Audio setup old

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Specific notes on my workflow. General notes on Audio.

  • MIDI hardware
    • Yamaha DJX
    • Korg Nanokontrol 2
    • Numark DJ2GO

  • Audio software
    • Patchage - patchbay
    • Ingen - lv2 host and patcher
    • Non Mixer - a JACK client for each mixer strip, effects available
    • drumkv1 - file based sampler
  • MIDI software
    • a2jmidid - via Cadence, as jackd 2 doesn't do the Metadata API yet
    • mididings - filtering, scripting, switching via 'scene' changes
    • GMIDImonitor - displays traditional MIDI CC names
    • sequencer64 - no MIDI record control or MIDI learn yet
    • harmonySEQ - no MIDI record. sequences and LFOs with multiple patterns, MIDI learn, some event scripting

  • Session management
    • Cadence
    • Non Session Manager
    • JACKPatch - NSM util to save patching
    • - create layout, save to JSON, edit configs to uncomment/edit window title/class, restore from JSON

  • Desire to do
    • MIDI controlled effect sends
    • MIDI controlled MIDI routing/switching - mididings scenes
    • part/pattern progression switching - mididings scenes?
    • part/channel preset switching
    • LFO frequency fraction selection for effects

  • Cannot yet do
    • MIDI controlled MIDI looping - no software good enough yet, would allow live loop of mute and effect changes
      • sequencer64 - no MIDI start/stop/arm.
      • Giada - audio/midi looping - problems between nanoKONTROL2s no button off note off CC and parameter scales. fiddly midi control; learn but no 'mod' like sequencer64, i.e., no MIDI 'channel' (sample/sequence) select or channel groups - every item requires unique MIDI CCs and learns for each of it's functions.
    • External interactive tempo changes
      • klick doesn't do JACK transport and OSC mode (from gtklick) at same time
      • Jack Director only has set bpm presets triggerable by midi
      • InConcert doesn't take external input or display bpm, crashes often

  • sequencer64 MIDI control sections for keyboard
    • pattern toggle - 0-31 in sequencer64 - c2-g4
    • screen-set up - g#4
    • screen-set down - a4
    • screen-set play - a#4
    • mod queue - b4
    • mod replace - c5
    • mod snapshot - c#5
    • mod group learn - d5
    • mod group mute select - d#5
    • bpm down - nano cc61 127
    • bpm up - nano cc62 127
    • toggle between sequencer64 controls and playing notes/chords - e5?
    • mididings scene mod between toggle and on and off?

  • Parts
    • Kick
    • Snare
    • Hi-hat
    • Other percussion
    • Bass
    • Phrase 1
    • Phrase 2
    • Phrase 3

Session setup commands:

  # gui, optional, easiest. input device can be entered manually if not autodetected.

# cadence-session-start -s
  # cadence script to start jackd, divert from pulseaudio, etc. might work for you.
    # if fails, try cadence-session-start --reset
non-session-manager -- --session-root path_to/NSM_projects_root
  # same session root for all projects

NSM entries

  # nsm specific util to save and restore jack connections

nsm-proxy patchage -A
  # connection manager gui. ctrl-g, ctrl-f to sort connections
  # via nsm-proxy for the -A argument to not load ALSA

  # modular mixer, osc/cv controllable

  # via nsm-proxy, requires an empty midi file

  # via nsm-proxy, hack of sequencer64 script above, copies in a blank project, starts ingen modular host engine and gui
  # ingen -eg project.ingen

  # transforms JACK transport tempo beats to MIDI ~Clock pulses