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X terminals

See also *nix#Terminal_.2F_console

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sixel - short for "six pixels", is a bitmap graphics format supported by terminals and printers from DEC. It consists of a pattern six pixels high and one wide, resulting in 64 possible patterns. Each possible pattern is assigned an ASCII character, making the sixels easy to transmit on 7-bit serial links.

Retro simulation;

/usr/lib/xscreensaver/apple2 -text -fast -program bash


  • How to change the title of an xterm - This document explains how to use escape sequences to dynamically change window and icon titles of an xterm. Examples are given for several shells, and the appendix gives escape sequences for some other terminal types.



urxvt has overhead because of unicode.

urxvt sets char width as widest char in font. there's a patched package for that.

urxvt -e sh -c "ls && zsh"
  # launch command then exit to zsh [5]

urxvtd -q -f -o
urxvtc -e command

.Xresources / .Xdefaults config:

URxvt.keysym.Shift-Up: command:\033]720;1\007
URxvt.keysym.Shift-Down: command:\033]721;1\007
  # adds single line scroll-back [6]

The default perl set includes the "selection", "option-popup", "selection-popup", "readline" and "searchable-scrollback" extensions, and extensions which are mentioned in keysym resources.

  • Arch Forum: [Solved Change urxvt's font on the fly: Can YOU do it?]
 printf '\33]50;%s\007' "xft:Terminus:pixelsize=16"




  • https://github.com/GNOME/vte - VTE is a library (libvte) implementing a terminal emulator widget for GTK+, and a minimal sample application (vte) using that. Vte is mainly used in gnome-terminal, but can also be used to embed a console/terminal in games, editors, IDEs, etc.



  • LilyTerm - a terminal emulator based off of libvte that aims to be fast and lightweight, Licensed under GPLv3.


  • sakura - a terminal emulator based on GTK and libvte. It has few dependencies, so there's no need of a full GNOME desktop installed to have a powerful terminal emulator. sakura uses a gtk notebook to provide tabbed terminals in one window and has a contextual menu for configuration; it was designed without a menu bar. No more no less.


  • mlterm - a multi-lingual terminal emulator , which supports various character sets and encodings in the world.


  • HTerm - A graphical terminal requiring no serverside support. [7]



  • https://launchpad.net/terra - a GTK+3.0 based terminal emulator with useful user interface, it also supports multiple terminals with splitting screen horizontally or vertically. New features will be added soon. It's very new and experimental project, if you want to contribute just checkout and try.

Final Term

  • Final Term - a new breed of terminal emulator. It goes beyond mere emulation and understands what is happening inside the shell it is hosting. This allows it to offer features no other terminal can, including: Semantic text menus, Smart command completion, GUI terminal controls [8]




Vintage Terminal


  • https://github.com/Swordfish90/cool-retro-term - a terminal emulator which mimics the look and feel of the old cathode tube screens. It has been designed to be eye-candy, customizable, and reasonably lightweight. It uses the Konsole engine which is powerful and mature. This terminal emulator requires Qt 5.2 or higher to run.


  • https://github.com/withoutboats/notty - a virtual terminal like xterm, gnome-vte, sh, or rxvt. Unlike these programs, notty is not intended to emulate a DEC VT-series physical video terminal, or any other physical device. Instead, notty is an experimental project to bring new features to the command-line which would not have been possible for the physical terminals other terminals emulate. [11]


  • https://github.com/vshatskyi/black-screen - an IDE in the world of terminals. Strictly speaking, it's both a terminal emulator and an interactive shell based on Electron. Also, unlike most of the emulators you can meet nowadays it uses HTML and CSS for its UI (exactly as Atom does), which means we can stop misusing unicode characters and make a better looking terminal with appropriate tools. [12]


Wayland terminals





  • https://github.com/jwilm/alacritty - the "fastest" terminal emulator in existence. Using the GPU for rendering enables optimizations that simply aren't possible in other emulators. Alacritty currently supports macOS and Linux, and Windows support is planned before the 1.0 release.

Web based


  • FireSSH - a free, cross-platform SSH terminal client for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. Written entirely in Javascript!

Gate One


  • KeyBox - A web-based SSH console that executes commands on multiple shells. KeyBox allows you to manage keys, share terminal commands, and upload files to multiple systems simultaneously. [13]


  • oterm - a web browser unix terminal. It serves a console so you can access your server from anywhere in the world where you have an Internet connection. It effectively is an xterm in a browser. [14]




Go Terminal

Text-based user interface