Audio setup old

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Specific notes on my audio workflow.


  • MIDI hardware
    • Yamaha DJX
    • Korg Nanokontrol 2
    • Numark DJ2GO
    • MIDI to USB adapter for DJX


  • Session management
    • Cadence
    • Non Session Manager
    • JACKPatch - NSM tool to save JACK patch connections
    • i3 - dynamic tiling window manager with i3 layout saving features, automatic session save with i3session

  • Audio systems, routing and hosts
    • ALSA
    • JACK - jackd 2, multiprocess, gui config via dbus. to try jackd 1 for speed later.
    • alsa_in/alsa_out - for adding to JACK additional input and output devices beyond the primary sound device.
    • Patchage - JACK/ALSA patchbay.
    • Carla - plugin host (LV2, LASDSPA, DSSI, Linux/Windows VST). MIDI automation CC per parameter.
    • Ingen - plugin host (LV2) and patcher. MIDI learn.
  • Audio mixing
    • StereoKnot - basic lv2 stereo mixer
    • LiveMixer - basic lv2 stereo mixer with 2 sends
    • AMS Stereo Mixer 8 channels - 8 mono to 1 stereo
    • Non Mixer - a JACK client for each mixer strip, effects available (see lv2 patched version)
  • MIDI routing
    • a2jmidid - via Cadence, as jackd 2 doesn't do the Metadata API yet.
    • mididings - filtering, scripting, switching via 'scenes' and MIDI program change messages.
    • jack_midi_dump - MIDI monitor, prints to terminal stdout.
    • midifilter.lv2: ScaleCC - scale CC range sent to delay down for easier time sync length selection
    • midifilter.lv2: MIDI Note to CC - note to CC
    • midifilter.lv2: MIDI Duplicate Blocker - for live vs. seq64 notes
    • Piz: midiProgramChange - from the above to mididings for scene changes

  • MIDI sequencing
    • sequencer64 - no MIDI record control (in dev) or MIDI learn. use wip branch where these are/will be implemented.
    • harmonySEQ - no recording. sequences and LFOs with multiple patterns, MIDI learn for: sequence toggle/one-shot, note/chord/octave change, pattern change, tempo and sequence sync.
    • CCStepper - no recording. Windows VST.

MIDI mapping

  • seq64 - MIDI control config - keyboard mapping - see Audio#sequencer64
    • start -
    • stop - nano stop - cc42
    • pause (stop/start toggle) - nano play - cc41
    • screen-set up - nano marker > - cc 62
    • screen-set down - nano marker < - cc 61
    • screen-set play - nano marker set - cc 60
    • bpm page down - dj2go left jog - cc#25 - value 127
    • bpm page up - dj2go left jog - cc#25 - value 1
    • mod thru toggle/on/off
    • mod record
    • mod queue - b4
    • mod solo toggle/on/off
    • mod replace - c5
    • mod snapshot - c#5
    • mod group learn - d5
    • mod group mute select - d#5
    • pattern toggle - 0-31 in sequencer64 - c2 (32)-g4
    • toggle between sequencer64 controls and playing notes/chords - e5?
    • mididings scene mod between toggle and on and off?

[OPR INV STAT D1 D2min D2max] (toggle / enable / disable), where;

  • OPR=on/off
  • INV=inverse
  • STAT=MIDI status byte(channel ignored)
  • D1=data1
  • D2min=data2 min
  • D2max=data2 max

to redo:

# bpm up:
64 [0 0   0   0   0   0] [1 0 176  24   0   2] [0 0   0   0   0   0]
# bpm down:
65 [0 0   0   0   0   0] [1 0 176  24   3 127] [0 0   0   0   0   0]
# screen set up:
66 [0 0   0   0   0   0] [1 0 176  62   1 127] [0 0   0   0   0   0]
# screen set down:
67 [0 0   0   0   0   0] [1 0 176  61   1 127] [0 0   0   0   0   0]
# mod replace:
68 [0 0   0   0   0   0] [0 0   0   0   0   0] [0 0   0   0   0   0]
# mod snapshot:
69 [0 0   0   0   0   0] [0 0   0   0   0   0] [0 0   0   0   0   0]
# mod queue:
70 [0 0   0   0   0   0] [0 0   0   0   0   0] [0 0   0   0   0   0]
# mod gmute:
71 [0 0   0   0   0   0] [0 0   0   0   0   0] [0 0   0   0   0   0]
# mod glearn:
72 [0 0   0   0   0   0] [0 0   0   0   0   0] [0 0   0   0   0   0]
# screen set play:
73 [0 0   0   0   0   0] [1 0 176  60   1 127] [0 0   0   0   0   0]
# Extended MIDI controls:
# start playback (pause, start, stop):
74 [1 0 176  41   1 127] [0 0   0   0   0   0] [0 0   0   0   0   0]
# performance record:
75 [1 0 176  45   1 127] [0 0   0   0   0   0] [0 0   0   0   0   0]
# solo (toggle, on, off):
76 [0 0   0   0   0   0] [0 0   0   0   0   0] [0 0   0   0   0   0]
# MIDI THRU (toggle, on, off):
77 [1 0 176  44   1 127] [0 0   0   0   0   0] [0 0   0   0   0   0]
# bpm page up:
78 [0 0   0   0   0   0] [1 0 176  25   0   2] [0 0   0   0   0   0]
# bpm page down:
79 [0 0   0   0   0   0] [1 0 176  25   3 127] [0 0   0   0   0   0]
# reserved for expansion:
80 [0 0   0   0   0   0] [0 0   0   0   0   0] [0 0   0   0   0   0]
# reserved for expansion:
81 [0 0   0   0   0   0] [0 0   0   0   0   0] [0 0   0   0   0   0]
# reserved for expansion:
82 [0 0   0   0   0   0] [0 0   0   0   0   0] [0 0   0   0   0   0]
# reserved for expansion:
83 [0 0   0   0   0   0] [0 0   0   0   0   0] [0 0   0   0   0   0]

  • MIDI automation
    • arpage
    • QMidiArp
    • Hypercyclic
    • BlueARP - Win VST
    • RandARP - Win VST
    • arp4midi - Win VST


  • MIDI parts
    • Kick
    • Snare
    • Other percussion
    • Hi-hat / crash
    • Bass
    • Phrase A
    • Phrase B
    • Phrase C
seq64 pattern GUI layout:
Kick 1 Snare 1 Hi-hat 1 Perc. 1 Bass 1 Phrase A 1 Phrase B 1 Phrase C 1
Kick 2 Snare 2 Hi-hat 2 Perc. 2 Bass 2 Phrase A 2 Phrase B 2 Phrase C 2
Kick FX 1 Snare FX 1 Hi-hat FX 1 Perc. FX 1 Bass FX 1 Phrase A FX 1 Phrase B FX 1 Phrase C FX 1
Kick FX 2 Snare FX 2 Hi-hat FX 2 Perc. FX 2 Bass FX 2 Phrase A FX 2 Phrase B FX 2 Phrase C FX 2


  • Metronome
    • MidiClockClick
  • Drum synthesis
    • ErsDrums - phat, track mono/stereo and stereo out options, win vst
    • Stegosaurus - lv2
    • KickMaker - kick, 4 sine osc+env. w/ output env. win vst.
    • TW-Opkicker - kick, win vst
    • TW-Percussion1 - monophonic
    • KMT2 - individual outs

  • Synths w/ host tempo sync
    • TheBlooo, TheScrooo, Diodow, Crystal, basic65, dlM entropy, TAL Noizemak3r, Infamous Cellular Automaton Synth, Eclipsis

  • Samples
    • drumkv1 - file based sampler
    • shuriken - file based beat slicer. no MP3.
    • freeycle - file based beat slicer
    • DrMr - Hydrogen kit based sampler


  • Visualisation
    • xjackfreak

Effects w/ host tempo sync

  • Gate: SuperCutSequencer, dfx skidder, de la Mancha moot, dlM gator, StormGate1, Gate3

  • Reverb
    • Tal-Reverb-III - all plate reverbs
  • Delay: Calf Vintage Delay, Calf Reverse Delay, TAL-Dub-3, ZamDelay (mono), Della (mono), Leet Delay 2 (Win VST), TigerDelay (Win VST), Spaceship Delay (Win VST), PPD Echobox (Win VST), Tapatiki (Win VST), Delazi (Win VST), Rubbadub (Win VST), KR-Delay FS, SoundHack +delay (Win VST)

  • Filter: Channelswap, MAutopan, MFlanger, MFreqShifter, Ducka (side-chain envelope), TAL-Filter-2 (filter), ndcTrem+ (tremelo), dlM bent (desync), Masha (beat grinder), dfx buffer override (stutter), dlM thrummaschine (distortion) Kitchen Sync (complex LFO), The Modulator 2 (amplitude/ring/frequency modulation), dlM sfilter (sequenced filter), dlM pfilter (probabalistic filter), dlM manic (glitch sampler), Livecut (glitch), Muchacho (stutter), Phase Seq (glitch), dlM truc/2 (multi), Frakture (multi), Hysteresis (multi)
  • Granular: Argotlunar, grANALiser, 23_words, Muchacha

  • Looping: SuperBeatRepeater, beatslash-lv2, InstaLooper, Tempo Sync Reverser, SooperLooper

To do

  • mapping computer to MIDI keyboard for more than just seq64 use - midikb
  • MIDI controlled MIDI routing/switching - just mididings scenes? move individual midi filter plugins into mididings?
    • scenes working. need "if note held, this, else"
  • part/pattern progression switching - mididings scenes? seq64 mute groups? seq64 set play?
  • part/channel preset switching
  • pick a delay plugin - cc range filter/alter for fine synced delay time control
  • pick a reverb plugin - use/make nice presets
  • pick fsu plugins
  • pick a metronome

Session setup commands


pacmd set-default-source jack_in && pacmd set-default-sink jack_out
non-session-manager -- --session-root path_to/NSM_projects_root
  # i.e. non-session-manager -- --session-root ~/audio/NSM
  # same session root for all projects
  # i  alias 'nsm' for this

NSM entries:

  # nsm specific util to save and restore jack connections

nsm-proxy a2jmidid -eu
  # because cadence never managed to autostart this and misses -u arg anyway

nsm-proxy patchage -A
  # connection manager gui. ctrl-g, ctrl-f to sort connections
  # via nsm-proxy for the -A argument to not load ALSA

  # plugin host

nsm-proxy python path/to/
  # MIDI routing

nsm-proxy xterm -e jack_midi_dump
  # MIDI monitoring

nsm-proxy nsm-sequencer64
  # via nsm-proxy, requires an empty midi file
  # make sure set to jack transport master

( optional
 nsm-proxy nsm-ingen
   # via nsm-proxy, hack of sequencer64 script above, copies in a blank project, starts ingen modular host engine and gui
   # ingen -eg project.ingen

( optional
 nsm-proxy alsa_out -j "USB Out 1" -d hw:5 -q 1 2>&1 1> /dev/null &
 nsm-proxy alsa_out -j "USB Out 2" -d hw:6 -q 1 2>&1 1> /dev/null &
   # additional 2 stereo outputs, USB soundcards for DJ main and headphone


  • Cannot yet do/use/is annoying
    • Session management
      • NSM - undeveloped UI, can't delete/move/rename sessions, no delete confirmation, new session/client button confusion, nsm-proxy doesn't save label first time. no jackpatch connection state file save/argument. mosty does its job though..
      • i3 - working towards a sound layout save and restore process..
      • Carla - plugin state has to be manually loaded, plugin windows need to be manually opened (nsm?) [1]
      • Carla - takes a while to close [2]
      • Carla - no NSM portability yet [3]
    • Routing
      • jack2 - lacks Metadata API so no pretty device port names [4]
      • Carla - crashes after a plugin is renamed [5]
      • Carla - has a max plugin instantiation limit of 10s, ErsDrums loads only 50% of the time depending on load
      • Carla - one has to load a
    • MIDI controlled MIDI looping - no software good enough yet, would allow live loop of mute and effect changes
      • sequencer64 - no MIDI start/stop/arm just yet [6]. can't change BPM whilst running yet [7].
      • Giada - audio/midi looping - problems between nanoKONTROL2s no button off note off CC and parameter scales [8]. fiddly midi control; learn but no 'mod' like sequencer64, i.e., no MIDI 'channel' (sample/sequence) select or channel groups - every item requires unique MIDI CCs and learns for each of it's functions.
    • External interactive tempo changes
      • klick doesn't do JACK transport and OSC mode (from gtklick) at same time [9]
      • Jack Director only has set bpm presets triggerable by midi
      • InConcert doesn't take external input or display bpm, crashes often
    • Samples
      • petri-foo - broken, always starts from 0 :(
      • Specimin - no mp3 at least until the end of 2017 due to patents