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Dev folk



 python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000


python -m http.server 5674




    • EightPack consists of the following tools: JSLint, JSHint, JS Beautifier, JSMin, CSS Beautify, and cssmin.js. Uses V8 engine.


  • BlueGriffon is a new WYSIWYG content editor for the World Wide Web. Powered by Gecko, the rendering engine of Firefox, it's a modern and robust solution to edit Web pages in conformance to the latest Web Standards.
  • Aptana Studio 3 - Develop and test your entire web application using a single environment. With support for the latest browser technology specs such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Ruby, Rails, PHP and Python.
  • Ace is a standalone code editor written in JavaScript. Our goal is to create a web based code editor that matches and extends the features, usability and performance of existing native editors such as TextMate, Vim or Eclipse. It can be easily embedded in any web page and JavaScript application. Ace is developed as the primary editor for Cloud9 IDE and the successor of the Mozilla Skywriter (Bespin) Project.
  • Cloud9 IDE - Write, run, and debug your code with our powerful and flexible cloud IDE. Collaborate on your workspaces publicly, or keep them private. The choice is yours!

