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half-way through a big refactor. todo; move things from here to other places.

Aegir is a site management distribution.


Aegir is a Drupal Distro that uses the Hostmaster front-end to control the Provision module with its Drush integration. Aegir uses Drupal multi-site features to share one Drupal codebase install as a Platform which multiple Sites can be hosted on.

If you want to create a site for a particular Distro, you install the Distro as a Platform then create a Site on that Platform. Sites and their content can be cloned on or migrated between Platforms. Module dependence is managed via those loaded in the Profile.

Dev/production workflow

The Profiler library is installed with the .make and simplifies the Install Profile system by using a .info file to specify modules to be initialised, including site sections/etc. from the Features module, plus configuration settings via the Strongarm module. Provision initialises a site on that platform and installs the platform+site in Aegir.

Features and theme are stored using Git, --working-copy can be used to build a dev site then content can be migrated from live for testing. Dev platform is perfected, then rebuilt as live without --working-copy.

todo; use hosting_site_git and working-copy patch




Use a build make file to call the main make (possibly on-top of a base profile).

Base .build file that Git pulls the base development distro .make and .profile.

Behind the scenes;

drush make --working-copy "$PROJECT_MAKE" "$PLATFORM_PATH"
drush provision-save @platform_"$PLATFORM_NAME" --root="$PLATFORM_PATH" --context_type=platform
drush @hostmaster hosting-import @platform_"$PLATFORM_NAME"


Things to remember for a site build in hostmaster;

  • Don't forget full domain name!
  • Create dev.* alias for BOA cache-busting

Behind the scenes;

drush provision-save "@$SITE_DOMAIN" --uri="$SITE_DOMAIN" --context_type='site' --platform="@platform_"$PLATFORM_NAME"" --profile="$PROJECT_NAME"
drush "@$SITE_DOMAIN" provision-install
drush @hostmaster hosting-task @platform_"$PLATFORM_NAME" verify --force "$VERBOSE_MODE"
drush user-login



Aegir provides an easy method of making entire copies of a site. This includes the actual site files, modules and so on, as well as a copy of the actual database. This feature is called 'Clone' in Aegir, because it is a method of duplicating a site with a new URL or 'site name'.

The feature is very closely linked to the Migrate feature because it is almost the same, except that rather than move the site, it leaves the existing site in place and just copies it to a new name. For this reason, enabling the Clone feature also enables the Migrate feature.

Migrating and updating

To upgrade core or modules, build a new platform with the upgrades, then migrate sites to the new platform. Clone and migrate to test before.

Be careful about creating additions or changes in sites/*/modules, sites/*/themes, etc. Migrate tasks will fail due to path issues.

"No, really, don't use sites/domain-name/modules for anything and save yourself headaches and frustration."


OK, so what is the correct workflow for sites upgrades in Aegir? It highly depends on how you manage your code, but some general rules are always valid and we will list them below:

  1. Create or choose new platform.
  2. Upload all your contrib modules and themes to the new target platform.
  3. Re-verify the target platform in Aegir.
  4. Clone your live site with some working subdomain in the old platform.
  5. Re-verify old platform and also just cloned site.
  6. Migrate cloned site to the new platform.
  7. Check if the cloned site works without any issues.
  8. If the step 7 above works, you can safely migrate also the live site.


/usr/bin/php /var/aegir/drush/drush.php @hostmaster hosting-dispatch
/usr/bin/php /var/aegir/drush/drush.php -y @hostmaster vset hosting_queue_tasks_frequency 1
/usr/bin/php /var/aegir/drush/drush.php @hostmaster hosting-task 1234 --debug


/usr/bin/php /var/aegir/drush/drush.php @hostmaster hosting-cron --debug

See also fimafeng, my older bash provision script for Aegir/Drush.

Aegir contrib



Migration between Aegirs

Managing workflow

  • Hosting Features - provides a Task to Hostmaster that provides integration with a site's Features. It is currently in development but works for the most important task: Update & Commit Features


Relating to installing Aegir on bare servers.

See: BOA - 'Barracuda, Octopus, Aegir' bash install script.
