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Communication mediums

Social media

News aggregation


Data Portability, DiSo, OStatus, etc

july 2010

august 2010


Open Graph



social news idea

While I'm here (sending feedback for the new digg), my wishlist would be for;

  • Reddit style voting meets Slashdot comment categories, with social bookmark tagging for both users and groups/communities. *

Between upvoting and commenting, there are other types of actions that can be performed on items, like flagging as a favourite.

To add a better social bookmarking management system (better than Reddit search!), if a user could either;

- Click to Digg - (Click to thumbs-down/whatever is optional for communities, or like Hacker News) - Click to Favourite to own bookmark list -- And Tag, like, - Also, click to "Notice", as in not like the user "Diggs" or "Likes" the content of the article, and not that they want to bother saving it to Favourites, but a touch in the sence of a the *nix command, or a 'poke' to the issue embodies in the linked to page.

So, on the page, in ASCII;

This is the title of the link! 324 diggs/94 undiggs (small url) 863 noticed [++] [*] [~] [Tag:] [img thumb/whatever]

This is the title of another link! 243 diggs/213 undiggs (small url) 546 noticed [++] [*] [~] [Tag:] [img thumb/whatever]

(the buttons representing 'digg', 'favourite/save', 'notice' and 'tag:'

the tag textarea expands on clickingm like the stackexchange search box, and does auto-complete for a users tags, with suggestions from the global tags, like personal taxonomy can be cached locally for users.)

ALSO - reposts in different communities can tie back to a global site dashboard listing related taxonomies, from groups and users who favourite the link publically


  • Bottom up social tagging link topic clustering
  • Some communities have taxonomies moderated
  • Moderated taxonomies could be linked with Linked Data, DPpedia, etc.
  • So some serious bits of the site, some open and silly bits
  • Bits and bobs displayed in a timeline format (D3.js?), arrows between concepts in a postcyberpunk style semantic news and search display
  • Paid access for high-volume API calls