Tagging script

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These are working notes, not final shiny ready-for-the-world notes...

See also Rip / Tag

MusicBrainz Picard



To make better through experience n nicking good ideas from the MB Picard forums.

To do:

  • FAT problem?
  • Characters to check; prince sign o the times, bjork. trentemoller, cruxshadows
  • QT5 BUG - cannot copy and paste from here to picard without characters being altered!! - ISSUE WITH SWAY/WAYLAND - use X11/xwayland - resolved by now I guess? using just X11 atm.
  • separate disc directories? more so for classical etc.

Move additional files:

*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.gif *.tiff *.tif *.bmp *.apng *.mpg *.md *.pdf *.m3u *.m3u8 *.cue *.log *.sfv *.nfo *.txt *.rtf *.md5 *.accurip *.url *.thm *.doc *.docx *.odf *.otf *.auCDtect covers/ artwork/ art/ scan/ scans/ logs/ extras/

Some files in root dir with these extensions still don't copy? I give up on this front. Moving files in subdirectories is a known bug/feature request, IIRC.

Not just: *.jpg .jpeg *.png *.gif *.cue *.m3u

Why not *.* or *? [1]

Just use * then? tbc


$noop(requires: album-artist script)

$noop(# define once what characters should be removed)

$noop(# if the id of release is "Various Artists", or the release is a dj-mix, or there is a djmixer name present, return true)

$noop(# if this is a Various Artists release, prepare to return trackartist later in the file path)
$set(_trackartist,$replace($strip($if(%_variousrelease%,$rreplace(%artist%,%_unwantedchars%,)-,)), ,_))

$noop(# artist path variable, sort out characters)
$set(_releaseartist,$replace($strip($rreplace(%albumartist%,%_unwantedchars%,)), ,_))

$noop(# prefer earliest date in release group over release date, sort out spaces and delimiters)
$noop(# cat name, sort out characters)
$set(_catalognumber,$if(%catalognumber%,$replace($strip($rreplace(%catalognumber%,%_unwantedchars%,)), ,_)-))
$noop(# release name, sort out characters)
$set(_releasealbum,$replace($strip($rreplace(%album%,%_unwantedchars%,)), ,_))
$noop(# release disc number, sort out characters)
$noop(# release track number, sort out characters)

$noop(# release track name path variable, sort out characters.)
$set(_releasetrack,$replace($strip($rreplace(%title%,%_unwantedchars%,)), ,_))

$noop(# build the full path up from the variables set above)


Problem with detecting a ""Various Artists"" disc - some releases do not use "Various Artists" for their %albumartist%, e.g., Fabric and Fabriclive DJ mix CDs.

Also, %albumartist% is equal to %artist% for regular %artist% releases.


  • Detect if %albumartist% equals "Various Artists"
  # Returns true if x equals y.
  • Detect if %releasetype% contains "compilation" or "dj-mix"
  • Detect if %djmixer% contains anything.
  # Returns true, if x contains y.

  # Returns true if multi-value variable x contains exactly y as one of its values. 
  # Returns true if x equals a1 or a2 or ... 

  # Returns true if either x or y not empty. Can be used with an arbitrary number of args.

  # Returns true if x does not equal y.



  # If if is not empty, it returns then, otherwise it returns else.


  # Regular expression replace.

chars to remove: ’`'”-/\|;:*?!&[]{}<>,.$

special consideration:

  • \ needs to be \\\\ to escape for both Picard and Python
  • , needs to be \, because , is used to delineate arguments in $rreplace
  • . needs to be \.
  • $ needs to be \$
  • * needs to be \*
  • ? needs to be \?
  • { needs to be \{
  • [ needs to be \[
  • | needs to be \|
  • ( needs to be \(
  • - needs to be \- because - is used in [5b-d] for 'between'


in progress mess:

Outer folder:

$replace($validate($if(%albumartist%,%albumartist%,%artist%),,’`'”-/\|;:*?!&\[]{}<>,.)," ","_")


$set(_releaseartist,$replace($rreplace($if($or($eq(%musicbrainz_albumartistid%,89ad4ac3-39f7-470e-963a-56509c546377),$inmulti(%releasetype%,compilation),$inmulti(%releasetype%,dj-mix),$ne(%djmixer%,)),%albumartist%,%artist%),[’`'”\-/\\\\\|;:\*\?!&\[\]\{\}<>\,\.\$],) ,_))



Release folder:

$set(_releasealbum,$replace($rreplace(%album%,[’`'”\-/\\\\\|;:\*\?!&\[\]\{\}<>\,\.\$],) ,_))



Track file:

$replace($validate($if(%albumartist%,%albumartist%,%artist%),,’`'”-/\|;:*?!&\[]{}<>,.)," ","_")-%year%-$replace($validate(%album%,,’`'”-/\|;:*?!&\[]{}<>,.)," ","_")-$num(%track%,2)$if(%albumartist%,-$replace($validate(%artist%,,’`'”-/\|;:*?!&\[]{}<>,.)," ","_"),)-$replace($validate(%title%,,’`'”-/\|;:*?!&\[]{}<>,.)," ","_")



$set(_releasetrack,$replace($rreplace(%title%,[’`'”\-/\\\\\|;:\*\?!&\[\]\{\}<>\,\.\$],) ,_))



$set(_releaseartist,$replace($rreplace($if($or($eq(%musicbrainz_albumartistid%,89ad4ac3-39f7-470e-963a-56509c546377),$inmulti(%releasetype%,compilation),$inmulti(%releasetype%,dj-mix),$ne(%djmixer%,)),%albumartist%,%artist%),[’`'”\-/\\\\\|;:\*\?!&\[\]\{\}<>\,\.\$],) ,_))


$set(_releasealbum,$replace($rreplace(%album%,[’`'”\-/\\\\\|;:\*\?!&\[\]\{\}<>\,\.\$],) ,_))


$set(_releasetrack,$replace($rreplace(%title%,[’`'”\-/\\\\\|;:\*\?!&\[\]\{\}<>\,\.\$],) ,_))


then I added more stuff

then I added


made the catalouge number variable only be created if there is a cat number, avoids a "--" when there isn't one

$set(_catalognumber,$if(%catalognumber%,$replace($strip($rreplace(%catalognumber%,%_unwantedchars%,)), ,_)-))


older/alternative method, app looks like a spreadsheet. Uses MusicBrainz also.


Puddletag file spaces to underscores + albumartist ifs:

$replace($validate($if(%albumartist%,%albumartist%,%artist%),,’`'”-/\|;:*?!&\[]{}<>,.)," ","_")/$replace($validate($if(%albumartist%,%albumartist%,%artist%),,’`'”-/\|;:*?!&\[]{}<>,.)," ","_")-%year%-$replace($validate(%album%,,’`'”-/\|;:*?!&\[]{}<>,.)," ","_")/$replace($validate($if(%albumartist%,%albumartist%,%artist%),,’`'”-/\|;:*?!&\[]{}<>,.)," ","_")-%year%-$replace($validate(%album%,,’`'”-/\|;:*?!&\[]{}<>,.)," ","_")-$num(%track%,2)$if(%albumartist%,-$replace($validate(%artist%,,’`'”-/\|;:*?!&\[]{}<>,.)," ","_"),)-$replace($validate(%title%,,’`'”-/\|;:*?!&\[]{}<>,.)," ","_")

Path ends up like


See Workings and Oldercrap for what this means

Remember to:

  • avoid blank years
  • avoid blank album/artist names
  • check if some album artists should be "Various Artists" or a performer/DJ/curator name
  • essentially all these are fixed by *carefully* running directories through MusicBrains prior


not working:


to fix ^
   puddlestuff.findfunc.ParseError: SYNTAX ERROR in $regex: unbalanced parenthesis ???
vim-script shows balanced parens

Further issues(?):

  • double __?
  • remove accidental trailing whitespace?


Be careful when copying and pasting the above - a new line character might be added to the end.

Produces directory path and filenames like this:



Cannot validate away ( or ) with the above method. Two regexs instead of validate and replace would allow changing ( and ). One for removing, one for underscores.

Functions cannot be applied across directory boundaries.

$regex(text, regex, repl, matchcase=0)

  Replaces all occurrences of regex with repl in text.
   text: text to search, eg. %artist%
   regex: regular expression to use as the search eg. jay.*
   repl: Text to replace all matches of regex with. Can be pattern ex $lower($1), but has to be quoted like in “$lower($1)” otherwise any scripting functions used will be run before the regular expression is evaluated.
   matchcase: Defaults to 0. If 1, will have case-sensitive matching.

's/ /_/g'

chars to remove:


regex control chars:
     not used: regex to make string filesystem safe?: ^(/)?([^/\0]+(/)?)+$ 

within removal of spaces
       |                                         |

Older crap

basic formatting tests (see bottom for final);

Puddletag directory spaces to _:
$replace($validate(%artist%,,’`'/\*?;”|:)," ","_")/$replace($validate(%artist%,,’`'/\*?;”|:)," ","_")-%year%-$replace($validate(%album%,,’`'/\*?;”|:)," ","_")

Puddletag file spaces to _:
$replace($validate(%artist%,,’`'/\*?;”|:)," ","_")-%year%-$replace($validate(%album%,,’`'/\*?;”|:)," ","_")-$num(%track%,2)-$replace($validate(%title%,,’`'/\*?;”|:)," ","_")

 Puddletag directory remove spaces:
$validate($if(%albumartist%,%albumartist%,%artist%),,’`'/\*?;”|: )/$validate($if(%albumartist%,%albumartist%,%artist%),,’`'/\*?;”|: )-%year%-$validate(%album%,,’`'/\*?;”|: )/

 Puddletag file remove spaces:
$validate($if(%albumartist%,%albumartist%,%artist%),,’`'/\*?;”|: )-$if($neql(%artist%,%albumartist%),%artist%-,)%year%-$validate(%album%,,’`'/\*?;”|: )-$num(%track%,2)-$validate(%title%,,’`'/\*?;”|: )

$validate($if(%albumartist%,%albumartist%,%artist%),,’`'/\*?;”|: )-$if($neql(%artist%,%albumartist%),%artist%-,)%year%-$validate(%album%,,’`'/\*?;”|: )-$num(%track%,2)-$validate(%title%,,’`'/\*?;”|: )

%artist%/%artist%-%year%-%album%/ %artist%-%year%-%album%-%track%-%title%
%albumartist%/%albumartist%-%year%-%album%/ %albumartist%-%year%-%album%-%track%-%artist%-%title%



Schema: albumartist = various artists compilation album. An if to see if albumartist and artist is different would fail for compilations including a track by the album artist.


 Puddletag file remove spaces + albumartist ifs:
$validate($if(%albumartist%,%albumartist%,%artist%),,’`'/\*?;”|: -&\[],.)/$validate($if(%albumartist%,%albumartist%,%artist%),,’`'/\*?;”|: -&\[],.)-%year%-$validate(%album%,,’`'/\*?;”|: -&\[],.)/$validate($if(%albumartist%,%albumartist%,%artist%),,’`'/\*?;”|: -&\[],.)-%year%-$validate(%album%,,’`'/\*?;”|: -&\[],.)-$num(%track%,2)$if(%albumartist%,-$validate(%artist%,,’`'/\*?;”|: -&\[],.),)-$validate(%title%,,’`'/\*?;”|: -&\[],.)

Produces directory path and filenames like this:


New final:

 Puddletag file spaces to underscores + albumartist ifs:
$replace($validate($if(%albumartist%,%albumartist%,%artist%),,’`'/\*?;”|:-&\[],.)," ","_")/$replace($validate($if(%albumartist%,%albumartist%,%artist%),,’`'/\*?;”|:-&\[],.)," ","_")-%year%-$replace($validate(%album%,,’`'/\*?;”|:-&\[],.)," ","_")/$replace($validate($if(%albumartist%,%albumartist%,%artist%),,’`'/\*?;”|:-&\[],.)," ","_")-%year%-$replace($validate(%album%,,’`'/\*?;”|:-&\[],.)," ","_")-$num(%track%,2)$if(%albumartist%,-$replace($validate(%artist%,,’`'/\*?;”|:-&\[],.)," ","_"),)-$replace($validate(%title%,,’`'/\*?;”|:-&\[],.)," ","_")

How does evaluation work? test:

$replace($validate($if(%albumartist%,%albumartist%,%artist%)/$if(%albumartist%,%albumartist%,%artist%)-%year%-%album%/$if(%albumartist%,%albumartist%,%artist%)-%year%-%album%-%track%$if(%albumartist%,-%artist%,)-%title%,,’`'/\*?;”|:-&\[],.)," ","_")

Ah, evaluation stops at directory slashes.


  • double __?
  • remove accidental trailing whitespace?
  • paren brackets