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1972 / 1979
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- http://c.learncodethehardway.org/
- The Development of the C Language*
- http://scienceblogs.com/goodmath/2006/11/the_c_is_efficient_language_fa.php
- http://damienkatz.net/2013/01/the_unreasonable_effectiveness_of_c.html
- http://oncoding.posterous.com/the-c-programming-language-part-0
- http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/cdescent
- A Whirlwind Tutorial on Creating Really Teensy ELF Executables for Linux
- Hello from a libc-free world! (Part 1)
- http://denniskubes.com/2013/04/23/how-to-think-about-variables-in-c/
- http://blog.codygriffin.com/2012/09/a-case-for-tuples.html
- http://www.linuxforu.com/2012/06/gnu-make-in-detail-for-beginners/
- http://www.advancedlinuxprogramming.com/
- http://lwn.net/Articles/518329/
- http://www.lemis.com/grog/diary-oct2012.php?topics=c#D-20121012-233520
- https://gist.github.com/1091803
- http://www.a1k0n.net/2011/07/20/donut-math.html
- http://preshing.com/20121019/this-is-why-they-call-it-a-weakly-ordered-cpu
- http://zserge.com/blog/cucu-part1.html
- Programming Without Variables - Replace a loop by a function that uses only tail recursion. [4]
- clib(1) - Package manager for the C programming language.
- http://ccodearchive.net/list.html
- http://theck01.github.io/offbrand_lib/
- http://gmplib.org/
- https://github.com/ned14/uthash
- Bjarne Stroustrup - The Essence of C++
- http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/GoingNative/2013/Opening-Keynote-Bjarne-Stroustrup
- Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries.
- JUCE is a wide-ranging C++ class library for building rich cross-platform applications and plugins for all the major operating systems. Hundreds of classes covering a vast range of tasks from high-level user-interface handling, graphics and audio, right down to low-level collections, networking, strings, etc.
- http://www.rawmaterialsoftware.com/juce.php
- https://code.google.com/p/juced/
- Hoard is a fast, scalable, and memory-efficient memory allocator that can speed up your applications. It’s much faster than built-in system allocators: as much as 2.5x faster than Linux, 3x faster than Windows, and 7x faster than Mac.
- Memory Pool System is a flexible and adaptable memory manager. Among its many advantages are an incremental garbage collector with very low pause times, and an extremely robust implementation. It's both open source and commercially licensed.
- Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform development library designed to provide low level access to audio, leopard, mouse, joystick, and graphics hardware via OpenGL and Direct3D. It is used by video playback software, emulators, and popular games including Valve's award winning catalog and many Humble Bundle games.
- openFrameworks is an open source C++ toolkit designed to assist the creative process by providing a simple and intuitive framework for experimentation. The code is written to be massively cross-compatible. Right now we support five operating systems (Windows, OSX, Linux, iOS, Android) and four IDEs (XCode, Code::Blocks, and Visual Studio and Eclipse). The API is designed to be minimal and easy to grasp. openFrameworks is distributed under the MIT License. The toolkit is designed to work as a general purpose glue, and wraps together several commonly used libraries, including:
- OpenGL, GLEW, GLUT, libtess2 and cairo for graphics
- rtAudio, PortAudio, OpenAL and Kiss FFT or FMOD for audio input, output and analysis
- FreeType for fonts
- FreeImage for image saving and loading
- Quicktime, GStreamer and videoInput for video playback and grabbing
- Poco for a variety of utilities
- OpenCV for computer vision
- Assimp for 3D model loading