Audio looping
- https://github.com/jacobroufa/tapsync - Tap Tempo for DigiTech JamSync loopers
- SooperLooper is a live looping sampler capable of immediate loop recording, overdubbing, multiplying, reversing and more. It allows for multiple simultaneous multi-channel loops limited only by your computer's available memory. The application is a standalone JACK client with an engine controllable via OSC and MIDI. It also includes a GUI which communicates with the engine via OSC (even over a network) for user-friendly control on a desktop. However, this kind of live performance looping tool is most effectively used via hardware (midi footpedals, etc) and the engine can be run standalone on a computer without a monitor.
- Cyclone is a music application for GNU/Linux that allows users to manipulate loops in various ways. It works with professional audio formats like .wav .aif .flac, and professional audio environment (Jack Audio Connection Kit).
Clicky interface, MIDI learn, can use Sooperlooper.
- Luppp - a music creation tool, intended for live use. The focus is on real time processing and a fast intuitive workflow. With extensive MIDI mapping support, you can get looping just how you like!
- YouTube: Luppp : MIDI Binding
- SuperBoucle - a loop based software fully controllable with any midi device. SuperBoucle is also synced with jack transport. You can use it on live performance or for composition. SuperBoucle is composed of a matrix of sample controllable with external midi device like pad. SuperBoucle will send back information to midi device (light up led). Sample will always start and stop on a beat or group of beats. You can adjust duration of sample (loop period) in beat and offset in beat. But you can also adjust sample offset in raw frame count negative or positive. Which mean sample can start before next beat (useful for reversed sample). You can record loop of any size, adjust BPM, reverse, normalize samples..
Cannot create samples live.
- https://github.com/manucontrovento/SpinTool - a loop based software fully controllable with any midi device, synced with Jack transport. This version derives from original Vampouille's SuperBoucle, starting from a fork of the original repository.
- Freewheeling - a way to be In The Muse-ical Moment. It's a live looping instrument that returns us to the joy of making music spontaneously.
Your XML config files could 'react' to the pressing of a key on your PC or MIDI keyboard by pressing one or more other MIDI or PC 'keys' for you using the key Input Events you can trigger a series of MIDI controller changes when a QWERTY key is pressed.
- https://github.com/sonejostudios/DeLooper - Sample-accurate Looper/Delay with free mode and midi-clock sync mode. Features: Free Mode, Midi-Clock Mode, Record and Loop Length separated, Erase parts of the loop, Delay mode (via feedback), Simple mix (via mute and volume)
- https://github.com/bill-auger/loopidity - A multi-track multi-channel looping audio recorder designed for live handsfree use.
- https://github.com/chronopoulos/annulus - Audio Looper for Live Performance
Recursion Looper
- Recursion Looper - a PD(Pure Data) patch designed for live music performance. 8 loop tracks. Track effects: reverb, bitcrush, filter. Master effects: filter, 3 band EQ. customizable MIDI control of volume, pan, effects, record and play, etc.
- Insta Looper - a simple looper with four integrated FX! Multiplatform VST. Bit Reducer, Autopan, Hipass and Phaser.
- LoopDub - a cross-platform audio application for live loop manipulation.
No live recording.
- LinuxMusicians: New GxLiveLooper.lv2
- ClockLoop - a very simple JACK application for playing back audio loops. MIDI control.
Loop Drop
- https://github.com/mmckegg/loop-drop-app - MIDI looper, modular synth and sampler app built around Novation Launchpad controller. Written in JavaScript and powered by Web Audio, Web MIDI, and electron.
- https://github.com/mmckegg/rust-loop-drop - [WIP] Midi-only version of Loop Drop for running on low power machines like Raspberry Pi and Beaglebone
- LoopAuditioneer - a software for evaluating, creating and manipulating loops and cues existing in wav file metadata. It's envisioned to be useful for sample production for virtual pipe organs, like for instance GrandOrgue software.
- https://bitbucket.org/yaricp/pywheels/wiki/Home - Pywheels is an application for musicians who wants to create compositions based upon repeated phrases.
- kluppe - a loop-player and recorder, designed for live use. kluppe is open source. kluppe does not sound nor look like microsofttm excel#!&© kluppe is the austrian word for clip or peg and sounds even crazier if you loop it. kluppe can only handle uncompressed sound. kluppe is optimized for live-performances, all buffers are kept as raw data in memory. discstream is also available for longer files.
No MIDI control.
- Loopcenter - a program I wrote basically as a music-practicing tool. I didn't want to shell out for a Boss Loop Station guitar pedal, and I figured I could achieve the same functionality pretty easily with a simple program. Loopcenter lets you simply record loops for any audio you route to it (via JACK), and it plays it back in a loop. You can overdub the loop as well. Every recording is rounded to the nearest measure. Accordingly, you can adjust the beats per measure, and the tempo.
No MIDI control.
- https://github.com/DanielRudrich/BeatAligningGuitarLooper - A guitar looper which detects the tempo and plays along a rudimentary drumbeat. It also aligns start and stop of the loop to the nearest beats.
- https://gitlab.com/sonusdept/loopus - A MIDI controlled multitrack loop station
- https://github.com/devcurmudgeon/alo - an LV2 plugin primarily targeted at the MOD Duo but hopefully it should work on other systems too. It's based on the amp.c and metro.c lv2 example plugins, plus some study of the loopor code.
- https://github.com/flappix/jacklooper - Audio looper without GUI, controllable via MIDI, synchronized by a jack time base master
- https://github.com/rodolfoap/chucklooper - The basic functions of the Boss RC-50 LoopStation... with chuck and a Midi Controller (examples with AKAI LPD8). This is an attempt to emulate the basic functions of the boss RC-50 LoopStation. For now, only playing. Recording to be implemented.
- https://github.com/Windfisch/loopfisch - A loop machine written in Rust (uses Jack)
- https://github.com/michpohl/Loopy - an audio player for Android devices dedicated to seamlessly looping audio files. It can basically loop every audio file you have in your media library.Find the app in the Google Play Store here: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.michaelpohl.loopy Or just check out this repository and compile it yourself using Android studio or whichever way you like.
Windows / Mac
- Mnemonica - a customized sampler instrument you can play with a two octave Midi keyboard. All the white keys in the octave below middle C are used to start and stop recording into the 7 discrete samplers. With your right hand, the white keys in the octave beginning at middle C are used to playback captured samples. Transposing, filtering, and attack and decay envelopes are controlled with various other assignable Midi controllers. Windows/Mac
Livid Looper
- Livid Looper - windows/mac/max msp
- YouTube: Livid Looper
- Mobius - software for the real-time creation of audio loops. It was inspired by the venerable hardware loopers of the past, but moves beyond them in many powerful and exciting ways. You can think of Mobius as 8 synchronized stereo loopers that can be used in any combination with extensive MIDI and computer keyboard control. Loops may be saved to and loaded from files. A powerful scripting language allows you to create macros or customize Mobius to support your unique style of performance.
Mobius is available for both Windows (XP and Vista) and OS X (10.4 or higher). It can be run standalone, as a VST plugin, or as an Audio Unit plugin on OS X.
Can't get working..
Cycler Looper
dead and gone?