Sass cheatcheet
/* Variable: */ $red: #ff0000;
.myClass { color: $red; }
/* !default: If a variable isn't given a value, it uses the one set for default */ $color: #000000; $color: #ff0000 !default;
.myClass { color: $color; }
/* compiles to black - if color isn't defined, then it gets red */ .myClass { color: #000000; }
/* Mixin: Re-use whole chunks of CSS, properties or selectors */ @mixin myfont ($size, $weight, $family){
font: { size: $size; weight: $weight; family: $family; }
.myClass { @include font(18px, "bold", "Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"); }
/* Nesting: Avoids repetition by nesting selectors within one another */ nav ul {
margin: 0; padding: 0; li { list-style: none; display: inline; a { color: $red; }
} }
/* Nested Properties */ .myFont {
font:{ family: Arial; size: 14px; weight: bold; }
/* Selector Inheritance (Using @extend): Give a selector the styles of one, PLUS any additional. This way you don't repeat classes. */ .myClass { color: #ff0000; margin: 10px; } .anotherClass { @extend .myClass; border: 1px #000 solid; }
/* '&': Referencing Parent Selectors */ a {
color: #ff0000; &:hover { color: #666666; }
/* Operations: +, -, *, /, %*/ $width: 1000px; .myClass {
width: $width - 400px;
/* Interpolation: #{} */ $className: samcro; $attr: background; a.#{$className} { #{$attr}-color: #000000 }
/* compiles to */ a.samcro { background-color: #000000; }
/* Partials: Additional Sass/SCSS files you want to import but don't want to compile into additional CSS files (meaning styles are imported into the main .scss file) */ /* Just save the new file with an underscore in front of it: _nav.scss, then in the main sass/scss file type - (NOTE - just found out you will get an error if you do not have it AFTER your declared variables and stuff) */ @import "nav";
/* @if, @elseif, @else */ $type: monster; p {
@if $type == ocean { color: blue; } @else if $type == matador { color: red; } @else if $type == monster { color: green; } @else { color: black; }
/* @for - could really badass on lists if you needed them each to have unique styles (@while works similar) */ @for $i from 1 through 3 {
.myClass-#{$i} { width: 2px * $i; }
/* compiles to */ .myClass-1 {
width: 2px; }
.myClass-2 {
width: 4px; }
.myCass-3 {
width: 6px; }