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Quantified self

  • - refers both to the cultural phenomenon of self-tracking with technology and to a community of users and makers of self-tracking tools who share an interest in "self-knowledge through numbers". Quantified self practices overlap with the practice of lifelogging and other trends that incorporate technology and data acquisition into daily life, often with the goal of improving physical, mental, and emotional performance. The widespread adoption in recent years of wearable fitness and sleep trackers such as the Fitbit or the Apple Watch, combined with the increased presence of Internet of things in healthcare and in exercise equipment, have made self-tracking accessible to a large segment of the population. Other terms for using self-tracking data to improve daily functioning are auto-analytics, body hacking, self-quantifying, self-surveillance, sousveillance (recording of personal activity), and personal informatics.


  • KYou - displays analytics using different kinds of tracker: trackers that require a daily recording, trackers that aggregate data from your Cozy apps and trackers that aggregate data from other web applications. undeveloped.


    • - a complete application which works like a dashboard for tracking events in your life (using a very simple API). With a simple interface, it helps you track and display your online activity or your real-life activity (with hardware trackers or applications like Runkeeper). Undeveloped.




  • ActivityWatch - an automatic time-tracking software which helps you keep track of what you do. It's an attempt to replace and improve existing services like RescueTime, ManicTime, WakaTime and others. It is different in that it's completely open source, extendable, and you as a user have full and exclusive control of your data.



  • - allows users to automatically track and selectively publish their use of the Web in real-time. Currently, there is no simple way for the end-user to keep track of the vast time spent browsing the Web. Since there is no clear picture of how users access the Web as a whole, the Eyebrowse Project aims to allow public logging of Web usage through client-side services. Eyebrowse gives control to the user, while providing data for public use. The concept of Eyebrowse is to gather browsing history from participating users. Depending on the particular distribution, it may either be used in a context where the data goes into a public repository, or it may be used in a context where the data is shared in a controlled way (such as among a group of users, but not publicly).