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Main stuff

vim filename
  open file (or buffer if file doens't exist)
:e filename
  open filename in vim

:w filename
  save as
  quit if saved
  save if changed and quit, same as :wq
  save as above
  even if not saved (also :q!)

:ex . - explore files in file directory. opens in split pans if file modified.
:Sex - as above but forces split
:Vex - as above but vertical split
:Tex - as above but in new tab
  <enter> - open file
  o - open file in new split buffer
  autocomplete keyword forwards
  autocomplete keyword backwards

Moving around

zz - centre screen on cursor
zt - move screen top to cursor
zb - move screen bottom to cursor
  Moves screen up one line
  Moves screen down one line
  Moves screen up ½ page
  Moves screen down ½ page
  Moves screen up one page
  Moves screen down one page [2]
0 - line beginning
^ - first non-whitespace character
$ - line end
e - forward word
E - forward WORD
b - back word
B - back WORD
{ - beginning of previous
} - next paragraph
( - beginning of previous
) - next sentence
% - current brace

/ - find text
* - jump to next occurrence of work
n - repeat forwards
N - repeat backwards
H - cursor to top of screen (high)
M - cursor to middle of screen (middle)
L - cursor to bottom of screen (low)
Ctrl-D  move cursor down half-page
Ctrl-U  move cursor up half-page
gg - start of file
G - end of file
123G - move to line 123
:123 - move to line 123 (easier imo)
ma - mark cursor position 'a'
'a - move to mark position 'a'

Split windows

Windows are like tmux panes, awesome clients. Windows can hold file buffers or things like Nerdtree. Tabs are a set of windows and not covered here yet.

:sp [filename]
  open file in new window
Ctrl-W w
  move forward window
Ctrl-W W
  move backwards window
Ctrl-W then h, j, k, l
  select window left, below, above, right
Ctrl-W h
  swap buffer in active window with the window below
Ctrl-W k
  as above, to above
Ctrl-W h
  as above, to left
Ctrl-W l
  as above, to right
Ctrl-W x
  switch windows around


:b [buffer number of any part of name]
  switch to buffer
set wildchar=<Tab> wildmenu wildmode=full
  with this, :b [tab] gives a menu


. - repeat last change
u - undo last change
Ctrl-u - undo whilst in insert mode 
U - undo all changes to current line
Ctrl-r - redo
i - insert at cursor
I - insert at line beginning

a - append after the cursor
A - append at the end of the line

o - add ('open') line below and insert
O - add line above and insert
x - delete character under cursor
X - delete character before cursor
y - yank (copy) current text
  yy - yank current line
p - paste yanked text after cursor/line
P - pasted yanked text before cursor/line

d - delete and yank (cut)
  df* - delete to (find) and including *
  dl - delete character (alias: "x")
  dd - delete current line including linebreak
  dw - delete to end of word from cursor
  d$ - delete to end of line from cursor
  diw - delete inner word
  diW - delete inner WORD
  daw - delete word, up to delimiter
  daW - delete WORD, including previous space
  dis -   delete inner sentence
  das -  delete a sentence
  dib -  delete inner '(' ')' block
  dab -  delete a '(' ')' block
  dip -  delete inner paragraph
  dap -  delete a paragraph
  diB -  delete inner '{' '}' block
  daB -  delete a '{' '}' block

c - change (delete and insert)
  cc - delete current line including linebreak, insert
  cw - delete to end of word from cursor, insert
  c$ - delete to end of line from cursor, insert
  ciw - delete inner word, insert
  ci" - change inner quoted string
  ci( - change inner brackets
  ci[ - change inner contents of [].. ci], ci) for insert on closing bracket
  caw - change an object
  caW - change an object, including space

v - visual select text
  viw - visual inner word
  viw~ - visual inner word, toggle case
  vip - visual inner paragraph
  vec - visual, end of word, change highlighted
V - visual select lines
Ctrl-v - visual select a block

s - change one character and insert

Ctrl-Y - copy character from line above
Ctrl-E - copy character from line below

Ctrl-N - auto-completion next match
Ctrl-P - auto-completion previous match
> - indent right
< - indent left
V=  - visual select lines, then reformat with =
= - fix indentation for selection
== - fix indentation for one line
:s/foo/bar/ - search and replace first occurrence
:s/foo/bar/s - search and replace, global current line
:%s/foo/bar/g - search and replace, global whole file
:%s/foo/bar/gc - search and replace, with confirm

:g/text string/d - delete all lines with text string
:!g/text string/d - delete all lines without text string [3]
  :g!/^\s*#/d - delete all lines without a #
qa - start recording macro 'a', q - stop recording
qA - start appending to macro 'a'
@a - play macro a
@@ - execute again
3@a - play macro 3 thrice

:let @a='macrogoeshere' - write macro manually
Ctrl-R Ctrl-R a - insert mode
:let @a='Ctrl-R Ctrl-R a - edit existing macro


:Gwrite - git add file
:Gread - git checkout (revert) open to staged version
:Gremove - git rm and close buffer
:Gmove - git mv file. with /, relative to git root; without, relative to file
:Gcommit - git commit, opens message buffer
:Gblame - open split window with git blame details
:Gbrowse - open Github, else git instaweb for local sevrer

vimdiff resolution:

:diffget [buffer] - get diff from another buffer
:diffput [buffer] - put diff into another buffer
:diffupdate - update diff colouring
dg - get from other buffer pane (only 2 pane)
dp - put to other buffer pane (works in 3 pane)
[c - jump to previous changeset
]c - jump to next changeset
:only - close buffers other than active


Folds are sections of text reduced to one line (based on brackets, indentation, etc.). Folding is on by default. I have the foldlevel dialed up to 20 to avoid them.

zo - open fold
zO - open fold recursively
zc - close fold
zC - close fold resursive
zR - open all folds
zM - close all
zj - go down and up a fold
zk - go up a fold


:e scp:// - open remote file
$ vim scp://
:reg - list register contents
K - in normal mode, run man for current word (opens "man word" in shell)







To sort

to check;

  toggle comments (for small comments)
  toggle comment for the current line
  comment region
  comment the current line
