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  • Projection Mapping Central - a community resource for all things projection mapping a.k.a. video mapping. Whether you are an artist, designer, event organizer, or hobbyist

  • HeavyM - The easiest projection mapping software to create impressive stage designs

  • Painting With Light - a complete video mapping tool that enables artists of any technical ability to paint with static and moving images through any video projector onto 3D physical objects. It is an ongoing project for digital artist Alex May who uses it for his own installations and performances, and wants to democratise video mapping and put the medium in the hands of artists. Windows/Mac. Linux build unavailable currently.

  • Augmenta - Easy-to-deploy tracking solution for small to large-scale interactive experience. $



  • - refers to immersive dome-based video projection environments. The dome, horizontal or tilted, is filled with real-time (interactive) or pre-rendered (linear) computer animations, live capture images, or composited environments.
  • IMERSA - Immersive Media Entertainment, Research, Science & Arts, fosters the growing interest in digital fulldome cinema, immersive entertainment, performance art and virtual experiences through its Summits and activities.

  • Domemaster Stereo Shader - Roberto Ziche - After an innocent challenge from a friend at the Chabot Space and Science Center (Oakland, CA), I dusted off my C development skills (shelved since 1996) and created a domemaster lens shader for mental ray able to create stereo images for planetarium 3D projectors. The shader generates Left and Right images from virtual cameras that change position for every pixel rendered, and allows for fine control of the 3D effect on different areas of the planetarium dome.The shader is now an open source project.

Domemaster is the image format used for planetariums. It’s similar to a fish eye image but with no angular distortion. The challenge was to create a dual-camera set up that could recreate the separate Left and Right point of views for a person looking at a show with a screen that fully surrounds him. Instead of a simple Left and Right camera rig that is fixed for the frame, the shader allows for the two cameras point of view to change as the view direction moves to the side, the top, and the back of the screen, replicating the most natural way the viewer head would turn to look around.

  • - an application designed to calibrate multiple projectors on a hemispherical dome surface and display a domemaster formatted video, image, or interactive application. vDome also supports the play back of HD video files. vDome is generally used in two ways: 1) as a media player and 2) as a background process that listens to hardware/software input streams such as cameras, capture cards, and inter-application protocols such as Syphon, Spout, and Video4Linux.

  • Omnidome - a arbitrary surface full dome projection mapping tool. It allows you to map any physical room and project virtual content back on to it. What it does, it turns the whole world into a 360° VR display, making VR a shared and social experience. Omnidome is Opensource, Multiplatform and designed for Artists. Omnidome works natively with Syphon and All VJ / Performance software that support it.

  • VPT 8 - a free multipurpose realtime projection software tool for Mac and Windows. VPT 7 was downloaded over 100000 times, so in spite of a lot of other options available VPT still is popular.Among other things it can be used for projecting mapping on complex forms, adapt a projection to a particular space/surface, combine recorded and live footage, for multiscreen HD playback, for interactive installations using arduino sensors or camera tracking ++. VPT is very flexible in terms of control, with presets and a built in cue list, as well as control over almost every single parameter using OSC, midi, serial communication, built in LFOs and ArtNet. It also supports syphon (mac) and spout (windows) for sharing video streams between applications.

  • VPT - a program that can be combined with a beamer to project images and video onto real-world shapes (currently just cubes). When started, the configured shape should be adjusted by dragging individual vertices to match the real-world object.
