Build configurations for general platform and site specific projects.
A base distro with general development, site specific development and production.
to be broken up
The .build file calls the d7_base_dev profile, allowing one to use git working copy or not (using hostmaster add-on module in aegir). Multiple install profiles can be used, but profiles/sites/all doesn't work, and it will be changing to sites/*/profile for D8.
- Core non-core
projects[] = entity projects[file_entity] = 2.x-dev
projects[] = ctools projects[] = views
projects[] = token ??
- Settings as code
projects[] = features projects[] = strongarm
- Admistration
projects[] = admin_menu projects[] = module_filter projects[] = disable_messages
projects[] = masquerade
projects[] = backup_migrate projects[backup_migrate_files] = 1.x-dev
- Structure
projects[] = pathauto projects[] = xmlsitemap
- Performance
projects[] = entitycache projects[] = boost
- Theming
projects[] = ds
- Wysiwyg and image handling
projects[wysiwyg] = 2.x-dev
- dev because features exporting
projects[jquery_update] = 2.x-dev
projects[whatyousee][type] = module projects[whatyousee][download][type] = git projects[whatyousee][download][url] =
- Libraries
projects[] = libraries
- TinyMCE is the WYSIWYG frontend lib
libraries[tinymce][download][type] = get libraries[tinymce][download][url] = libraries[tinymce][destination] = libraries
- Profiler
libraries[profiler][download][type] = get libraries[profiler][download][url] =
projects[] = styleguide
- Development
projects[] = devel projects[] = devel_themer projects[] = simplehtmldom
- projects[] = drupalforfirebug
not needed by all sites
projects[] = profile2 projects[] = profile2_regpath
projects[] = link projects[] = linkit projects[] = webform projects[] = select_or_other
projects[] = piwik
projects[] = compact_forms
projects[] = subpathauto projects[] = globalredirect projects[] = page_title
- Theming
projects[] = exclude_node_title projects[] = empty_page projects[] = nodequeue projects[] = context projects[] = block_class projects[] = compact_forms
projects[] = superfish projects[] = nice_menus
projects[] = fit_text projects[] = fontyourface
- Security
projects[] = honeypot
projects[] = semanticviews
- projects[] = semantic_blocks
projects[] = fences
- Media
projects[media] = 2.x-dev projects[] = adaptive_image
to review
Basic Configuration
- Site name
- Site slogan
- Configure Pathauto
- Create "HTML" Input Format
- Auth user permission
- "Limit allowed HTML tags"
- "Convert line breaks into HTML"
- "Correct faulty and chopped off HTML"
- Add "
<p> <b> <i> <h3> <h4> <h5> <img>
" <- TODO: sync with wysiwyg buttons
- Create Wysiwyg profile
- Block formats: Remove H2 (reserved for page title)
- Permissions