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Drupal on the command-line. The backend of Aegir is the Provision module for Drush.


drush help
  alll the commands!
drush help --filter
  choose which help category to echo

drush pml
  list installed and enabled modules

drush dl [project]
  download project
drush dl sasson-7.x-3.x-dev
  download sasson dev release
drush en [project] -y
  enable project without confirmation

drush dis [project] -y
  disable project

drush pm-uninstall [project]
  remove project from db
drush cc
  clear caches
drush php-eval 'echo drush_get_context("DRUSH_DRUPAL_ROOT");'
drush php-eval 'echo drush_locate_root() . "/" . drupal_get_path('theme', 'sasson');'


Drush Make

Drush Make is part of Drush as of Jan 2012.

.make files specify a recipe for modules, themes and libraries to be downloaded by Drush.

Example make files


.make files can specify external libraries to be downloaded using the Libraries API module.

; CKEditor
libraries[ckeditor][download][type]= "get"
libraries[ckeditor][download][url] =  "[ckeditor zip url goes here]"
libraries[ckeditor][directory_name] = "ckeditor"
libraries[ckeditor][destination] = "libraries"


You can get things from git, specify branches, etc.

