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See also Visualisation




Control signaling

  • - one of the earliest and simplest electronic lighting control signaling systems; simply put, the control signal is a DC voltage that varies between zero and ten volts. In production lighting this system was replaced by analog multiplexed systems such as D54 and AMX192, which themselves have been almost completely replaced by DMX512. For dimmable fluorescent lamps (where it operates instead at 1-10 V, where 1 V is minimum and 0 V is off) the system is being replaced by DSI, which itself is in the process of being replaced by DALI.


  • - standard for digital communication networks that are commonly used to control stage lighting and effects. It was originally intended as a standardized method for controlling light dimmers, which, prior to DMX512, had employed various incompatible proprietary protocols. It soon became the primary method for linking controllers (such as a lighting console) to dimmers and special effects devices such as fog machines and intelligent lights. DMX has also expanded to uses in non-theatrical interior and architectural lighting, at scales ranging from strings of Christmas lights to electronic billboards. The use of DMX can now be used to control almost anything, reflecting its popularity in theatres and venues.
  • DMX Lighting Tutorial Part 1: What is DMX? |
  • Channel address values from 0 to 255, light functions mapped to channels with the first as
  • Address set on light instrument with dipswitch (binary) or LED
  • Serial connections, 512 channels of control, creating a DMX universe
  • The DMX Wiki - A Catalogue of all things related to or concerning DMX Lighting and DMX in General
  • Open Lighting Project is a multi-faceted effort aimed at accelerating the adoption of new, standardized control protocols, while also providing high quality, reliable, open software for the lighting industry. This site acts as a resource for anyone looking for information about DMX software and the associated control systems, as well as a variety of Open Source and free lighting software.
  • - Remote Device Management or RDM is a protocol enhancement to USITT DMX512 that allows bi-directional communication between a lighting or system controller and attached RDM compliant devices over a standard DMX line. This protocol will allow configuration, status monitoring, and management of these devices in such a way that does not disturb the normal operation of standard DMX512 devices that do not recognize the RDM protocol.
  • - a protocol for transmitting the lighting control protocol DMX512-A (with RDM) over the User Datagram Protocol of the Internet Protocol suite. The protocol was developed by Wayne Howell and his company, Artistic Licence Engineering (UK) Ltd, is open for implementation with attribution but without charge, and made available as a software development kit for convenience. It is typically implemented as lighting-control nodes in embedded controllers, driven from a lighting desk or similar software operating as a server. Art-Net compatible products are made available by dozens of companies.


  • - a protocol for the controlling of lighting in buildings (initially electrical ballasts). It was created in 1991 by Austrian company Tridonic and is based on Manchester-coded 8-bit protocol, data rate of 1200 baud, 1 start bit, 8 data bits (dimming value), 4 stop bits, and is the basis of the more sophisticated protocol Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI).
  • - IEC 60929 and IEC 62386 are technical standards for network-based systems that control lighting in building automation. They were established as a successor for 0-10 V lighting control systems, and as an open standard alternative to Digital Signal Interface (DSI), on which it is based.


  • Q Light Controller is a cross-platform application for controlling DMX or analog lighting systems like moving heads, dimmers, scanners etc.
  • D::Light is a mobile flexible solution to the control needs of modern performance technology. The graphical user interface has features familiar to the traditional lighting desk user - the main window contains a cue list window, an interactive channel zone, submasters and a keypad - giving intuitive access to D:Light's powerful features. D:Light users can also avail of a standard command-line syntax.



  • Visual Music Archive - a non-institutional and highly subjective collection of inspirational works from the ever expanding field of Visual Music. This is a non-profit online art archive of links more than films. There is no commerce going on here, no ads, nothing and we will gladly remove anything you ask us to.

  • Drawing Sound - Postgraduate course in Interactive Music Systems Design (CDSIM), Pompeu Fabra University

MilkDrop / ProjectM

  • MilkDrop - a music visualizer - a "plug-in" to the Winamp music player. As you listen your music in Winamp, MilkDrop takes you flying through the actual soundwaves you're hearing, and uses beat detection to trigger myriad psychedelic effects, creating a rich visual journey through sound. MilkDrop can also be driven by a live audio feed (microphone or line-in) - see the documentation for details. MilkDrop 2 is now here, rocking the pixel shaders.
    • - a hardware-accelerated music visualization plugin for Winamp, which was originally developed by Ryan Geiss in 2001. It uses DirectX and intelligent beat detection to render iterated images which blend seamlessly. MilkDrop uses a complex system of interpolation to transition between presets gradually through time, creating a constantly changing visual experience.



  • Flickernoise - our VJ application that is made for our Milkymist One device. It has got a user-friendly interface that should make it very easy to use for anyone that wants to interact or control the Milkymist One. Our VJ application is optimized to be as easy to use as possible. So even if you do not know a lot of computer languages or programming, you should still be able to make use of our devices, through the Flickernoise application, rather easily. You would find that our Flickernoise application can render visual effects without a problem. And that you are also able to use it with no trouble as well. The application itself can render visual effects through hardware acceleration. The effects that are rendered through hardware-accelerated graphics are very similar to that of MilkDrop 1.x.


  • VSXu - (VSX Ultra) is an OpenGL-based (hardware-accelerated), modular programming environment with its main purpose to visualize music and create graphic effects in real-time.



  • - a little GUI tool which creates an audio visualization video from an input audio. You can also give it a background image and set a title text. tested on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04) and Windows (Windows 7), it should also work on Mac OS X.


  • Kubus is a minimalist audio visualizer, written in C/C++ using OpenGL and RtAudio. The aesthetic of Kubus draws inspiration from artists like Ryoji Ikeda and Viznut. Audio input is buffered into Kubus 1024 samples at a time, where it is sequentially mapped onto a 32 x 32 grid of squares. The amplitude of each particular sample controls the square color's lightness at that point in time. If FFT mode is enabled, the FFT bins are mapped onto the grid as well, controlling the saturation level of the squares.




  • CHA/V - (CHEAP, HACKY, A/V) is an #open-source, #DIY, #audiovisual, #A/V, #video synthesizer, that has inexplicably been built by civilians around the world, as well as in international workshops and fancy art schools. (ok, got all my impressive-sounding words and hashtags in there, now we can begin communicating like humans). If you are new to video synths, fasten your seatbelt. You just opened up a huge can of wormholes.

  • Synkie - a modular open source analog video processor, developed byMichael Egger, Flo Kaufmann and Max Egger. Like the venerable modular Moog synthesizer it lets you toy around with the signal using patch cables – but this time not producing sound but images. It is an instrument for video, a playground, a platform to explore new ways to transform a video signal. Synkie is still in development, we constantly develop new modules – and even the base specifications may still change over time. But right now there’s already enough stuff to have fun playing around and the instrument has already a complexity that gets hard to control…

To sort

  • QLC+ by Massimo Callegari - a free and cross-platform software to control DMX or analog lighting systems like moving heads, dimmers, scanners etc.

This project is a fork of the great QLC project written by Heikki Junnila that aims to continue the QLC development and to introduce new features. The primary goal is to bring QLC+ at the level of other lighting control commercial softwares. QLC+ runs on Linux, Windows (XP+), macOS (10.7+) and the Raspberry Pi.

  • Quantum VJ HD - a simple glitch-style audio visualizer (video generator). It can receive sound from the microphone or from the Line-in port (depends on the system settings). Sound will be converted to the graphic elements byte by byte. The final video can be mixed with the camera stream in real time. Based on the algorithms from the Quantum VJ (pendant). This app is free for all systems, except the Android and iOS.

  • - A vj and Dj program by interim_descriptor. original release statement from 2009: "For a decade, I've been working on a DJ + VJ program called "dvj". In short, it gives the user a pair of video-linked turntables: Scratching with a MIDI controller scratches both the audio and video. This is the only program I use at my shows, and I'm quite happy with it."