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- http://drupal.org/project/sasson - HTML5, responsive (content first), semantic grid (SASS/SCSS), CSS reset (normalize)
Currently uses this phamlp fork which bundles Compass. This might change if Sasson switches to this fork.
drush sns [name]
- generate a subtheme. ff does this auto if theme is sasson.
sasson.info calls
- sasson/styles/boilerplate.css - h5bp.com/css
- sasson/styles/sasson.scss (.info call is to the processed .css, natch)
- @imports "css3", "960/grid", @import "base";
- https://github.com/nextmat/compass-960-plugin/blob/master/stylesheets/960/_grid.sass
- sasson/styles/layout/desktop-first/sasson-base.scss sets .page as 960px. for a 100% wrapper, add a div in subtheme/templates/page.tpl.php
- compass-960-plugin - grid system used
@import "css3"; @import "960/grid"; @import "base"; $ninesixty-columns: 16;
@include grid(8); - declare an 8 column wide element @include grid-prefix(2); - add an empty 2-wide element before @include grid-suffix(2); - add an empty 2-wide element after @include grid-push(4); - push element 4 to the right @include grid-pull(4); - pull element 4 to the right @include alpha; - remove left gutter, for nested grid first element. must got after grid() @include omega; - remove right gutter, for nested grid last element. must got after grid()