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notes and random ideas



Frame drum

Goblet drum



Talking drum






Samba Shaker, also called Chocalho (shu-ka-lu?) or Soalheira








Bass / kick



Vanz Drumming
215th Army Band - Massachussetts Army National Guard
Moeller method
Open, closed, open



Vic Firth;



Vic Firth playlists;







Patterns and rhythms

  • Middle Eastern Rhythms FAQ - rhythms for middle eastern dance for dumbek, dumbec, doumbec, doumbek, Arabic tabla, darabuka, tombak, zarb ...


Son Clave;

1 e & a 2 e & a 3 e & a 4 e & a ||
X . . X . . X . . . X . X . . . ||

Rumba Clave;

1 e & a 2 e & a 3 e & a 4 e & a ||
X . . X . . . X . . X . X . . . ||






  • waggly tail
  • orgasm
  • fuck shitty
  • nose
  • amen, etc.


  • second half of 4/6 silent, one person/section yells, repeat but with 2/4/8/whatever people or 1/2/3 sections
  • free improv/idmish


to sort


  • Hydrogen is an advanced drum machine for GNU/Linux. It's main goal is to bring professional yet simple and intuitive pattern-based drum programming.
  • orDrumbox is a free drum machine software, designed to be as creative as possible with unusual features : auto-composition, polyrythmes, unusual arpeggiator, automatic sounds/track matching , custom softsynths, lowfi rendering, etc. This tools can compose bass line and complete songs using included drum kits with the audio sequencer functions.
  • Jackbeat is an audio sequencer running on Linux, Windows and OS X, for musicians and sound artists: Drummachine interface with animations for easy and playful editing. Built for both composition and live setups with high interactivity needs. Extremely easy to use but yet powerful by connecting with other applications and plugins using JACK and OSC. Loads and saves .jab files, Jackbeat's xml+tar open file format. Supports native audio devices, PulseAudio and JACK.
  • Giada is a free, minimal, hardcore audio tool for DJs, live performers and electronic musicians. How does it work? Just pick up your channel, fill it with samples or MIDI events and start the show by using this tiny piece of software as a loop machine, drum machine, sequencer, live sampler or yet as a plugin/effect host. Giada aims to be a compact and portable virtual device for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows for production use and live sets.
  • Smack is a drum synth, 100% sample free. It intends to emulate a large number of famous drum machines (TR/others) as well as sample code for physical modeling. It's built with LADSPA plugins and the Om modular synth.
  • Slag project aims at developing a multiplatform pattern-based audio sequencer. As for now, it can be used as a simple drum box on GNU/Linux, NetBSD and Mac OS X. It features : real-time editing, live audio output with libao or JACK, optional individual ports for tracks when using JACK, a virtually unlimited number of tracks and patterns, volume settings for tracks and pads, the ability to link song parts together, real-time audio file output, english and french localisations
  • Breakage is a four channel drum machine, usually set to play kick, snare, open and closed hi-hat samples on each channel. To train the neural network in Breakage, you’d write a collection of patterns, tell the net which ones to use as inputs and outputs, then set it to train. By default the kick and snare are inputs, open and closed hats are outputs. After training you can switch the net into performance mode. When performing, it will create new hi hat parts as you change the kick and snare hits.
  • Groovit is essentially a drum matrix which can handle any samples, combined with, at least and depending on the CPU strength, two analog synths voices. Any voice can go through several effects, (for instance a dynamic filter, and an echo/reverb). It is intended to be as "real-time" as possible, depending on CPU strength mostly. It computes sounds internally with 32bit range, and outputs at 16. It also has several resonant filters that quickly bring you handsome noise.
  • Gneutronica is a simple MIDI drum machine and rudimentary sequencer program. If you are familiar with Hydrogen, you'll find yourself pretty much at home with Gneutronica. Gneutronica lets you create patterns of melody or drum beats one measure long, allows you to divide up each measure into however many beats you like (several times simultaneously, if you want) and then arrange those patterns into a sequence for playback. Essentially it's a tool with which to create drum tracks and instrument tracks and play them back via MIDI devices.
  • DrumGizmo is an open source cross-platform drum plugin and stand-alone application. It is comparable to several commercial drum plugin products. Features include: Stand-alone, Lv2 and VSTi versions available. Open drumkit file format, allowing the community to create their own drumkits. Drum velocity, allowing for several different hit velocities for each drum. Multichannel output, making it possible to mix it just the way you would a real drumkit. Optional built-in humanizer, analyzing the midi notes, adjusting velocities on-the-fly. Stand-alone midi renderer, generating .wav files, 1 for each channel. Stand-alone midi input, making it possible to use DrumGizmo as output for an electronic drumkit.
  • Fultron 2002 is a cross platform, open source drum machine. It's sample-based and supports themes.
  • TK-707 - An "7x7" type midi drum sequencer for Linux, based on functionality of Roland's TR-707

