Static site

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  • - (sometimes called a flat page/stationary page) is a web page that is delivered to the user exactly as stored, in contrast to dynamic web pages which are generated by a web application. Consequently, a static web page displays the same information for all users, from all contexts, subject to modern capabilities of a web server to negotiate content-type or language of the document where such versions are available and the server is configured to do so.

See also SaaS#Pages

Static systems


  • Jekyll - a simple, blog-aware, static site generator, written in Ruby. It takes a template directory containing raw text files in various formats, runs it through Markdown (or Textile) and Liquid converters, and spits out a complete, ready-to-publish static website suitable for serving with your favorite web serve
gem install jekyll
jekyll new myblog
cd myblog
jekyll serve

  • Poole - butler for Jekyll, the static site generator. It's designed and developed by @mdo to provide a clear and concise foundational setup for any Jekyll site. It does so by furnishing a full vanilla Jekyll install with example templates, pages, posts, and styles.

  • Pagoda - Zen like blog editor for your Jekyll blog

  • Octopress - a framework designed for Jekyll, the static blogging engine powering Github Pages. Have a look through the documentation and if you have trouble, I'll be happy to help. If you find errors in the documentation post an issue or fork and send a pull request to the master branch.



    • - a Node.js application that receives user-generated content and uploads it as data files to a GitHub repository. In practice, this allows you to have dynamic content (e.g. blog post comments) as part of a fully static website, as long as your site automatically deploys on every push to GitHub, as seen on GitHub Pages, Netlify and others. It consists of a small web service that handles the POST requests from your forms, runs various forms of validation and manipulation defined by you and finally pushes them to your repository as data files. You can choose to enable moderation, which means files will be pushed to a separate branch and a pull request will be created for your approval, or disable it completely, meaning that files will be pushed to the main branch automatically.


  • is an documentation generator that uses a simple folder structure and Markdown files to create custom documentation on the fly. It helps you create great looking documentation in a developer friendly way.




  • GatsbyJS - a free and open source framework based on React that helps developers build blazing fast websites and apps






  • Stacey is a lightweight content management system. No database setup or installation files, simply drop the application on a server and it runs. Your content is managed by creating folders and editing text files. No login screens, no admin interface.




  • Lektor - A flexible and powerful static content management system for building complex and beautiful websites out of flat files — for people who do not want to make a compromise between a CMS and a static blog engine. [7]




  • NanoBlogger - small weblog engine for the unix command line





  • DocPad - a dynamic static-site generator. That is a content management system that takes content from several sources, like files on your computer, and renders them into incredibly fast static output. DocPad's dynamic abilities allows you to pull in data from several sources, re-render when changes occur, and even add dynamic things like contact forms or admin interfaces to your website if desired. DocPad is the ideal choice offering an intuitive rapid web development experience for building web application front-ends and for building websites which content changes a max of once per hour.


  • Ultra Simple Site Maker - a static web site compiler. It generates a complete web site from a hierarchy of text files. It is released under the GNU GPL.


  • soupault - a static website generator based on HTML rewriting.Pretty much like client-side DOM manipulation, just without the browser or interactivity. You can tell it to do things like “insert contents of footer.html file into
    <div id="footer">
    no matter where that div is in the page”.Here's the elevator pitch: It can extract metadata from existing pages using CSS selectors and produce a section index from it. Supports tables of contents, footnotes, and breadcrumbs out of the box. Preserves existing website structure if required. Single executable with no dependencies.






  • Blot - A blogging platform with no interface. Blot turns a folder into a blog. The point of all this — the reason Blot exists — is so you can use your favorite tools to create whatever you publish.


  • soupault - a static website generator/framework that works with HTML element trees and can automatically manipulate them. It can be described as a robotic webmaster that can edit HTML pages according to your rules, but doesn’t get tired of editing them. You can use soupault for making blogs and other types of websites, pretty much like any other SSGs (Jekyll, Hugo, Eleventy, etc.). However, you can also use it as a post-processor for existing websites — a use case other tools don’t support. Soupault is highly-configurable, extensible, and designed to give you complete control over your website generation process. [10]



  • MkDocs - a fast, simple and downright gorgeous static site generator that's geared towards building project documentation. Documentation source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML configuration file.

Headless CMS

  • headlessCMS - Top Content Management Systems for JAMstack sites

Decap CMS

  • Decap CMS - formerly Netlify CMS, is an open source content management system for your Git workflow that enables you to provide editors with a friendly UI and intuitive workflows. You can use it with any static site generator to create faster, more flexible web projects. Content is stored in your Git repository alongside your code for easier versioning, multi-channel publishing, and the option to handle content updates directly in Git. At its core, Decap CMS is an open-source React app that acts as a wrapper for the Git workflow, using the GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket API.


  • - a headless CMS specifically designed to let you edit files hosted in a GitHub repository. It is similar to Netlify CMS and Prose. Unlike existing alternatives, coisas doesn't try to be a multipurpose CMS. It still lets you edit, create, upload, and browse files, but doesn't try to look like a fancy CMS (custom schema, objects and all that mess). It also isn't tailored to Jekyll websites, which means that it won't insert Jekyll specific code or expect your repository to have a Jekyll-specific file structure.


  • Sanity - a real-time content infrastructure. The editor, built in JavaScript and React.js, lives in this repo. It connects to a scalable, hosted backend featuring a Graph Oriented Query Language (GROQ), asset pipelines and fast edge caches.



Static hosting

See also Platforms#Static


  • github-backup - Backup GitHub repositories locally. This tool mirrors all public repositories of a GitHub user and all of the organizations that user is publicly a member of. If the repositories already exist on disk, they are updated. This script is meant to be run as a cron job. [13]




Amazon S3

Reclaim Hosting





Free basic with CDN + SSL + CI

  • - Netlify's CLI to manage and deploy sites on Netlify without leaving your terminal. It uses the OpenAPI definitions to interact with Netlify's API.

itty bitty

  • itty bitty sites sites are contained entirely within their own link. (Including this one!) This means they're... 💼 Portable - you don't need a server to host them, 👁 Private - nothing is sent to–or stored on–this server, 🎁 Easy to share as a link or QR code. Itty bitty sites can hold about as much as a printed page, and there is a lot you can do with that: ✒️ Compose poetry. 🛠 Create an app. 🐦 Bypass a 140 280 char limit. 🎨 Express yourself in ascii