -Ss xf86-video | grep ##something## # install gfx drivers pamna -S xf86-video-ati # etc. # bootstrap AUR access with AUR helper yaourt # echo "[archlinuxfr]" >> /etc/pacman.conf echo "SigLevel = Never" >> /etc/pacman.conf echo "Server =$arch" >> /etc/pacman.conf # install required basic commands pacman -Syu yaourt # now remove last three pacman.conf lines # install various apps yaourt -S binutils fakeroot base-devel pm-utils yaourt -S zsh vim openssh terminus-font htop tree ipcalc yaourt -S xorg-server xorg-initrc xorg-xsetroot xorg-xrdb xorg-xset slim slim-themes bspwm-git sxhkd-git dmenu xfce4-panel urxvtcd hsetroot redshift unclutter udiskie volti radiotray compton dunst autocutsel lxapperance friendly-find # setup encrypted dns dnscrypt-autoinstall python # uncomment en_GB* fuck about with syslinux *.c32 symbolic links (on the same boot partition) git config --global USERNAME git config --global MAILADDRESS
# install: vcsh myrepos vcsh clone mr up
old Ubuntu setup
hostname sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install tmux git git clone ~/.tmux ln -s ~/.tmux/.tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf tmux sudo apt-get install curl zsh ncdu htop tree mercurial build-essential gcc libc6-dev ncurses-dev sudo git clone ~/.zsh && cd ~/.zsh && sudo git submodule init && sudo git submodule update # edit zshrc location config useradd -m -s /usr/bin/zsh milk passwd milk adduser milk sudo sudo apt-get remove vim vim-runtime gvim # (disable distro vim. not possible with apt on ubuntu [1]) mkdir ~/src && mkdir ~/src/vim hg clone ~/src/vim && cd ~/src/vim && ./configure --enable-pythoninterp=yes && make && sudo make install cd git clone ~/.vim ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc mkdir ~/.vim/bundle git clone git:// ~/.vim/bundle/neobundle.vim echo ':NeoBundleInstall' > ~/viminit.txt echo ':q' >> ~/viminit.vim vim -s ~/viminit.vim rm ~/viminit.vim wget -O src/atop.tar.gz && cd ~/src && tar zxvf atop.tar.gz && cd ~/src/atop && ./configure && make && make install cd vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config # disable root, change port, etc.
ssh-keygen -t rsa # (for user and root?)
To sort: multiuser config. permissions? Or /usr/share/config/ ...
apt-get install php mariadb apt-get install ruby rubygems apt-get install python pip
See also Backup
Release date.
List of installed programs, dependencies.
/home/* /etc /var /boot etc..