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travel: traveline | edinburgh map | directions | 🚴 | citymapper

weather: bbc weather | met weather | accuweather | windy | shade map | zoom earth

time: 1m | 2m | 3m | 4m | 5m | 6m | 7m | 8m | 9m | 10m | 15m | 20m | 25m | 30m | 45m | 60m | 2h | 3h | pomodoro | | time converter | ✳️ | ✴️ | 🌒

video: subs / favs | people watching | bwsa | exurb1a | vlogbrothers | hank green | reese waters| ryan mcbeth | benn jordan | vibevilla | the daily show | legal eagle | xiaomanyc

video/comedy: internet comment etiquette | josh johnson | gianmarco soresi | dropout (college humor) | adult swim | isihac | yogscast | prozd | jreg

video/history: stefan milo | useful charts | history for granite | fall of civilizations | religion for breakfast | scotland history tours | cambrian chronicles | pwhitewick | tim traveller | jay foreman | auto-shenanigans 

video/left: norava media | ddn | politics joe | shaun | hbomberguy | thought slime | philosophy tube | contrapoints | the daily show | friendlyjordies

video/sci: sabine hossenfelder | anton petrov | pbs space time | fermilab | up and atom | two minute papers | quanta | domain of science | seethepattern | scishow | crash course | veritasium | steve mould | the action lab | applied science | laurie wired 

video/tech eevblog | this old tony | practical engineering | the b1m | styropyro | level1techs | ltt | mkbhd | captain disillusion | framework | reducible

video/phy: floatheadphysics | physics videos by eugene khutoryansky | viascience | michel van biezen | angela collier

video/maths standup maths | 3blue1brown | numberphile | purplemind

video/food adam ragusea | townsends

visual: butterchurn |  | demoscene | ppp | iss

music: soundcloud | | | bandcamp | m/music | reddit playlister | spotify | mynoise (rain, stardust) |  | 💠 | f1rstpers0n | floydsbreakbeat | lofigirl

radio: radiolise | | caprice (electric) | subtle radio | | | | | | uk bass radio | kniteforce | atmospheric dnb s0urce | caprice abstract hip-hop | power electronics | nts slow focus | fluid | nts field recordings | ambient modern | ambient sleeping pill | nts the tube | tns radio | audio streams

tech: hn / +100 / +300 / hckr | | m/techy | /. | ars | el reg | techmeme (m) | devdocs | open tech calendar

news: novara | bbc / scotland / stream / bulletin / world | itn | abc | reuters | axios | fp | ibt | grauniad | boingboing | m/news (r/all+RES) | memeorandum ([ m) | | +972

tools: one minute focus | goblintools | readable | digital literacy | supercook | r/gifrecipes | airdroid | gmail | gcalander | facebook | github | gist | riseup share | | geni

balance: grounding | surya namaskara a | movements | thanissaro bhikkhu | BSWA | tara brach | satipaṭṭhāna mūla | suttacentral | oblique strategies

misc:  | ?? |  | # | * | 🌳 | 8 | 🗪 | = |  | 🐈 | :3 | >o< | 📎 | C | ι | 90bpm open/close/open | 👋 | ⌨️ |  | 🌊 |  | 🐍 | 𝕿